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Uri attack: Can India launch a covert operation across the border?

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"We have never taken step to develop the valley????"
Do you have any shame to say that. Compare PHK with IHK in development. You will burry your head in sand.
Azad Kashmir is pure beauty...my family just back from there . We have economical issue and Indian occupied has killing poor Kashmiris issue
I think if there are dead bodies no one gv fcuk to infrastructure
That bloody infrastructure is only benefit Indian army to move around to kill Kashmiris sigh
Down with India
Who told you so.
Former army chief S Roy Choudhary & ex GOC-IN-C of West. Command say this the best option.

Most idiotic statement that I have come across. It is ok to pass the buck but people should remain calm and avoid issuing such idiotic statements.

These people are trying to preempt taking any blame for their deficiencies of protecting their own assets.

It is understandable when such incidents involve soft targets but unpardonable when the protector becomes the target themselves. More so Uri comes on the back of Pathankot base attack. Instead of introspecting, improving and implementing strategies to prevent such incidents all they do is issue such idiot statements to pass the buck and playing to the gallery.

Very unfortunate..
You say that Pakistan does not have nukes then you say even if it has nukes it does not have the courage to use it. It's a good example of self contradiction.
Nothing contradicting. Keeping nukes operational is very costly, Pakistan can't afford it.
Azad Kashmir is pure beauty...my family just back from there . We have economical issue and Indian occupied has killing poor Kashmiris issue
I think if there are dead bodies no one gv fcuk to infrastructure
That bloody infrastructure is only benefit Indian army to move around to kill Kashmiris sigh
Down with India
Nobody killing innocents in the valley. These are brainwashed jihadi those who are creating problem for peaceful civilians. And only India is not victim of these brainwashed pathetic minds. The whole world is suffering from them except Pakistan.
Can it? Yes. Will it? More likely not as it'll invite a response from Pakistan and perhaps China too (though not directly).

India will respond, but it's unlikely to do so with direct military action as that'll only create more problems for it.

At a time when PM of Pakistan is going to highlight Kashmir in UN after two or three days, this attack is not coincidence...This attack greatly benefits India as now India will link Kashmir freedom struggle with terrorism, a thing Pakistan doesn't want or accept...

People are killed mercilessly, children are being blinded for two months and yet these Indians not ready to correct their mistakes...

They can do thousand false flag, Pakistan won't allow Kashmir issue to go under carpet. Playing victim is not gonna work....
Nobody killing innocents in the valley. These are brainwashed jihadi those who are creating problem for peaceful civilians. And only India is not victim of these brainwashed pathetic minds. The whole world is suffering from them except Pakistan.

Only one brainwashed is you. Calling people of Kashmir brainwashed is not going to get any love from them for Bharat mata.

And without them no matter you do in Kashmir, you would fail.
Instead of blaming Pakistan, India should investigate the causes behind such a big intelligence failure.

News coming in during last few weeks told about several missing young men in IOK who had allegedly gone and joined the freedom fighters camps. It seems this was the first retaliation event and if things don't change in IOK, who knows where it'll go from here.

As far as any funny ideas our eastern neighbours might have about crossing over into Pak territory..... I say..... bring it on, we are ready.
Indians are pussies they got no balls to cross border and attack pakistan only they can do suport n slonsor terrorism in pakistan. Modi is pure basterd mother fucker terrorist with ball thakery pimp of modis mom cant do jack ***. Threatning us with cross border atacks. I request pa paf and pn to maitain high vigilance and put paf on red alert and orders to shoot down any thing crossing the border


Nobody killing innocents in the valley. These are brainwashed jihadi those who are creating problem for peaceful civilians. And only India is not victim of these brainwashed pathetic minds. The whole world is suffering from them except Pakistan.
No one suffring in world beside india as they know kashmiri want freedom nothing else. Plus indian forces killd 11 year old boy what was he doing did he killed some indians or was he doing jihad go tell to some one else mate whole world knows india violating human rights
Areesh: 8700443 said:
Only one brainwashed is you. Calling people of Kashmir brainwashed is not going to get any love from them for Bharat mata.

And without them no matter you do in Kashmir, you would fail.
Sorry, I should have included Pakistani awaam too.
If India would fail against these brainwashed, the world would fail. India didn't occupied land of Soudi Arabia where these Islamist demanding freedom. Kashmir is always belongs to India.
Even the whole Pakistani land is belongs to India where Indus valley and takshila is situated. Who are you people?? Do you have any identity?? Just get out from our land , and find some better place in Arab if you really think of you grandson of Arab invaders.
modi does not have the balls to attack Pakistan openly and it will be the biggest mistake, if india tries to attack Pakistan.. i am surprised by indian people who think war is a good thing or it easy like candy ... even if surgical strikes,.. it will have worst consequence.. they need calm down and should ask their army how come 2nd time their base has been attacked.. where is the security even after first attack they didn't improve it...
Don't get nervous dude, nothing ain't gonna happen. It's just for Local Consumption. But there will certainly be some repercussions I guess. :(
Yeah you are right about that . Indian government will try to do something . I was watching the program of Mr Raman on timesnow. The tempers are really high in that lol
And in that program they mentioned Tommorow is the cabinet meeting for security with prime minister Modi. And they will decide what will be Indian next course of action. So I guess we should all wait for tommorow
India will call Pakistani nuke bluff. Pakistan never had any nukes of its own, the acquired nukes from other sources are now most likely defunct. Even if Pakistan had nukes it don't have courage to use them. Launching covert strike against terrorist camps trained by Pakistan Army is the best option. We all support it.
Yar tell me something about yourself, i am seriously intrigued by you people, such a rare and wonderful species u indians are, no seriously what goes on inside those heads, i mean such creativeness and imaginative power in a people, faced with a lot ko problems lets imagine them away, faced with a nuclear armed nieghbour light years ahead in missle tech, no shit!!!, lets fantisize them away, life must be so good inside that bubble neh?, i envy you, doing drugs on a weekend for fun , hell yeah, but retaining that buzz ur entire life, hell i want that, i love u indians, brilliant entertainers✌
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