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Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

War is the only option to stop Russia from annexation of Crimea, sanction don't work because Russia won't return Crimea to Ukraine control and to kick Russia navy out of the Baltic Sea. Economic santion on Russia but Russia can still continue to trade with other nation, how effective economic sanction will be. Russia mainly know for exporting natural resource and military export, Russia won't suffer much under any kind of sanction, heavy sanction also hurt E.U because of bilateral trade between the Russian and E.U with E.U economy just barely regain it strength from E.U own economy recession. Would E.U cut their own nose to despite it own face?
Correct.Over Ukraine.Anythung further and the hammer comes down hard and Putin knows this.As i've said,current steps are enough as Russia's economy plunges into recession.

Dude Putin is in no hurry to make any further moves into Eastern Europe. He may not even touch eastern Ukraine for now.
Russia is playing a waiting game now and will strike as and when the time is ripe.

I have said it before, Eastern Europeans should not rely on the declining West to save them and should learn to get along with the Russians.
Dude Putin is in no hurry to make any further moves into Eastern Europe. He may not even touch eastern Ukraine for now.
Russia is playing a waiting game now and will strike as and when the time is ripe.

I have said it before, Eastern Europeans should not rely on the declining West to save them and should learn to get along with the Russians.

No they shouldn't.We allready "get along" as well as you can in this conditions,i don't understand what more means.

West isn't declining,others are rising but Europe is Europe and most of it's integrated in the EU/NATO.That's a no go for Russia.

Russia has just spurred EE countries to spend more on defence and hurt its economy in the process.Dumb move on all accounts.
No they shouldn't.We allready "get along" as well as you can in this conditions,i don't understand what more means.

West isn't declining,others are rising but Europe is Europe and most of it's integrated in the EU/NATO.That's a no go for Russia.

Russia has just spurred EE countries to spend more on defence and hurt its economy in the process.Dumb move on all accounts.

Power is a zero sum game.

When one country gets more powerful, then the other gets less powerful.

I should have said "relative decline"
Power is a zero sum game.

When one country gets more powerful, then the other gets less powerful.

I should have said "relative decline"

Europe may not influence what goes on in East Asia but it can't be challenged in its own backyard.
No they shouldn't.We allready "get along" as well as you can in this conditions,i don't understand what more means.

West isn't declining,others are rising but Europe is Europe and most of it's integrated in the EU/NATO.That's a no go for Russia.

Russia has just spurred EE countries to spend more on defence and hurt its economy in the process.Dumb move on all accounts.

E.U and U.S want to kick out Russia naval base in the Baltic Sea but E.U failed their own constigency against Putin order the so call civiliance militas to patrol crimea then proceed the population to vote and rejoin Russian Federation under the referendum of the gun barrel. E.U should ask the pro west Ukraine military top bras to secure Crimea region before they plan to kick out the corrupted Ukranian president.
Given the size of Russia (almost twice that of China) and the vast natural resources they have and the small population (a fraction compared to China), they lag behind China in a lot of things big time.

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Dude, you are incorrect. Russia will not "crumble".

It will go into "emergency" mode and out will go German cars, European/American planes and Italian clothes. Russia will replace this with it's own goods and others with also come from China.

The problem is that the Western Economies(mainly EU) will go into deep recession as there is no way that the oil and gas could be replaced at such short notice.People need to remember that Russia is the LARGEST energy exporter in the world and it surpasses even Saudi Arabia as it exports massive quantities of both oil and gas.

It is true that the EU could set in motion a 5 year plan to eventually wean itself off Russian oil and gas but this would be expensive and it would give Russia enough time to both increase exports of both oil and gas massively to the Chinese(whose economy is predicted to be as large as the US by then) and also find other large markets like India. India is pretty much Russia's most reliable large ally and will not abandon it easily.

You will not like it but the US/EU have very little option in hurting Russia. Putin is a very smart man and he would have considered all factors before he annexed Crimea.

Quite wrong, Putin is a quite primitive and stupid person. And no, russia can not find alternative customers for its oil. It simply has no pipeline system there, which would need decades to be build. Why you think russia says again and again that oil and gas flow to the EU is not threatened? Its their only income. If that breaks away, russia is finished. And no, they produce nothing, just oil, gas and weapons for 3rd world countries. Russia is in no way an industrial nation. They build nothing themself.

