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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

Ghalibaf left the race for the benefit of Raisee. Idiot. I was going to vote for Ghalibaf but I certainly won't vote for Raisee.

I'll probably note vote, or just go in and write in Ahmadenijad's name.

Does that mean you don't believe in the system anymore? How does it feel to have 12 unelected individuals decide your choices for you? How's that ghormeh sabzi tasting nowadays?

Then don't vote. I vote because I believe in it

I will repeat this year what I said about last year's majles elections. In this kheimeh shab bazi, the people need to exercise whatever ounce of power that is at their disposal. They need to make their will known in whatever shape for form possible. They need to be wise and patient and choose between bad and worse. They need to consistently and willfully indicate the direction in which they would like to take the country, even if that doesn't translate into actions at this point. With the exception of the contested 1388 elections, every time the Iranian people have been presented with a choice between more moderate/rational vs hardliner/ideological options, they've gone for the voice of moderation, inclusion and openness and away from black and white slogans and totalitarianism.

As time goes by and the people of Iran reclaim their sovereignty over their country from those posing as god's representatives, their voting record will be of high importance. In this unavoidable transition, there will be moments when individuals with power will need to make hard decisions resulting in the relinquishment of their power to the people. When those moments come, there will have to be no doubts or questions as to where the people stand and the possible consequences of resisting their will, if we are aiming for an as peaceful and nonviolent transition as possible.

That's why it's important for the people to go to the polls and reject mass murderers like Raisi, who at the ripe age of 28 sent thousands of prisoners to their deaths without even batting an eye! If this creature somehow becomes the president, he will be one hop, skip and a jump away from the supremeship when the current one starts answering for his actions before god. And in that case, you can be expecting a lot of brutality, radicalization, bloodshed and the backlash that this may cause, including a violent revolution and even a civil war a la Syria!

So now is not the time to throw you shoulders up in the air and say I don't care. We get what we deserve...
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It's good that some Rouhani supporters show their true face and bluntly defend the MKO terrorists, a group thousands time more savage and brutal than ISIS.
of course this support from those who founded both of these terrorist groups isn't surprising.

can you imagine "Abubaakr Baghdadi" the leader of ISIS terrorist group to freely walk in the white house and European parliament and give speech to them?! well, this is already happening with "Maryam Rajavi" the leader of MKO terrorist group, west hypocrites call them political opposition!

and these people want to lecture us about the good and bad, human rights and civilization!
we have to believe their lies about 88 executions, that those who were executed weren't terrorists, they were political prisoners! that we were the bad guys, the same way when Iraqi dictator "Saddam Hussein" attacked us we were the bad guys, when he was using western chemical weapons against us, we were the bad guys! we have to trust them!
Just for the record, the MKO should be ashamed of themselves, allying themselves with Israel. This is a terrible strategy. Even if you hate the groups in power inside Iran you should never sell out your people/country to the enemy. If change is going to come it has to come from Iranians, not outside groups.
more lies about Rouhani campaign in Isfahan:
above picture (the reality today), below picture (archive picture from 3 years ago represented as today by IRNA news agency)

Raeesi campaign in Isfahan:
It's good that some Rouhani supporters show their true face and bluntly defend the MKO terrorists, a group thousands time more savage and brutal than ISIS.
of course this support from those who founded both of these terrorist groups isn't surprising.

can you imagine "Abubaakr Baghdadi" the leader of ISIS terrorist group to freely walk in the white house and European parliament and give speech to them?! well, this is already happening with "Maryam Rajavi" the leader of MKO terrorist group, west hypocrites call them political opposition!

and these people want to lecture us about the good and bad, human rights and civilization!
we have to believe their lies about 88 executions, that those who were executed weren't terrorists, they were political prisoners! that we were the bad guys, the same way when Iraqi dictator "Saddam Hussein" attacked us we were the bad guys, when he was using western chemical weapons against us, we were the bad guys! we have to trust them!

