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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

Some members believe a lot in polls, here are recent polls that show Rouhani in the lead even in run-off scenario for this election.

Out of all the Polls that I wrote about only the one conducted by New American Foundation was taken before the Elections. All the other ones I mentioned were conducted after the elections some as late as September of 2009. If some members don't like the results of the polls then that is their problem!
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وزارت اطلاعات خنثی‌سازی گروه تروریستی در انتخابات ۱۳۹۶
تلاش یک گروه تروریستی برای عملیات تروریستی خنثی شد + جزئیات
Ghalibaf and Raisee trying so hard to copy Ahmadenijad, its pathetic. I'll still vote for Ghalibaf, but his attempt to be like Ahmadenijad is so sad. He's trying to come off as humble and man of the poor? Ahmadenijad had the looks, speaking style, clothing, everything, that made him appeal to that segment of the population.

Look at Raisee copying the Doctor's campaign...

View attachment 396503
Lol... is he even trying not to copy?

The thing with populism is, you have to have charisma, and Raisi lacks that hugely.

@Iranwillrise, this thread is for people to discuss the election, not for you to spout how much you hate the "regime". I frankly could not care less about your drivel as I'm more concerned with who I'm voting for.
It has everything to do with the "election", because no candidate mentioned these SERIOUS problems, and if few of them were mentioned, no one dares to go deep about it because they know where they end... these problems are the main and biggest problem in Iran. Your concern is not my concern. The choice of not voting is one of the rights of every nation.
Or, maybe you're using the election as an opportunity to push your agenda.
Or, maybe you're using the election as an opportunity to push your agenda.
populism is
1- saying that we increase government employment salary between 20-50 % in a month before election :
2- increasing governmental wage to poor in 20 days before election ...
3- buy corns from farmer with unexpectedly higher price in 1 month before election
4- saying government will pay a month of electricity and water bill for Khouzestanis just 2 month before election
5- etc ... ( I have no time for it ) ...

you so called reformists are beacon of hypocrisy ....

مهمترین نکته ی پوپولیسم هم « مظلوم نمایی » است .... این عده 8 سال با موسوی ، 8 سال با رفسنجانی ، 8 سال با خاتمی و 4 سال هم با روحانی سر کار بودند و حالا چنان وانمود می کنند که هیچ کاره ی مملکت بودند و چیزی توی دستشون نبوده و مظلوم نمایی می کنند ....

8 + 8 + 8 + 4 = 28
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Some members believe a lot in polls, here are recent polls that show Rouhani in the lead even in run-off scenario for this election.

This doesn't make sense. From 2:20min on he says in the second round Rouhani would get 53% and Raisi 32%, or Rouhani gets 49% and Ghalibaf gets 38%.
I don't know anymore when exactly it was, I think in the second or third year in school, there I learned that 53 + 32 equals 85, and 49 + 38 equals 87, and I also learned that 85 is not the same as 100, and 87 is also not the same as 100.
So obviously the guy from ISPA who made this poll is not very good in math.

Anyhow here two better polls:

The first one is from the first half of April, before the election campaign and before Ahmadinejad was dismissed:


The second one is from the last few days:


So concerning the people who already know who they vote for, there Rouhani is the clear frontrunner, he doesn't only has more backing than his opponents, he also has the majority.
But 47% of people still don't know who they vote for, so everything is still open.

My personal assumption is that this vote will be decided by the rural people. It seems to me that Rouhanis urban supporters will again vote for him, because even if most of them are not satisfied with the results of the last 4 years, they are still patient and want to give him a second try.
It now all depends on the rural people, will they again vote for him?! If not, then he is done, because the rural people are, or at least have been, his primary backing force, and it doesn't seem to me that he really cares about them.
The choice is easy, we know the policies of the other 2 candidates, which will result in more isolation, sanctions and maybe even war. Or you can VOTE FOR CHANGE. Choose wisely Iran, your future depends on it.

Rouhani: Iran must not be handed to “the deceitful”


The moderate presidential candidate said that people should pick a candidate on May 19 who would represent the whole nation, not a particular group.

Rouhani pointed to the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers under which all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran were lifted.

He said the landmark agreement “bridged the gap between Iran and the world” and “brought down the wall of sanctions”.

The president stressed that he would continue “constructive interaction” with the world if he won the ticket to the presidency for a second four-year term.

Rouhani said he is ready to hold negotiations for the removal of non-nuclear related sanctions should permission be granted by the Leader.
Massive turnout urged

Earlier in the day, Rouhani went on the campaign trail to the western city of Khorramabad where he once again called on all eligible voters to show up at polling stations and vote for “building Iran’s future”.

“People should turn out for Iran. If all go to the polls, then we will be able to continue our path,” Rouhani said.

The president said he wants all factions including Reformists and Conservatives to be active in Iran’s political spectrum.

