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Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

Nice try, mud ape. 68% of young Russians claim to be pro-China, which says something considering Russians don't really like any country. It's 58%+ among much older crowds. Does that hurt your butt, mud ape?

Chapter 3. Attitudes toward China | Pew Research Center's Global Attitudes Project

I doubt it. With retards like blackface who spend all their time sucking Western *** it's no wonder they've been failing for 200 years even though they had no real outside threats to contend with. No WW1 or WW2.

Interesting statistics. Both Brazil and Russia has more than 60% favorable attitude toward China. LOL, wtf Philippines 48%, so high?
I'm guessing the Philippines score might have dropped, since their gov't craps out lots of propaganda.
If he said he wanted my mosque destroyed, I would hardly care since I am not at all religious.

At the end of the day he is just some totally irrelevant Eastern European, who Westerners look down upon anyway, and just needs to learn that this hope he was given of joining the Western camp and being treated as an equal was just a mirage.

He also gets upset at me as I am blatant about the imminent end of hundreds of years of Western dominance - this is something he would like to stay for eternity of course.:lol:

Let the Admins allow him to rant and rave as I personally find him entertaining and would miss his rants at "Evil Russia".

@flamer84 : tagged since I was talking about you.

Russia can join the West unless they disintegrate themselves into the smaller states and submit to the Anglo-Saxon hegemony.

The West has to be solely ruled by the Anglo-Saxons, while the non-Anglo western nations are not allowed to rise the challenge against the dominance of the Anglosphere.

Napoleon and Hitler were the two non-Anglo western leaders who were trying to challenge the Anglosphere, but see what happened to them at the end.
Russia can join the West unless they disintegrate themselves into the smaller states and submit to the Anglo-Saxon hegemony.

The West has to be solely ruled by the Anglo-Saxons, while the non-Anglo western nations are not allowed to rise the challenge against the dominance of the Anglosphere.

Napoleon and Hitler were the two non-Anglo western leaders who were trying to challenge the Anglosphere, but see what happened to them at the end.

The 'west' is dominated by the US. None of the other Anglo-Saxon countries have any power to influence the world. You remove the US from the 'west', the 'west' don't have the dominance they currently have.

It's all about US power which gives the 'west' its hegemony.
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