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United against Iran

Hussein said:
what is the use of fake elections? still name it elections?

last elections : NO reformist for being candidate for deputy ! even Khamenei decided to avoid some conservatives so the parliament becomes more pro Khamenei than pro Ahmadinejad.

I wonder why a country who votes 80% for Khatami , then the reformists and criticize Khatami for not enough reform the country... could vote for conservatives.

off topic: I apologize to the French nation for our improper disposal of scumbags.

You have such pity ideas Hussein. So now this is your next proof for election rigging:
Hussein said:
I wonder why a country who votes 80% for Khatami , then the reformists and criticize Khatami for not enough reform the country... could vote for conservatives.
So according to you we should just hold one election and we are done forever. Since people once voted for “reformists”, they are all going to do that forever. :lol:

These so-called “reformists” of yours had not shown their true colors. But people kicked them out as soon as they started selling Iran to Zionists.

Khatami's going to US and *** kissing of Americans' was the first eye opener. He's a reformist?! Please shove those reforms where the sum doesn't shine. ;)

Where is Mohajeraani now? yeah: Kissing Saudi's king *** and begging for money.

And Instigating a coup to overthrow a legitimate government is part of their reforms I guess. :lol:

Sina > you're sick. you don't make the difference between having diplomatic relations and being slave of :hitwall:
any proof he was selling our country to any foreign country?

Khatami allowed better relations with Lebanon and KSA especially and many many countries.

By the way Hashemi was the one who allowed some uncold relations with USA and many other conservatives cannot just see anything else now that the ultras in power and their dirty policy: insult, terrorism , killing its own people, religious fanatism and so on.

I believe a strong country is a country which is respect for its wise policy and respect. Insulting and acting violent gives Iran a narrow possibility of so called friend countries that they are happy to take our oil and gas cheap.

Wonder who is the treator of our nation.
Sina > you're sick. you don't make the difference between having diplomatic relations and being slave of :hitwall:
any proof he was selling our country to any foreign country?

Khatami allowed better relations with Lebanon and KSA especially and many many countries.

By the way Hashemi was the one who allowed some uncold relations with USA and many other conservatives cannot just see anything else now that the ultras in power and their dirty policy: insult, terrorism , killing its own people, religious fanatism and so on.

I believe a strong country is a country which is respect for its wise policy and respect. Insulting and acting violent gives Iran a narrow possibility of so called friend countries that they are happy to take our oil and gas cheap.

Wonder who is the treator of our nation.

are you trying to change our mind with your lies ... or you trying to fool none Iranian member with your silly ideas and lies ...

and wasn't in Khatemi era that that arrogant westerns called Iran " axis of evil " !? ... and when khatemi stopped our national nuclear program , then what west gave us to exchange of it !? simply " sanction " ////
Just a few quotes as a reminder:

توسعه به معناي امروزش، ميوه و يا شاخ و برگ درخت تمدن جديد است. اگر آن تمدن آمده، توسعه هم خواهد آمد و به اين معني سخن كساني كه مي گويند ابتدا بايد خرد غربي را پذيرفت تا توسعه بيايد، سخن بيراهي نيست و اين سخن را كامل كنم كه علاوه بر خرد و بينش غربي، بايد منش غربي متناسب با اين بينش را نيز پذيرفت

اگر دین هم در برابر آزادی قرار بگیرد این دین است که باید محدود شود نه آزادی!ـ

این سخن عبدالکریم سروش و مجتهد شبستری که وحی الهام بر پیامبر بوده و ماهیت قرآن بر ما آشکار نیست و نمی*توان به آن استناد کرد درست است…! در حال حاضر مطالب قرآن با برخی دریافت*های بشری سازگار نیست؛ چرا که احکام آن متناسب با زندگی قبیله*ای است و اگر بپذیریم احکام کتاب آسمانی مسلمانان قطعی و جاودانه است، باید بگوییم که زندگی مورد نظر اسلام زندگی قبیله*ای است! در زمان حاضر بنابر ادله*ای که ذکر کرده، قرآن کریم برای ما قابل استناد نیست.ـ

Sa'eed Hajjarian:

همجنس بازی در کشور ما باید آزاد باشد .
از جهت حقوقی نباید ممنوع باشد
گرچه از نظر اخلاقی زشت است

Please shove these “reforms” where I said before. Thanks.
Khatami stopped our nuclear program? you're funny?
he never stopped the nuclear program: he let the inspectors to check it was peaceful purpose.
ah you mean military nuclear program or what?

