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Update: Iran Presidential Election 2017 - Rouhani is re-elected for second term

murderes !?
if some group do 1/10 of MKO crime in a western country , I'm sure western goverment would kill all of its members ....

those terrorist should be killed ...

If anybody commits a crime in the west, even if it's dozens of heinous murders, they collect evidence against him, give him a lawyer who will fight for him tooth and nail, make all collected evidence known to him, put him in front of 12 of his unbiased peers, and give him an open and public trial. And if he's found guilty and sentenced to death, he will have the option of fighting his sentence all the way to the highest court of the country.

In the islamist republic of Iran, which poses as the manifestation of god's will on earth, a 28 year old clergy without a high school diploma, called Ebrahim Raisi, gets to send thousands of people to their summary deaths based on a few questions, the purpose of which the prisoners weren't even privy to.

So please don't compare the western courts with the bestiality and obscenity of the revolutionary islamist justice in Iran.
Does that mean you don't believe in the system anymore? How does it feel to have 12 unelected individuals decide your choices for you? How's that ghormeh sabzi tasting nowadays?

I believe in the system, but I also believe that there is no system yet invented where 80 million people can realistically vote for 80 million viewpoints. In USA, when people had to vote between Trump vs Clinton, I don't think it was a choice that realistically represented the viewpoint of 321 million people.

In Iran, election season is a hot season. Everyone talks politics and people are passionate. Voting turnout is relatively high. You should go to small cities, and see how aggressive campaigning is for city council elections, which they probably care more about than Presidential.

So, people believe in it, and I believe in my people. Even if I don't care about these candidates, a lot of them do.

Just for the record, the MKO should be ashamed of themselves, allying themselves with Israel. This is a terrible strategy. Even if you hate the groups in power inside Iran you should never sell out your people/country to the enemy. If change is going to come it has to come from Iranians, not outside groups.

MKO aligned themselves with Saddam Hussein when they were at war with our people. That was the bottom, they couldn't do worse than that. Allying with Israel is an improvement.

If anybody commits a crime in the west, even if it's dozens of heinous murders, they collect evidence against him, give him a lawyer who will fight for him tooth and nail, make all collected evidence known to him, put him in front of 12 of his unbiased peers, and give him an open and public trial. And if he's found guilty and sentenced to death, he will have the option of fighting his sentence all the way to the highest court of the country.

In the islamist republic of Iran, which poses as the manifestation of god's will on earth, a 28 year old clergy without a high school diploma, called Ebrahim Raisi, gets to send thousands of people to their summary deaths based on a few questions, the purpose of which the prisoners weren't even privy to.

So please don't compare the western courts with the bestiality and obscenity of the revolutionary islamist justice in Iran.

It was a revolution. Revolutionary times are different than peace times. That's realistically true in any country. In WW2, Americans sent their Japanese citizens to concentration camps. But that doesn't happen when now. But if there was a WW3, then we would again expect some difference in the way they apply their law.

The west history is full of blood, whether within themselves or with locals of the countries they colonized. Mass executions were not abnormal. But as they have been in a period of relative peace during our lifetime, we give them the benefit of the doubt. But if we take history as a whole, this period of peace time is a small sample.

For Iran, the revolution was a huge event. It was the last major revolutionary event in the last century, and we have no history change even this century either as impactful on a global scale as that. For us, it was a change from 3000+ years of monarchy. There was internal power struggle between groups that had been fighting for their ideologies for decades, from Islamists to cultists to communists, etc. Outside powers were working behind the scene to move the revolution to a path they desired, Americans & Soviets had great interest in the revolution's direction for their own cold war path. Iran could have exploded and split between ethnic and religious lines. Soviet could have easily swallowed the northern territories, giving excuse of helping the minorities. We could have fallen into a Syrian situation, or had the revolution cut down, like what happened in Egypt or with us during the 50s or the beginning of last century when the first Pahlavi stopped the advancement of the constitutional monarchy that was behind built.
Why would I want to go back? I want to go forward! Ahmadi wanted to go forward. Everyone else, including Raeesi and Rouhani, keep wanting to go back.
do you know the meaning of revolution?!
do you know the meaning of revolution?!

I don't believe a revolution should be a continuous thing. Look at the description, "is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time when the population rises up in revolt against the current authorities."

Relatively short period of time. Our revolution was in 79. That's almost 40 years ago. It's period before most of us were born. Revolution is over.

