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Unreal: Karachi records 11,000+ robberies in 50 days.

I recently saw a tourist video in which a Pashtoon openly claimed to be a Taliban member.

If such terrorists are allowed to operate so openly , imagine the lesser categories of criminals and terrorists.

I want Sindhi rights protected, criminal parties and their gangs prosecuted and these illegals to be pushed out of the province.

We can't keep having every city converted into Kabul.

They absolutely destroyed Quetta and now grinding down Karachi.

Also can there be a points based system for immigration? Low IQ people, I am talking typical Afghan IQ of 65 will output a criminal or a dependent and low level work at best. Pakistan is literally drowning in stupidity.
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I have said this before and I am saying this again.

Urdu speakers aka muhajirs need to bring MQM back or some party of that caliber and arm the community. This time I hope they are clever enough to play one group against other and eliminate their enemies covertly.

Sindhis from interior sindh should be racially profiled. Afghans and PAshtoons coming from FATA/Afghanistan and even KPK should be racially profiled.

A database of sindh police personnel should be created to list them all. Majority of the criminals are sindh police personnel in plain clothes.

Muhajir people need to understand that they are living among the most backward and primitive type of people . People for whom ethnic/language/tribal loyalty comes first. People who only resort to violence instead of dialogue.

Nafees log from Karachi must be taught the history of industanis and their savagery. If they want to live peacefully , they need to pick up arms and defend themselves from savage industanis. That is the only solution.

Learn the lessons from MQM's past and create MQM 2.0 that will be more power , more shrewd , more organized , more violent and far more strategic in thinking that its predecessor.
I would rather, they use their education and brains to create business and thrive and become financially powerful. And use those business as counter to Sindh racial profiling by giving jobs to mostly Urdu speaking Pakistanis. Few years later stop paying any tax to Sindh govt and ban Sindh govt entry into the communities.

Then the people of Sindh need to rise up and challenge PPP & Co., its' there's to change no one else will come in and fix it. Either hang them or live with it, if they can all come together and join the khota bryani train going to Islamabad they can at least do this in close proximity at home.

PS. I'm not against Karachi people my younger brother after me is married to a Karachi Syed family.
O bhai, when people of karachi rise, the entire pakistan especially Punjabis declare them traitors. Like I said, for non karachi people it's not possible to imagine the treatment of karachi muhajir people. There is open discrimination in newspaper ads from Sindh and federal govt, giving jobs in karachi to people from interior Sindh, punjab or kpk. Then drinking water issues, vaderas harassing or r@ping girls, etc etc there are so much issues. That's why mqm initially came to power seeing all this injustice.
I would rather, they use their education and brains to create business and thrive and become financially powerful. And use those business as counter to Sindh racial profiling by giving jobs to mostly Urdu speaking Pakistanis. Few years later stop paying any tax to Sindh govt and ban Sindh govt entry into the communities.

O bhai, when people of karachi rise, the entire pakistan especially Punjabis declare them traitors. Like I said, for non karachi people it's not possible to imagine the treatment of karachi muhajir people. There is open discrimination in newspaper ads from Sindh and federal govt, giving jobs in karachi to people from interior Sindh, punjab or kpk. Then drinking water issues, vaderas harassing or r@ping girls, etc etc there are so much issues. That's why mqm initially came to power seeing all this injustice.

That and many more steps need to be taken.

We need a ruthless party to safeguard our interest. Sorry to say but living amongst the savages , one must become a savage otherwise he will be eaten up.
I would rather, they use their education and brains to create business and thrive and become financially powerful. And use those business as counter to Sindh racial profiling by giving jobs to mostly Urdu speaking Pakistanis. Few years later stop paying any tax to Sindh govt and ban Sindh govt entry into the communities.

O bhai, when people of karachi rise, the entire pakistan especially Punjabis declare them traitors. Like I said, for non karachi people it's not possible to imagine the treatment of karachi muhajir people. There is open discrimination in newspaper ads from Sindh and federal govt, giving jobs in karachi to people from interior Sindh, punjab or kpk. Then drinking water issues, vaderas harassing or r@ping girls, etc etc there are so much issues. That's why mqm initially came to power seeing all this injustice.

Explain to me one thing this Muhajir thing in Karachi, my family migrated from Jalandhar, Punjab, India to Sahiwal and Gujranwala (main family HQ you can say) we've never identified ourselves as Muhajir and this non-sense even with the whole city knows. Why and how this issue became such a headache in that part of Pakistan. WTF these people don't understand interior/exterior and shit your all the same when bombs drop it'll make no difference what you are.

One thing Pakistan lacked at birth of this nation is teaching nationalism and getting rid of any other identity.
Explain to me one thing this Muhajir thing in Karachi, my family migrated from Jalandhar, Punjab, India to Sahiwal and Gujranwala (main family HQ you can say) we've never identified ourselves as Muhajir and this non-sense even with the whole city knows. Why and how this issue became such a headache in that part of Pakistan. WTF these people don't understand interior/exterior and shit your all the same when bombs drop it'll make no difference what you are.

