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Upcoming British Monarch visit to Pakistan

Turkey has gone in deal with UK to make next generation fighter jet. If Turkey trusts UK with defense deals , I think down the line hopefully Pakistan can also collaborate on Civil and Defense deals.

And who do you suppose was behind the destruction and dismemberment of the Ottoman Caliphate? It was none other than your benevolent little fairy godmother, Britain! Turkey was foolish and naive to trust Britain then and Turkey is a bigger fool yet, trust Britain again. I guess the phrase "Once bitten, twice shy," doesn't really apply to Turkey if it is stupid enough to go into a fighter aircraft deal with the sleaziest, cheap theatrical performer, the low-life off the coast of Europe, that is the insignificant little island of Britain.

This country is the single most depraved, immoral, lewd and shameless country to have ever existed in the history of mankind. A $2 Prostitue has more dignity and integrity than the puny island country of Britain. This is the same idiot country that Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild took ownership of, overnight in 1815. Britain has not been a sovereign country since then. It's financial spine, it's governmental foundations and it's empty-shell monarchy are all under the ownership of the Rothschild family.

Pakistan and Pakistanis are gullible and intellectually inept, if they think that going at Britain for military hardware is in any way a sound strategic decision. Because if it is so, then I am correct when I say how easily the misguided fools have forgotten history. And if there is one thing history teaches us, is that what hasn't changed in centuries (British treachery), wouldn't change now. So if Pakistanis really do want a pivotal defense article procurement to be conducted with a sleaze-bag country like Britain. Then I would just suggest that such people ought to go back to school and brush up historical facts and figures of Britain.

Be it Palestine, Jazeerat-ul-Arab, Egypt, Crimea or 1947 creation of Pakistan. British treachery and deceit is spilled across the annals history. And I would humbly suggest my fellow countrymen to get their heads outta their (proverbial) @$$e$ and start thinking straight, please!
And who do you suppose was behind the destruction and dismemberment of the Ottoman Caliphate? It was none other than your benevolent little fairy godmother, Britain! Turkey was foolish and naive to trust Britain then and Turkey is a bigger fool yet, trust Britain again. I guess the phrase "Once bitten, twice shy," doesn't really apply to Turkey if it is stupid enough to go into a fighter aircraft deal with the sleaziest, cheap theatrical performer, the low-life off the coast of Europe, that is the insignificant little island of Britain.

This country is the single most depraved, immoral, lewd and shameless country to have ever existed in the history of mankind. A $2 Prostitue has more dignity and integrity than the puny island country of Britain. This is the same idiot country that Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild took ownership of, overnight in 1815. Britain has not been a sovereign country since then. It's financial spine, it's governmental foundations and it's empty-shell monarchy are all under the ownership of the Rothschild family.

Pakistan and Pakistanis are gullible and intellectually inept, if they think that going at Britain for military hardware is in any way a sound strategic decision. Because if it is so, then I am correct when I say how easily the misguided fools have forgotten history. And if there is one thing history teaches us, is that what hasn't changed in centuries (British treachery), wouldn't change now. So if Pakistanis really do want a pivotal defense article procurement to be conducted with a sleaze-bag country like Britain. Then I would just suggest that such people ought to go back to school and brush up historical facts and figures of Britain.

Be it Palestine, Jazeerat-ul-Arab, Egypt, Crimea or 1947 creation of Pakistan. British treachery and deceit is spilled across the annals history. And I would humbly suggest my fellow countrymen to get their heads outta their (proverbial) @$$e$ and start thinking straight, please!

Anyone suggesting that Pakistan should consider "big ticket" procurement from Zionist-Britain has clearly lost their marbles altogether!

You hit the nail on the head, there, when mentioning the Rothschild family, who own and control Britain, France and America. It was the Rothschild family that were the financial backers of the Zionist Organization, created back in 1897. Interestingly enough, 82 years after the Rothschild family took full control of Britain's central bank which is the Bank of England and the London Stock Exchange.

Time and again history has proven to humanity, that nations that do not heed lessons from it (history), succumb to the devil's play. Be it the Arabs, the Germans, the Russians, the Turks, the Egyptians, the Japanese or the Americans. All were doomed to be infected and taken over by the "Parasitic-Cancer" which is Zionism. And there many (wise-@$$e$) who thought that they can conduct business deals with the devil countries. Thinking they could outsmart or compartmentalize their association with such states. Only to miserably fall prey to such states.

Again, you are so correct, Pakistanis (those who entertain the thought of buying military hardware from Britain) really ought to get their heads out of their collective @$$e$ and wake the heck up!!!
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