One of the problems we have is that we are too focused on it. We went through our revolution and our war, and now we need to push forward. Even the idea of "revolutionary" makes no sense anymore. We have the system in place, we just need to build on it. If its revolutionary, it means we have to constantly throw out the system.
Which candidate is favourite?
Either Rouhani or Raeesi . Others , ( Hashemi , Mir salim And Jahangiri ) have little chance .


P.S : Gol means flower in Persian and also means "Weed" informally . Now the poster says " Snoop Dogg , for a flowerful Iran .:smokin::partay:

I believe in the system, but I also believe that there is no system yet invented where 80 million people can realistically vote for 80 million viewpoints. In USA, when people had to vote between Trump vs Clinton, I don't think it was a choice that realistically represented the viewpoint of 321 million people.

In Iran, election season is a hot season. Everyone talks politics and people are passionate. Voting turnout is relatively high. You should go to small cities, and see how aggressive campaigning is for city council elections, which they probably care more about than Presidential.

So, people believe in it, and I believe in my people. Even if I don't care about these candidates, a lot of them do.

Oh sorry for the confusion! It's just that last year you were advising those who don't agree with the process not to vote. And this year you're not gonna vote for the same reason... well I guess it's all good if it doesn't have make any sense.

And I hear you on the 80 millions voting for 80 millions issue... It's a serious problem... I wonder what others do about it...

It was a revolution. Revolutionary times are different than peace times. That's realistically true in any country. In WW2, Americans sent their Japanese citizens to concentration camps. But that doesn't happen when now. But if there was a WW3, then we would again expect some difference in the way they apply their law.

The west history is full of blood, whether within themselves or with locals of the countries they colonized. Mass executions were not abnormal. But as they have been in a period of relative peace during our lifetime, we give them the benefit of the doubt. But if we take history as a whole, this period of peace time is a small sample.

For Iran, the revolution was a huge event. It was the last major revolutionary event in the last century, and we have no history change even this century either as impactful on a global scale as that. For us, it was a change from 3000+ years of monarchy. There was internal power struggle between groups that had been fighting for their ideologies for decades, from Islamists to cultists to communists, etc. Outside powers were working behind the scene to move the revolution to a path they desired, Americans & Soviets had great interest in the revolution's direction for their own cold war path. Iran could have exploded and split between ethnic and religious lines. Soviet could have easily swallowed the northern territories, giving excuse of helping the minorities. We could have fallen into a Syrian situation, or had the revolution cut down, like what happened in Egypt or with us during the 50s or the beginning of last century when the first Pahlavi stopped the advancement of the constitutional monarchy that was behind built.

Yeah I hear you... revolutions are great times for killings.. and pic nics. Even if it's 10 years on... I mean who's counting... what's a few years more or less... when you have no morality... because we all know Americans interned some of their Japanese population and all... Of course, they didn't kill any of them, and this was done legally and openly through an act of congress. But those are minor details. The important thing is that it goes in the direction of supporting your point about the murders... somehow. But what really throws me off is that Americans point to that period and consider it as a shameful and dark page in their history and compensated the interned later on.

But our saintly islamist brothers knowingly and proudly support a person who is responsible for the murder of thousands of people and would happily appoint to the highest offices of the country. That's what really confuses me in your analogy.

And thank you for you for making sense of all that revolutionary mess for me. It would have been very helpful, had I been a simpleton. Unfortunately I witnessed it all first hand. So those generalizations leave me with a smirk.
Our security forces must/will not defend you. Ten hundreds of you will take beautiful selfies before you get behead by daesh and MKO rats. Sad truth

Well if recent history is of any indication you and your basiji friends are more at risk of losing your heads to Daesh than people like me who don't get any pleasure out of killing others. I'm sad because you have the name Iran attached to yourself. But on the other hand it's poetic justice that islamists should punish other islamists for their bestiality. So in conclusion, I'm not sure if it's sad or poetic. But I'm leaning more toward sad...
Either Rouhani or Raeesi . Others , ( Hashemi , Mir salim And Jahangiri ) have little chance .


P.S : Gol means flower in Persian and also means "Weed" informally . Now the poster says " Snoop Dogg , for a flowerful Iran .:smokin::partay:

Either Rouhani or Raeesi . Others , ( Hashemi , Mir salim And Jahangiri ) have little chance .


