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United against Iran

Both Obama and I have something in common: we grew up with Muslims as neighbors and thus see nothing amiss in holding Iran (and Pakistan) to as high a level of moral conduct as we've experienced previously.

Then yield.


We are never going to yield like you are yielding to Taliban. So as Ahmadinejad said: Be angry and die of your anger since you are impotent.
Pakistanis (General Public - In fact We had much much better relations with Iran back in the day when Iran had liberal government) don't really care what kind of government Iran has.It's their internal matter.We support the Iranian People.Even the Iranians who don't like their government don't want US or Israel to attack Iran.Please don't tell me you are gonna bomb Iran for peace and bring democracy.

they can't bomb us ... because they will bomb them in answer :police:
WOW, You son of Castle Bravo, Agent Orange, McDonald's, murderers of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Haditha, Mahmudiyah killings, You rootless imbecile sitting there with your nation of trash culture of slavery, What was the last time these "murder-minded mullahs" killed as many innocent Iranians as you did in 1988? Let alone supporting Saddam during 8 years war.

What wars have you been a victor of? You have never fought a major war against an actual capable nation before! You always pick on the weak! Iraq was sanctioned because of the same reason,With the support of british and france in Persian Gulf you have done nothing to please Israelis.

Perhaps we shall produce nuclear weapons. Then the prospect of turning your fleet of buzzards into a heap of scrap becomes easily possible. :wave:

With these kind of arrogant Americans around only nukes will be able to make Iran safe:

Lol at North Korea in the cartoon...

Though yes Iran is being isolated by US pressure. Iran should sign a Will so in case they are destroyed they can allocate their territory to Pakistan.
Lol at North Korea in the cartoon...

Though yes Iran is being isolated by US pressure. Iran should sign a Will so in case they are destroyed they can allocate their territory to Pakistan.

Isolated !!! :woot:
solomon2 said:
Both Obama and I have something in common: we grew up with Muslims as neighbors and thus see nothing amiss in holding Iran (and Pakistan) to as high a level of moral conduct as we've experienced previously.

Moral judgments need a clearly defined world view, moral bases and axioms. Where do yours come from? It has nothing to do with God, does it? huh.

Did you know that half of the children being born in the US, are from unwed parents? bast***, so to speak.
That alone is enough as proof of moral bankruptcy of your “civilization”.
Moral judgments need a clearly defined world view, moral bases and axioms. Where do yours come from? It has nothing to do with God, does it? huh.

Did you know that half of the children being born in the US, are from unwed parents? bast***, so to speak.
That alone is enough as proof of moral bankruptcy of your “civilization”.

Maybe he is one of them. Who knows?
Isolated !!! :woot:

Well US is trying to isolate Iran and pressure Iran into submission. Using economic sanctions, air craft carriers to the gulf, playing off Middle Eastern countries against each other (and these countries willfully go along), and more. So, what's wrong with saying US is isolating Iran?
Moral judgments need a clearly defined world view, moral bases and axioms. Where do yours come from? It has nothing to do with God, does it? huh.
Good stuff for interfaith discussion, but too late to be part of the action now.
Well US is trying to isolate Iran and pressure Iran into submission. Using economic sanctions, air craft carriers to the gulf, playing off Middle Eastern countries against each other (and these countries willfully go along), and more. So, what's wrong with saying US is isolating Iran?

Isolating not Isolated :agree:
Well US is trying to isolate Iran and pressure Iran into submission. Using economic sanctions, air craft carriers to the gulf, playing off Middle Eastern countries against each other (and these countries willfully go along), and more. So, what's wrong with saying US is isolating Iran?

Well, they are trying to isolate Iran but they have not been as successful since except the predominantly white colonialist countries and their slaves, the rest of the world is not buying it:


---------- Post added at 11:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------

Good stuff for interfaith discussion, but too late to be part of the action now.

For interfaith dialogue, both sides need to have faith. You have none.
Well, they are trying to isolate Iran but they have not been as successful since except the predominantly white colonialist countries and their slaves, the rest of the world is not buying it:


The usual suspects.

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If Iran falls to NATO/Israel, Pakistan military has to at least seize half of Iranian territory, like West Germany and East Germany. Though it is important we air lift troops to Tehran and Qom and Tabriz, those cities are vital can't allow them to be occupied by the West. We will have preserve Persia and incubate it until Iran can rise up from the ashes, and walk again. We are after all our "Brother's Keeper". Iran is our "brother" our "bhai jaan" "humara jigar" after all right at least according to members here.

We will need strong leadership to do this. Iranians as arrogant as they are have to accept this.
longbrained said:
Maybe he is one of them. Who knows?

Well we don't know for sure. But people that support the murderous ZionBeasts are primary suspects. :D

Only God knows.
Iran humara jigar hein, right? Pakistani military has moral obligation to intervene if Iran falls into Western hand otherwise they will bring regime change and bog the region down for another hundred years. Have to hold Iranian territory in worst case scenario.

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