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United Arab Emirates seeks to recruit 3000 Colombian soldiers


Jan 28, 2012
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The United Arab Emirates is seeking to enlist 3,000 Colombian soldiers in the oil-rich Arab country's armed forces, weekly Semana reported Sunday.

According to the weekly, 842 Colombian soldiers and retired soldiers have already joined the UAE army which is paying salaries up to ten times what the Colombian state pays the members of its armed forces.

The transfer of soldiers to the foreign army is causing unease among Colombia's military commanders because the military fears the higher salaries abroad are draining the army of its best men and women.

"They have recruited soldiers with a lot of combat experience, valuable men with years of service in which the Army invested a lot in terms of training," an anonymous general told Semana.

"Without a doubt, this is a loss for the army, but there isn't much we can do because it is by no means illegal," the military official added.

According to the weekly, the Colombians are making in between $2,800 and $18,000 in the UAE depending on the rank. In Colombia, a soldier earns $530 a month on average.

The New York Times reported in May 2011 that the UAE hired Colombian soldiers as mercenaries through a company led by Erik Prince, the founder of controversial private security company Blackwater.

According to a Colombian former colonel -- now in charge of recruiting compatriots for the UAE Army -- the 800 Colombians currently active in the Arab peninsula are not part of a mercenary army, but hired directly by the armed forces.

"What is happening now is different than before. We are no mercenaries. The contract of the people who travel is directly with the government of the [United] Arab Emirates," the anonymous colonel said.

The Colombian ex-official said the UAE are investing in their military defense because the government "noticed that several threats have made them vulnerable."

According to the former colonel, the Colombians' responsibilities "range from urban defense against terrorist attacks to the control of civil uprisings and even be prepared for a possible border conflict with Iran."

The United Arab Emirates is one of the few countries in the Middle East that has not been affected by the "Arab spring," a wave of revolutionary social unrest that forced four rulers in the region from power.

United Arab Emirates seeks to recruit 3000 Colombian soldiers: Report - Colombia news | Colombia Reports

They probably run out of Pakistanis.
So I guess it's pathetic that the British hire Gurkas and Americans hire Blackwater :rolleyes:
You want to compare UAE with the greatest superpowers? You are joking right? :lol:

It couldn't be any more simple. What I were saying is that nothing wrong or shameful with recruit foreigners in your army since they are more experienced and more importantly with such few numbers. UAE has such an out of this world military. Believe me, no one wants to test their strength.
It couldn't be any more simple. What I were saying is that nothing wrong or shameful with recruit foreigners in your army since they are more experienced and more importantly with such few numbers. UAE has such an out of this world military. Believe me, no one wants to test their strength.

UAE is laughable. No indigenous military industry, knowledge or infrastructure. Everything is build or provide by US or other western countries. At least the real powers in the region, Turkey and Iran, don't have to look overseas for their fighting force.
Still pathetic that they have to fly in Colombians for their national defense.

Well, UAE is a well developed country with high literacy rate. Under these conditions a very few people may want to join the military to make a living.

Furthermore, small arab states like UAE have small population and the government needs them to be contributing to the country's GDP that explains small indegenious military and a dependence on foreign soldiers. Btw their military is not pathetic, they are quite balanced and modern IMO
Well, UAE is a well developed country with high literacy rate. Under these conditions a very few people may want to join the military to make a living.

Furthermore, small Arab states like UAE have small population and the government needs them to be contributing to the country's GDP that explains small indigenous military and a dependence on foreign soldiers. Btw their military is not pathetic, they are quite balanced and modern IMO

I love this when Bangladeshi and Pakistani trying to justify UAEs action no wonder Arabs have no respect for either.
I love this when Bangladeshi and Pakistani trying to justify UAEs action no wonder Arabs have no respect for either.

I am not trying not to justify their actions rather look at the possible reasons why they are hiring foreigners in their military.
I am not trying not to justify their actions rather look at the possible reasons why they are hiring foreigners in their military.

Foreigners have no loyalty to local population and will not hesitate to kill or slaughter local population or stop the uprising its pretty obvious why they are hiring foreigners.
They dont want local or regional muslims, although most if the army is made up of them, they fear there may be problems during any social uprising

So they want a group of foreighn mercenaries to do any dirty work
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