The usual nonsense from a brainwashed islamist... Kill, rape, torture, beat, shoot, stab, stone... and whenever anybody says anything just sling shit at them and call them names. This is the great islamist code of ethics and conscience. No different than communists, Nazists, arabists, fascists, and ironically rajavists and followers of other totalitarian ideologies I've had the misfortune of encountering over the years. I doubt this is gonna make a difference to your godly mentality. But I have despised the MKO for longer than you've probably been alive. However, I care for what's good for Iran more than I hate them. I care about the freedom of Iran more than I hate them. I care about the wellbeing of Iranians more than I hate them. I care about the rule of law in Iran more than I hate them. I care about the brutalization of Iranians at the hands of Islamist brown shirts more than I hate those feckless bunch.

Nobody ever says why the traitors invading Iran during the mersad operation were sent to hell on the battlefield. Because everybody understands that that's different than summarily executing thousands of people who had already passed through your court system and received official judgment, many of whom had actually finished their sentences. That's called mass murder.

Even Ayatollah Montazeri called Raisi and his cohorts criminals, even though the MKO was responsible for the murder of his own son. But I guess he too must have been one of their secret supporters, according to our islamist friends!

If anybody here is anything close to Al Baghdadi due to the sheer volume of blood on his hands, it's Raisi. This will never leave him. The secrets will become known more and more as time goes by. And history will judge him a criminal and a mass murderer, as Montazeri advised him. The day he becomes president will be a dark day for Iran. He will drag Iran through blood to protect himself. He will be a grave danger to the security and integrity of Iran as country, should he become president and move on to the position of supremeship.
The usual nonsense from a brainwashed islamist... Kill, rape, torture, beat, shoot, stab, stone... and whenever anybody says anything just sling shit at them and call them names. This is the great islamist code of ethics and conscience. No different than communists, Nazists, arabists, fascists, and ironically rajavists and followers of other totalitarian ideologies I've had the misfortune of encountering over the years. I doubt this is gonna make a difference to your godly mentality. But I have despised the MKO for longer than you've probably been alive. However, I care for what's good for Iran more than I hate them. I care about the freedom of Iran more than I hate them. I care about the wellbeing of Iranians more than I hate them. I care about the rule of law in Iran more than I hate them. I care about the brutalization of Iranians at the hands of Islamist brown shirts more than I hate those feckless bunch.

Nobody ever says why the traitors invading Iran during the mersad operation were sent to hell on the battlefield. Because everybody understands that that's different than summarily executing thousands of people who had already passed through your court system and received official judgment, many of whom had actually finished their sentences. That's called mass murder.

Even Ayatollah Montazeri called Raisi and his cohorts criminals, even though the MKO was responsible for the murder of his own son. But I guess he too must have been one of their secret supporters, according to our islamist friends!

If anybody here is anything close to Al Baghdadi due to the sheer volume of blood on his hands, it's Raisi. This will never leave him. The secrets will become known more and more as time goes by. And history will judge him a criminal and a mass murderer, as Montazeri advised him. The day he becomes president will be a dark day for Iran. He will drag Iran through blood to protect himself. He will be a grave danger to the security and integrity of Iran as country, should he become president and move on to the position of supremeship.

well , you are basically claiming that you are angles and others are devil .... just don't try to scare people , your beloved Rouhani has more security background than Raeisi ....
well , you are basically claiming that you are angles and others are devil .... just don't try to scare people , your beloved Rouhani has more security background than Raeisi ....

I don't claim any such thing! If you want to know, I am for the strict separation of religion from government, because religion as a tool of government will always lead to financial and moral corruption and will destroy the moral fabric of society in the long run, as we've noticed since the revolution.

Rohani is also of this system. So I have no illusions about any fundamental issues of the country being solved under his administration, since they're caused by the supreme, the guardian council, IRGC, basij, friday prayer emams, the foundations, etc... and the lawlessness and corruption they breed.

But at least he may be able to prevent more hardliners than himself from endangering the country by their policies and maybe create a little more space for freedom of thoughts and expression, while not allowing a remorseless mass murderer to use the office of presidency as a stepping stone on his way to the supremeship.

