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Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

It is funny to see some people trying to act racists here.

The truly pathetic primitives are the racist ones irrespective of whether they use renewable energy or not.
We should realize the fact, Tyrannus is an american. Check his IP, he posts from Arkansas, so i simply see it as what it is, funny comedy.

its like youre a wall, its pointless to talk to you. I make arguments against yours and you repeat it them like youre mentally ill

How long do you try to stick on fossil fuels? We live in the 21st century. Thats the main reason why Germany has the "Energie Wende". Only primitive and backwarded 3rd world nations base their future on fossil fuel.
haha energy wnede is the reason why you krauts need more russian gas in the first place

i recommend you watch this video

What do you want export? Russia produces nothing.
Trade Profiles

20% of our exports are manufactering

lol with what? With its pathetic and small economy? Bavaria alone has more economic power than russia.
List of German states by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Dude, you seem to get more upset at my views that actual English people.

It is cute that Eastern Europeans get so irate at my views in comparison to actual proper Westerners like UK, French and Germans.

Must be that inferiority complex at work there:lol:

btw - did that audio get banned as I miss messing with him from time to time?

Cute how you throw Eastern Europeans as an insult...you're a Bangladeshi...hello,reality check ,keep your head down:lol:

I'm not the one blindly cheerleading on others,polluting the forum with retarded statements,I am also not the one living in very country i hate so much,i am not the one bitting the hand that feeds me and puts a roof on my head.You see,that scum is you.It is pretty obvious you're butthurt but that doesn't excuse you from being a mega retard .

You miss @Audio laughing at your stupidity huh ? Don't worry,there are plenty of posters who can fill that role.

its like youre a wall, its pointless to talk to you. I make arguments against yours and you repeat it them like youre mentally ill

Those are not arguments but fanboyism and wishfull thinking.You're a dreamer stuck in an alternate reality.
its like youre a wall, its pointless to talk to you. I make arguments against yours and you repeat it them like youre mentally ill

haha energy wnede is the reason why you krauts need more russian gas in the first place

i recommend you watch this video

Trade Profiles

20% of our exports are manufactering

List of German states by GDP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


funny that you quote a nuclear power lobbyist. Sinn is a tool and evrybody knows this. Who you gonna quote next? The Tabak lobby? ha ha
Interesting but in some instances naive points of view on Putin, it is Putin leading Russia, not the good people themsleves.

But recent economic/oil and gas history shows factually:

1. Saudi Arabia and the major Middle East oil producers have and will again, as needed, increase the world's supply of oil which will more than off set any Russian shortfall of oil sales to the EU.

2. The US and Russia jointly own and operate the largest refinery in the world, in Houston, Texas, USA. The US can readily divert to this refinery new oil production from within both the US and Canada. This is a quick fix, not a time lag.

3. The need for free world additional investment in Russian oil and gas production can be re-directed at the least to the USA which has proven large reserves those investments can be used to pump, refine, and sell to the EU.

There are numerous mix and match scenarios the West and East, too, can turn to which will leave Russia unable to use it's oil and gas to "blackmail" other nations with.

Already just limited economic sanctions have upset the Russian economy. Putin is starting to find out that he, too, is not indispensable.
Interesting but in some instances naive points of view on Putin, it is Putin leading Russia, not the good people themsleves.

But recent economic/oil and gas history shows factually:

1. Saudi Arabia and the major Middle East oil producers have and will again, as needed, increase the world's supply of oil which will more than off set any Russian shortfall of oil sales to the EU.

2. The US and Russia jointly own and operate the largest refinery in the world, in Houston, Texas, USA. The US can readily divert to this refinery new oil production from within both the US and Canada. This is a quick fix, not a time lag.

3. The need for free world additional investment in Russian oil and gas production can be re-directed at the least to the USA which has proven large reserves those investments can be used to pump, refine, and sell to the EU.

There are numerous mix and match scenarios the West and East, too, can turn to which will leave Russia unable to use it's oil and gas to "blackmail" other nations with.

Already just limited economic sanctions have upset the Russian economy. Putin is starting to find out that he, too, is not indispensable.


Global Elite is building up Russian Federation and starting a new global Arms race. You can do your smear campaign, but Russia will get stronger and stronger like a Russian Bodybuilder.

Cute how you throw Eastern Europeans as an insult...you're a Bangladeshi...hello,reality check ,keep your head down:lol:

I'm not the one blindly cheerleading on others,polluting the forum with retarded statements,I am also not the one living in very country i hate so much,i am not the one bitting the hand that feeds me and puts a roof on my head.You see,that scum is you.It is pretty obvious you're butthurt but that doesn't excuse you from being a mega retard .

You miss @Audio laughing at your stupidity huh ? Don't worry,there are plenty of posters who can fill that role.

Those are not arguments but fanboyism and wishfull thinking.You're a dreamer stuck in an alternate reality.

Don't be racist. Romanians are not in any position to look down on anyone :rofl:

Your frustration is so funny to be see.


You too are obsessed with the western bogeyman. Probably an inferiority complex.
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Dont worry, the Russian Hockey team will not face death penalty. They will just work in siberian forrests for Food. :enjoy::lol:
Don't be racist. Romanians are not in any position to look down on anyone :rofl:


And I (we) don't look down on anyone.It's that troll that brought the entire nation into it trying to justify his inferiority complex.And btw what's with the rant,Romania isn't the richest country out there but not the poorest either,by far, so i won't take crap from a Bangladeshi guy who does nothing all day but bash his adoptive country.These kind of retards sicken me,ungratefull lot they are.
And I (we) don't look down on anyone.It's that troll that brought the entire nation into it trying to justify his inferiority complex.And btw what's with the rant,Romania isn't the richest country out there but not the poorest either,by far, so i won't take crap from a Bangladeshi guy who does nothing all day but bash his adoptive country.These kind of retards sicken me,ungratefull lot they are.

Well that guy does have an inferiority complex. He always rants against the West and thinks Russia and (especially)China are heaven on Earth. I think your post makes sense in light of his dumb rants but you don't have to insult Bangladeshis like that. Sorry I was a bit too harsh on you.
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