P.S : Gol means flower in Persian and also means "Weed" informally . Now the poster says " Snoop Dogg , for a flowerful Iran .:smokin::partay:

Ahahhahaha...that must be a photoshop pic. Lol Snoop dog won't be a bad leader for Iran though, he will get a better deal for Iran by getting Trump and other western leaders hook on his specially brewed Iranian flower,deal sealed . :partay:

On a serious note, this raeesi you mentioned in what ways are his policies different from Rouhani? Judging from Comments on here, Iranians seems to be torn between this two candidates. I have also noticed from comments on here that he seems to be more Conservative than Rouhani?
I don't believe a revolution should be a continuous thing. Look at the description, "is a fundamental change in political power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time when the population rises up in revolt against the current authorities."

Relatively short period of time. Our revolution was in 79. That's almost 40 years ago. It's period before most of us were born. Revolution is over.

One of the problems we have is that we are too focused on it. We went through our revolution and our war, and now we need to push forward. Even the idea of "revolutionary" makes no sense anymore. We have the system in place, we just need to build on it. If its revolutionary, it means we have to constantly throw out the system.
I said returning back to revolution, didn't say a new revolution. Khomeini was exiled in 1964, our revolution wasn't short at all.

you should know the scale of our revolution, it wasn't in one village, one city or even one country, it wasn't against just one dictator, it was the idea of standing against any bully, to stand beside the weak anywhere in this world, this idea is revolutionary (no matter how you name it). as long as you have this goal, you are revolutionary. our revolution started in Tehran, but it will end in Washington. not necessarily because we want it, but because our agenda will collide.

Though they want to export their ideas to us too, they want to export their Idea of "care about your national interest (be afraid of us) and shut the f@ck up" to us too. (just how many times you have seen similar sentence in this forum).
It's a fight in highest level, between good and bad, you can not avoid or skip it, you just keep fighting or surrender (and accept it's consequences before and after your death!)

that's why they say "Iran wants to export it's revolution". if we wanted to close our eyes to what world bullies are doing, we would become one of them (whether like it or want it or not), that's why except Iran, no other country (whether Muslim, Theocratic or secular) dares to help Palestinian.

If you don't like the term revolutionary then don't use it, but know the scale of your ideology and ideas!

These were from politics aspect, from economic aspect our revolution hasn't finished even inside Iran.
I said returning back to revolution, didn't say a new revolution. Khomeini was exiled in 1964, our revolution wasn't short at all.

you should know the scale of our revolution, it wasn't in one village, one city or even one country, it wasn't against just one dictator, it was the idea of standing against any bully, to stand beside the weak anywhere in this world, this idea is revolutionary (no matter how you name it). as long as you have this goal, you are revolutionary. our revolution started in Tehran, but it will end in Washington. not necessarily because we want it, but because our agenda will collide.

Though they want to export their ideas to us too, they want to export their Idea of "care about your national interest (be afraid of us) and shut the f@ck up" to us too. (just how many times you have seen similar sentence in this forum).
It's a fight in highest level, between good and bad, you can not avoid or skip it, you just keep fighting or surrender (and accept it's consequences before and after your death!)

that's why they say "Iran wants to export it's revolution". if we wanted to close our eyes to what world bullies are doing, we would become one of them (whether like it or want it or not), that's why except Iran, no other country (whether Muslim, Theocratic or secular) dares to help Palestinian.

If you don't like the term revolutionary then don't use it, but know the scale of your ideology and ideas!

These were from politics aspect, from economic aspect our revolution hasn't finished even inside Iran.

You decided to defend against bullies by becoming bullies yourselves? By elevating your unelected leader to a god like and unquestionable figure? By closing down newspapers? By beating people down? By pushing your views down their throats? By intimidating them? By threatening them? By forcing hejab on women who don't believe in it or want it? By restricting who people can vote for? By barring women from sporting arenas?

Are these what the people fought the revolution for? Restricting other people's freedoms? Is this fighting on the side of the weak and the oppressed?

And if you don't intend to respect the national interest of the country, you have no business running it. If you have no care for the country, your rule is illegitimate and immoral. You shouldn't even be allowed to have a cat if you have no intention of looking after it, let alone a country.

If you want to dedicate your life to a cause, all the more power to you. You have my respect. But you can't impose your will on a whole nation and make it a sacrificial lamb to your half baked cause, with no regard for its wellbeing and greater good. You have no right to do that. It's not yours to give.
Ahahhahaha...that must be a photoshop pic. Lol Snoop dog won't be a bad leader for Iran though, he will get a better deal for Iran by getting Trump and other western leaders hook on his specially brewed Iranian flower,deal sealed . :partay:

On a serious note, this raeesi you mentioned in what ways are his policies different from Rouhani? Judging from Comments on here, Iranians seems to be torn between this two candidates. I have also noticed from comments on here that he seems to be more Conservative than Rouhani?