Like I said, it's a choice between bad and worse...
well , you are basically claiming that you are angles and others are devil .... just don't try to scare people , your beloved Rouhani has more security background than Raeisi ....
not, just security background, but also the one who not only wasn't against the executions, but even wanted to bring the executions to public to make them more effective.

for now these people have to resort to anything, even pure lies to keep Rouhani in power.
not, just security background, but also the one who not only wasn't against the executions, but even wanted to bring the executions to public to make them more effective.

for now these people have to resort to anything, even pure lies to keep Rouhani in power.

I guess it's a miracle of the divine islamist rule in Iran that we have to judge our presidential candidates by who has less murders on their hands. But if that's your criterion, I don't understand how you can live with yourself, standing behind a mass murderer with the conscience of reptile like Raisi!!!
I guess it's a miracle of the divine islamist rule in Iran that we have to judge our presidential candidates by who has less murders on their hands. But if that's your criterion, I don't understand how you can live with yourself, standing behind a mass murderer with the conscience of reptile like Raisi!!!
murderes !?
if some group do 1/10 of MKO crime in a western country , I'm sure western goverment would kill all of its members ....

those terrorist should be killed ...
The usual nonsense from a brainwashed islamist... Kill, rape, torture, beat, shoot, stab, stone... and whenever anybody says anything just sling shit at them and call them names. This is the great islamist code of ethics and conscience. No different than communists, Nazists, arabists, fascists, and ironically rajavists and followers of other totalitarian ideologies I've had the misfortune of encountering over the years. I doubt this is gonna make a difference to your godly mentality. But I have despised the MKO for longer than you've probably been alive. However, I care for what's good for Iran more than I hate them. I care about the freedom of Iran more than I hate them. I care about the wellbeing of Iranians more than I hate them. I care about the rule of law in Iran more than I hate them. I care about the brutalization of Iranians at the hands of Islamist brown shirts more than I hate those feckless bunch.

Nobody ever says why the traitors invading Iran during the mersad operation were sent to hell on the battlefield. Because everybody understands that that's different than summarily executing thousands of people who had already passed through your court system and received official judgment, many of whom had actually finished their sentences. That's called mass murder.

Even Ayatollah Montazeri called Raisi and his cohorts criminals, even though the MKO was responsible for the murder of his own son. But I guess he too must have been one of their secret supporters, according to our islamist friends!

If anybody here is anything close to Al Baghdadi due to the sheer volume of blood on his hands, it's Raisi. This will never leave him. The secrets will become known more and more as time goes by. And history will judge him a criminal and a mass murderer, as Montazeri advised him. The day he becomes president will be a dark day for Iran. He will drag Iran through blood to protect himself. He will be a grave danger to the security and integrity of Iran as country, should he become president and move on to the position of supremeship.
Closest to Baghdadi are the ones whom you serve to, the ones who have founded every terrorist group in the world. the ones who were giving chemical weapons to Saddam but were condemning Iran in it's defense against him. if you want to know the true meaning of brainwash, have a look in the mirror.

Montazeri was a fool who would believe any propaganda he was told.
he appointed a committee to free any MKO cooperative who would express his regret, a superficial statement on paper was enough to release them. those who were not released were those who didn't do it, those who were truly in love with MKO terrorist group.

a terrorist cooperative who supports killing children deserves to be executed with no mercy. we don't need these thugs, keep them to yourself at white house and European parliament, that's were you hold your beloved terrorists, and those who are just suspicious are kept in Guantanamo prison!
yes, we already know the meaning of your freedom.

murderes !?
if some group do 1/10 of MKO crime in a western country , I'm sure western goverment would kill all of its members ....

those terrorist should be killed ...
They don't even arrest them, they use their drones to destroy the whole building (along with all civilians inside) just to kill a suspected terrorist. and terrorist here means those who disobeyed their founders!
Raeesi is returning back to revolution!

Why would I want to go back? I want to go forward! Ahmadi wanted to go forward. Everyone else, including Raeesi and Rouhani, keep wanting to go back.
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