Dude Putin is in no hurry to make any further moves into Eastern Europe. He may not even touch eastern Ukraine for now.
Russia is playing a waiting game now and will strike as and when the time is ripe.

I have said it before, Eastern Europeans should not rely on the declining West to save them and should learn to get along with the Russians.

declining west? Germany has a boom unknown in the entire civilized world. Beside that, the entire EU is also in economic growth. What we see is a declining BRICS nations. Which is unfortunate.
Quite wrong, Putin is a quite primitive and stupid person. And no, russia can not find alternative customers for its oil. It simply has no pipeline system there, which would need decades to be build. Why you think russia says again and again that oil and gas flow to the EU is not threatened? Its their only income. If that breaks away, russia is finished. And no, they produce nothing, just oil, gas and weapons for 3rd world countries. Russia is in no way an industrial nation. They build nothing themself.

Dude, i am repeating myself but you should research before talking next time.

Russia sells 300,00 barrels of oil to China daily currently and this will rise to 1 million barrels by the end of the decade.

It has firm plans to build a pipeline to sell anywhere from 1-2 trillion cubic feet to China also as well.

Gazprom close to agreeing pricing deal on China gas supplies - FT.com
EU sanctions will only spur even greater sales.

This is just China and other countries like India will be happy to take Russian oil and gas if EU sanctions are imposed.
Dude, i am repeating myself but you should research before talking next time.
China sells 300,00 barrels of oil to China currently and this will rise to 1 million barrels by the end of the decade.
How does that even work? :crazy: :mad: :hitwall:
I think the political structure in China allows it to think longer term than most countries.

They are playing for the long term and they are famously inscrutable.
It has nothing to do about caring for Eastern Europeans,that's just a silly thing you and other cheerleaders throw around here from time to time,luckily for me i've grown immune to retarded statements.I've allready explained why there won't be full sanctions but Europe will take measures which will come into effect in 5-6 years time.Russia is suffering allready and it will only get worse.

Russia,biggest energy exporter and allready suffering recession...as i've said...Great Success !
like we arent making measures for 5-6 years. In 2018 alone russia will have a gas pipeline to china and an lng station in yamal that will export gas worldwide. Also stop delusion yourself, europe wont extract shale gas because the continent is not made for that and neither will lng work.

Remember that lng is only profitable because of gazproms monopoly setting the prices. Gas trough pipelines and especially conventional gas not fracked will always be cheaper and faster to be delivered than gas thats coming from a ship which has to be deliquefied let alone fracking gas which is more expansive to be produced in the first place.

Gazprom if it wanted could decrease prices and all the lng and fracking charades collapse. The reason why we havent yet is because it seems its still more profitable to keep prices up.

Russia is suffering allready and it will only get worse.

Russia,biggest energy exporter and allready suffering recession...as i've said...Great Success !

so what its only a year but crimea will be forever russian from now on, also i would still wait up. I think this year will be good because its unleashing a political crisis in russia to force putin making reforms and not talking, hes an idiot now all of the sudden he comes up with an own credit card system. When i heard it i was like thinking: why didnt you made it before you genius? He was always talking about diversification yet he needs his bank to be banned by visa and mastercard in the first place to make an own russian payment system.

i also think the ruble devaluation is exactly what was needed, it will boost exports, decrease imports, more russians will make holidays in russia and it will increase budget which gets half the money from petro dollars.
Even before the crimean grab we were pretty much in recession, the crimean crisis is not the reason but the symptoms of our poor economic situation. Poor countries like your romania or greece maybe go to protest to express their despair but powerful countries like russia go to war and eat some land from neighbors.
Dude a simply typo there. Corrected.

Anyway these Euros are so deluded with their importance that in a decade from now, they will become very depressed people.

The only funny thing in here is a blind cheerleader like you living in the West because he was allowed in only to be an evious prick.Oh well,sucks to be you.
The only funny thing in here is a blind cheerleader like you living in the West because he was allowed in only to be an evious prick.Oh well,sucks to be you.

Your frustration is so funny to be see.

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