USA didn't act smart . That's another point. Bush period lol

Fool Iranian basiji paid for propaganda ? No of course not. I don't care of your ideology. You do whatever you want.
You put down enough the country like this. And you never ashamed of it.
Just a few quotes as a reminder:

توسعه به معناي امروزش، ميوه و يا شاخ و برگ درخت تمدن جديد است. اگر آن تمدن آمده، توسعه هم خواهد آمد و به اين معني سخن كساني كه مي گويند ابتدا بايد خرد غربي را پذيرفت تا توسعه بيايد، سخن بيراهي نيست و اين سخن را كامل كنم كه علاوه بر خرد و بينش غربي، بايد منش غربي متناسب با اين بينش را نيز پذيرفت

اگر دین هم در برابر آزادی قرار بگیرد این دین است که باید محدود شود نه آزادی!ـ

این سخن عبدالکریم سروش و مجتهد شبستری که وحی الهام بر پیامبر بوده و ماهیت قرآن بر ما آشکار نیست و نمی*توان به آن استناد کرد درست است…! در حال حاضر مطالب قرآن با برخی دریافت*های بشری سازگار نیست؛ چرا که احکام آن متناسب با زندگی قبیله*ای است و اگر بپذیریم احکام کتاب آسمانی مسلمانان قطعی و جاودانه است، باید بگوییم که زندگی مورد نظر اسلام زندگی قبیله*ای است! در زمان حاضر بنابر ادله*ای که ذکر کرده، قرآن کریم برای ما قابل استناد نیست.ـ

Sa'eed Hajjarian:

همجنس بازی در کشور ما باید آزاد باشد .
از جهت حقوقی نباید ممنوع باشد
گرچه از نظر اخلاقی زشت است

Please shove these “reforms” where I said before. Thanks.
have some respect for the people who don't speak farsi.

what 's the matter with you?
at least your quotes show how retard and fanatic you are.

for people not speaking farsi about homosexuality: Sina said reformist accept homosexuality.
Wow what a high level of political discussion.
They condemn the death penalty. But come on, keep on your hatred propaganda.
Khatami stopped our nuclear program? you're funny?
he never stopped the nuclear program: he let the inspectors to check it was peaceful purpose.
ah you mean military nuclear program or what?

USA didn't act smart . That's another point. Bush period lol

Fool Iranian basiji paid for propaganda ? No of course not. I don't care of your ideology. You do whatever you want.
You put down enough the country like this. And you never ashamed of it.

یعنی تمام ایرانی های اینجا بلا نسبت خرن شما انیشتین
خرن شما انیشتین What does it mean. This bit only : )

---------- Post added at 04:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:52 PM ----------

خرن شما انیشتین What does it mean. This bit only : )

Farsi class on PDF : )
hussein! time to get money from USA Embassy
bye bye!
خاك برسر پپسي خورت كنند
hussein! time to get money from USA Embassy
bye bye!
خاك برسر پپسي خورت كنند
First i was Saudi
Then i became US man , country i never put the feet on it
Then i was Jew from Iran working for Israel
Maybe it will be a time that you definitively decide who i am LOL
Hussein is either MKO or PJAK which is not surprising since France is full of them. Anyways this is a good article for those wanting to know the truth about these terrorists and how they want to seize an opportunity by spreading lies and through street rioting bring in US to dominate Iran but they failed in 2009: http://brillwebsite.com/writings/iran2009election.html

The text I have quoted is just about homosexuals???
Why didn't you translate the rest of it? Why just the last three lines?

Go ahead and translate all of it.

And then you think it's ok that theoretician of Reformists was dreaming of homosexual practices being free in a Islamic country. Very good. Tell us more about your thoughts. Go ahead. Now at least everyone is starting to see who you guys are.

But we'll not give up on Quran, and Islam. Keep your crappy “freedom” for yourself.


And I don't really know what do you want from me regarding Bani Sadr. Spare me my free time.
It's plastered all over the news website. Find it yourself.


Kollang, I don't really see why would anyone will pay this guy anything. He's just a troll.
Hussein is either MKO or PJAK which is not surprising since France is full of them. Anyways this is a good article for those wanting to know the truth about these terrorists and how they want to seize an opportunity by spreading lies and through street rioting bring in US to dominate Iran but they failed in 2009: http://brillwebsite.com/writings/iran2009election.html
With all respect that you know i have for you longbrained (hoped i knew your name) i don't agree in this case,he doesn't belong to any group.he is just a regular guy ho opposes IR.there are opposition in every country in the world.
However i agree that he has the wrong idea in most topics,but yet i respect his opinion.That's what called freedom of speech,we should try to enlighten him (or he enlighten us if we are wrong) not to accuse each other with something that we know it's not true ourselves.
There is no doubt that the Saudi Wahhabi's will provide logistics to the Jewish state of Israelis to decapitate their only perceived and real threat from the only Shia theocracy in the world. The enemy of my enemy is a friend. Once Iran has been neutered, the Saudis will feel less challenged by the more vocal a nd suppressed Shias within their nations Eastern regions that may or may not get moral and pecuniary support from Iran.

The losers are going to be pretty much all shia minorities in the rest of the middle East who have long been under the boot of a largely Sunni population not particularly fond of the heretic Shia. and the Palestinians whos only real support has come through Hezbollah. The only group that Israel actually fears. The only group that actually has given Israel a bloody nose. The rest of the twenty something Muslim nations are loud and angry about the issue but thats as far as it goes in terms of pushing Israel on the issues of those people.

However the worst hypocrisy is, that the Saudis constantly run propaganda against the Jewish State and how horrific their acts are yet they will assist them against the Iranians.

Its all really interesting.
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