“We cannot accept the isolation of one party,” he said.

Rouhani vowed to fight poverty and create more jobs if reelected.

He also urged military forces to do their own work.

“We are proud of our military forces, but believe they should only focus on militarism”.
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See this page and videos inside it to khow more how much Rouhani and his team are filthy!!
What a useless page, with absolutely no facts...just like the pictures you posted of Rohani's speech. FAKE. Your credibility is close to Zero. If you want to push your ideas or candidates bring verifiable facts...not bullshit.
Raeesi published his plan for critics:
http://www.rajanews.com/sites/defau...tory/96-02/24/برنامه دولت کار و کرامت (2).pdf

Raeesi's biography, for those who were asking about his background in fighting corruption:
You can find some famous names in it. the famous corrupted reformists!

Rouhani fabricates the support of famous martyr families:
خانواده شهدای شاخص: دروغ می گویند؛ ما از روحانی حمایت نکردیم/ سوء استفاده حامیان روحانی از محبوبیت سرداران شهید دفاع مقدس برای جلوگیری از ریزش رای روحانی

Jalili: we are exporting free gas to turkey since 4 months ago, cause the corrupted authorities in Crescent case returned to work in Rouhani's government!
از بهمن 95 به ترکیه گاز مجانی صادر میکنیم چون به متهم فساد کرسنت پستهای دولتی را دادیم/ تحریم های هسته ای را هم نتوانستید لغو کنید؛ لغو تحریمهای غیر هسته ای پیشکش!/ چه نسبتی با دشمن دارید که از اقتدار دفاعی کشور هراسان میشوید؟

Ayatollah kalantari officially filed a complaint against Rouhani's plagiarism in his thesis.
زاهدی: سرقت علمی رئیس جمهور در کمیسیون آموزش مجلس بررسی می‌شود/اعتراض رسمی آیت‌الله کلانتری به سرقت علمی حسن روحانی

does a thieve and fraud have the qualifications to become our president?!
Yes, According to clerical guardian counsil and khamenei. When you falsify title/diploma/thesis (rouhani), don't pay/refuse to pay taxes and execute people (raeesi), beat up and threaten students (qalibaf) you will become candidate. There are even rumors about this fox rouhani who said we destroy students during 1999 student protests, I don't know if that's true or not.
1.Charities don't pay tax, it's common in the whole wold.
2.Imam Reza charity does pay certain taxes:
پاسخ صریح رئیسی به ادعاهای روحانی درباره مالیات آستان قدس

3.in 1999 Qalibaf wasn't the Police chief, the liars have weak memory!
4.in 1999 the reformist government was provoking students to achieve their own agenda.
5.some anti regime groups were disguising themselves as students and wanted to upscale the tensions. Qalibas has a remark against them, which now reformists and their liar president want to show it as a remark against students.
5.those who damage the public properties deserve to be crushed whether student or any other group.

guardian council can only act when he is officially sentenced guilty, and the the pro-government committee in parliament (responsible for these matters) doesn't want to pursue the case before the elections, not only against Rouhani, but even in his brother's case.
تخلف مدرک برادر رئیس‌جمهور اثبات شده است/ فشار برای عدم طرح موضوع در جلسه علنی مجلس
The choice is easy, we know the policies of the other 2 candidates, which will result in more isolation, sanctions and maybe even war. Or you can VOTE FOR CHANGE. Choose wisely Iran, your future depends on it.
Rouhani pointed to the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers under which all nuclear-related sanctions imposed on Iran were lifted.

He said the landmark agreement “bridged the gap between Iran and the world” and “brought down the wall of sanctions”.

The president stressed that he would continue “constructive interaction” with the world if he won the ticket to the presidency for a second four-year term.

1- scaring people and turning them to cowards is absolute worst tactic in Middle East but power is so delicious and precious...
2- no sanction is lifted .... as a human being you can just go and read JCPOA public document ... it suspended some sanction but USA scare banks to not negotiate with Irans ... just read below topic ...


3- he is lying without any shame , plain and simple ...

you so called liberals are using the safety and sovereignty that we brought for this country with our brethren bloods ..... if you continue this , we will simply ignore everything and will repeat what we did in WW I and WW II , just don't care and then you will see you guys can't even hold up against enemies for 12 hours ( just like WW I and WW II ) .... because you are corrupted coward in your core and you can't deny it ......
My father and both of my brothers served in the army. Besides, as Iranians, we have to right to speak up regardless of our talent for war.....that's what you guys have turned our country into, an angry, paranoid, broken, corrupt and violent country. A place where you try to silence people who have a legitimate right to speak. It's is a shame, that people in some Arab countries have more freedoms than we do. Like I said before regardless what happens during this election....The time for making people scared, making people disappear and making threats is fast coming to an end.....enjoy it because WINTER IS COMING.
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