Yes , Raeesi is a conservative candidate while Rouhani calls himself a moderator . For example the previous president , Ahmadinejad was a conservative . Though all of candidates focus on economic issues this time and I think none of them are going to tear up the nuclear deal . At least , that's what all of them said in one of the debates .
Hell many of my comments got deleted.

The ones who defend MKO rats and criticize Islamic republic should KNOW :

1- Mko terrorists have assassinated 17k Iranians. Beheading with stick and mosaic are small crimes that they have committed compared to many crimes of them that can't to be told...

2- Mko rats joined Saddam, US and Saudi against Iran.

3- Mko rats attacked Iran after peace between Iran & Iraq in 1988.

4- Mko rats assassinated president Rajai and 71 members of Iran's government.

5- Mko rats have wanted US and I$real to attack Iran for many times and these sub-rats have always tried their best to righten sanctions against Iran.

6- Mko rats made fanfare against Iranian nuclear program in 2002.

7- Mko rats and Saudi are bloody close friends.

8- American I$raeli paid Mko rats assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists.

9- American I$raeli Mko rats assassinated Iranian generals.

10- Mko rats with help & with money of I$raelis, Saudis and Americans are planning to make unrest in Iran. Probably by a false flagging assassination..

11- The security that today we enjoy in Iran is absolutely " Haram " to the ones that support Mkos. I hope these people lose security in Iran and join their beloved Daeshi, mko brothers...


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Hell many of my comments got deleted.

The ones who defend MKO rats and criticize Islamic republic should KNOW:

1- Mko terrorists have assassinated 17k Iranians. Beheading with stick and mosaic are small crimes that they have committed compared to many crimes of them that can't to be said.

2- Mko rats joined Saddam and US against Iran.

3- Mko rats attacked Iran after peace between Iran & Iraq in 1988.

4- Mko rats assassinated president Rajai and 71 members of Iran government.

5- Mko rats have US and I$real to attack Iran for many times and these sub-rats have always tried their best to righten sanctions against Iran.

6- Mko rats made fanfare against Iranian nuclear program in 2002.

7- Mko rats and Saudi are bloody close friends.

8- American I$raeli paid Mko rats assassinated Iranian nuclear scientists.

9- American I$raeli Mko rats assassinated Iranian generals.

10- Mko rats with help & with money of I$raelis, Saudis and Americans are planning to make unrest in Iran. Probably by a false flagging assassination..

11- The security that today we enjoy in Iran is absolutely " Haram " to the ones that support Mkos. I hope these people lose security in Iran and join their beloved Daeshi, mko brothers...

You don't get to take people's lives based on a label. Everyone's crimes should be judged individually and based on the evidence available and in an open and predetermined process.

All of these people had previously been judged, received sentences and many of them had completed it. When you kill thousands of people outside of the judicial process after having a short chat with them, you are a mass murderer. You're a criminal against humanity. And someday you will need to be brought to justice.
You decided to defend against bullies by becoming bullies yourselves? By elevating your unelected leader to a god like and unquestionable figure? By closing down newspapers? By beating people down? By pushing your views down their throats? By intimidating them? By threatening them? By forcing hejab on women who don't believe in it or want it? By restricting who people can vote for? By barring women from sporting arenas?

Are these what the people fought the revolution for? Restricting other people's freedoms? Is this fighting on the side of the weak and the oppressed?

And if you don't intend to respect the national interest of the country, you have no business running it. If you have no care for the country, your rule is illegitimate and immoral. You shouldn't even be allowed to have a cat if you have no intention of looking after it, let alone a country.

If you want to dedicate your life to a cause, all the more power to you. You have my respect. But you can't impose your will on a whole nation and make it a sacrificial lamb to your half baked cause, with no regard for its wellbeing and greater good. You have no right to do that. It's not yours to give.
hold your propaganda for the next conference between MKO terrorist leaders and west leaders by emphasizing on human rights!

by repeating your lies, you are insulting the Iranian people, as if they don't know what's going on in their own country but you (U.S/Zionists/Wahhabis/MKO/etc) do.

today reformists don't even dare to come up with an independent candidate, cause simply they know they have no social support among Iranian. they don't dare to challenge the Hijab cause they know it's like a political suicide in the theocratic society of Iran. after all not every nation thinks being more like animals is modernism!

I can answer all of your B.S, but it will further derail the topic.
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