One thing Pakistan lacked at birth of this nation is teaching nationalism and getting rid of any other identity.
Muhajir, panahguzeen, hindustan, bhagoray, bhailog etc are all the names given to us by sons of the soil. We took the most appropriate name which is also mentioned in our holy Quran which is mahajir.

This group is treated like an outsider since Quaid's death.
I recently saw a tourist video in which a Pashtoon openly claimed to be a Taliban member.

If such terrorists are allowed to operate so openly , imagine the lesser categories of criminals and terrorists.
I think I saw that too, are you talking about the Afghan guy at a Karachi market (I think it was Karachi)

It was in a white guy's vlog, Chris something
This is election fund raising. All those bribes don't appear out of thin air.
Did we introduce ethnic quota system that favor jahil sindhis from interior ? Did we first label ourselves as muhajir or was it a title given to us by state ? Did we bring hordes and hordes of jahil backward village trash to rule over educated progessive and industrious people ?

See the problem with punjabis like you is that you don't know shit ... You don't even know how much sindhis hate you...Every week or every other week a punjabi is killed in interior sindh just because he is a punjabi ... Sindhi authors have talked about genociding every punjabi/ kicking them out of sindh.... Do you know that ?

If punjabis had any brain , they would have joined hands with urdu speakers and given them complete control of urban sindh.... Sindhis hate your kind(punjabis) and the more they become powerful , the more trouble it will be for you....

you forgot makkar ..

They can hate Punjabi's all day long, it's will not change their shit condition interior or exterior Sindh while they are losing business to Punjab. They can point 1 finger at us but there's 3 fingers pointing right back at them.
Time to form rangers housing authority (rha)

prices starting from 1cr for 5 marla give people a safe housing zone
Did we introduce ethnic quota system that favor jahil sindhis from interior ? Did we first label ourselves as muhajir or was it a title given to us by state ? Did we bring hordes and hordes of jahil backward village trash to rule over educated progessive and industrious people ?

See the problem with punjabis like you is that you don't know shit ... You don't even know how much sindhis hate you...Every week or every other week a punjabi is killed in interior sindh just because he is a punjabi ... Sindhi authors have talked about genociding every punjabi/ kicking them out of sindh.... Do you know that ?

If punjabis had any brain , they would have joined hands with urdu speakers and given them complete control of urban sindh.... Sindhis hate your kind(punjabis) and the more they become powerful , the more trouble it will be for you....
How is Pakistan supposed to survive with so much ethnic tension and hate?

I'm sorry but this is a ticking time bomb and it needs to be defused, not by subduing a group so they don't have any "power", all this does is prolong the inevitable. Ethnic hatred must be destroyed and people must learn to live in peace, like humans that follow law and order.

Pakistan will not survive if ethnicities within cannot see each other as equal people. How long can you continue like this?

Only solution is strict laws against crime which are enforced, prohibition and immorality of racism taught from a young age (like in the west), education and socio-economic development.
Did we introduce ethnic quota system that favor jahil sindhis from interior ? Did we first label ourselves as muhajir or was it a title given to us by state ? Did we bring hordes and hordes of jahil backward village trash to rule over educated progessive and industrious people ?

See the problem with punjabis like you is that you don't know shit ... You don't even know how much sindhis hate you...Every week or every other week a punjabi is killed in interior sindh just because he is a punjabi ... Sindhi authors have talked about genociding every punjabi/ kicking them out of sindh.... Do you know that ?

If punjabis had any brain , they would have joined hands with urdu speakers and given them complete control of urban sindh.... Sindhis hate your kind(punjabis) and the more they become powerful , the more trouble it will be for you....

you forgot makkar ..
doesn't matter, you do too as does every EN that ever existed, its a big fault line
If someone hates someone, that doesn't mean you give control to someone else, or act unconstitutionally

18th amendment will stay and there cant be a second province out of Sindh, people of Karachi themselves must protest to give local governments more powers
only political pressure emanating from peaceful protests can bring "help" from federal gov
Martial law in Karachi is needed once again. But that too is like taking disprin for a migraine.

My father was stationed in Karachi airbase in the 70’s. He told me back then you could walk around any alley or neighborhood at 3 am without any worries. And now... well what a shit show.
See the problem with punjabis like you is that you don't know shit ... You don't even know how much sindhis hate you...Every week or every other week a punjabi is killed in interior sindh just because he is a punjabi ... Sindhi authors have talked about genociding every punjabi/ kicking them out of sindh.... Do you know that ?

It's difficult to manage the backwater towns, every country has their hillbilly parts. Surely this is not happening in Karachi?

I expect foolishness from Quetta, Peshawar, Sialkot, Bahawalpur, Dera Ghazi Khan


Rawalpindi is not far off too.
Martial law in Karachi is needed once again. But that too is like taking disprin for a migraine.

My father was stationed in Karachi airbase in the 70’s. He told me back then you could walk around any alley or neighborhood at 3 am without any worries. And now... well what a shit show.
PPP won't let that happen and possibly declare independence. Karachi people are asking for martial law for long time since ns was in power. Or at least convert karachi into federal territory.

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