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United Arab Emirates seeks to recruit 3000 Colombian soldiers

If you cannot trust your own countrymen, then the situation is quite severe. Not that i blame them, the Arab Monarchs know their kind.
Still pathetic that they have to fly in Colombians for their national defense.

The greatest superpowers hired foreigners for their armies such as former colonial British, France and Germany. It wasn't pathetic.

Need Help?

“Blackwater Worldwide” the service exclusive of United States Department of Defense. In Iraq, Afghanistan etc... (with thousands of deaths or disabled for life of the Blackwater Worldwide company)

See link wikipedia :

Academi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You want to compare UAE with the greatest superpowers? You are joking right? :lol:

Another small example, can be? The history of “Republic of Venice”.

See link history of Republic of Venice:

Republic of Venice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

UAE is laughable. No indigenous military industry, knowledge or infrastructure. Everything is build or provide by US or other western countries. At least the real powers in the region, Turkey and Iran, don't have to look overseas for their fighting force.

Not really?

Yes! Of course…


See old link :

“Al Jaber Group (UAE) joins hands with FNSS of Turkey”


BAYNUNAH Corvette Class (UAE)

See old links:






STANAG 4569 Up to level 3
Mine level 2a/2b

NATO AEP-55 STANAG 4569 is a NATO Standardization Agreement covering the standards for the "Protection Levels for Occupants of Logistic and Light Armored Vehicles".

The standard covers strikes from Kinetic Energy, artillery, and IED blasts.

Link official “Tawazun” UAE:

Tawazun : : Home

UAE Armed Forces (Video)

See link:

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And they expect these soldiers to fight as an act of bravery or patriotism for UAE?They can defect in any possible war as easy as they have been hired.You just need to offer them $1 more than what they have been paid,and...they Re yours.These are Money-Soldiers,not soldiers.
i doubt this news. it can't be right at all for many reasons. lets wait for an official announcement by UAE otherwise I demand other credible sources.
UAE is laughable. No indigenous military industry, knowledge or infrastructure. Everything is build or provide by US or other western countries. At least the real powers in the region, Turkey and Iran, don't have to look overseas for their fighting force.


UAE home made UAV:



Iran home made UAV:


That is very bad really,

No foreigner should be allowed in the military at any position. Let the local people do this job for you

Higher or lower rank, doesn't matter
That is very bad really,

No foreigner should be allowed in the military at any position. Let the local people do this job for you

Higher or lower rank, doesn't matter

In 2010, the UAE's population was estimated at 8,264,070,[4] of whom only 13% were UAE nationals or Emiratis.

The Union Defence Force is the armed forces of the United Arab Emirates and has primary responsibility for the defense of all seven emirates. It consists of 75,000 personnel, and is headquartered in Abu Dhabi.
The greatest superpowers hired foreigners for their armies such as former colonial British, France and Germany. It wasn't pathetic.

Germany never hired foreigners to fight its wars, don't know where you got that from.

According to the weekly, 842 Colombian soldiers and retired soldiers have already joined the UAE army which is paying salaries up to ten times what the Colombian state pays the members of its armed forces.

United Arab Emirates seeks to recruit 3000 Colombian soldiers: Report - Colombia news | Colombia Reports

So basically these guys are mercs.

UAE home made UAV:

Iran home made UAV:


Are you ******* kidding me? Al the drones and frigates you posted are all based on US and western technology. Nothing of it is UAE MADE. Maybe only the production, but not one single technological invention in it is UAE MADE.
Guys u all R forgetting the angle in this Venezuela is Irans best friend and Colombia's worst enemy

Its like this enemy of my enemies friend is my friend

and by the way Colombia is also Americas best friend and highest arms importer 4m USA.

It seems the party has began.
Drones under development by European defence firms are using technology purchased from Israel.

Dassault Aviation of France and Britain's BAE Systems are jointly working on a drone project, while the European aerospace and defence group EADS is still working on its drone Talarion.

The UAE model, which took five years to develop, has a wingspan of 17.5 metres, a maximum payload of 400 kilogrammes, and carries 300 litres of fuel, of which 260 litres are in the wings, Dhaheri said.

You keep failing BLACKEAGLE.

UAE Nimrod:


Israel Nimrid:


All the drones you posted are developed by Europeans, Israeli's or Americans. Just like your cities: architected by westerns, build by Pakistani's and cleaned by Filipino's. This is what somebody who lived in UAE thinks of this article:

Having lived there, it's probably because they locals are way too fat and unfit and prefer driving around all night. I doubt they would trust that many Pakistanis.
You keep failing BLACKEAGLE.

UAE Nimrod:


Israel Nimrid:


Are you ******* kidding me? Al the drones and frigates you posted are all based on US and western technology. Nothing of it is UAE MADE. Maybe only the production, but not one single technological invention in it is UAE MADE.

I know, all Iran made arms are pure Iranian inventions...
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