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Unfortunately, Russia is not as clever as China

He's got on obsession with the West.If you hear him talking you would say that the mongols are rampaging again all over Asia,this time with Apaches.:lol:

Some things strike me about this weird dude:

1.He wants the westerners to dissapear because he allegedly wants other nations to be free and for that he willingly whores himself at the feet of a new master,thinking that it will treat other nations better.In his mind China is "entitled" to Asia,Russia is "entitled" to Eastern Europe.The idiot never heard that nations are entitled to be their own masters.

2.He doesn't find anything odd that he lives in the same country that he hates so much,basically bitting the hand that feeds him.

Let me call the loonatic,so he won't say i'm talking behind his back @UKBengali

Dude you seem to be obsessed with me.

You are just a pass time for me and quite irrelevant to my life - just understand that and stop taking the internet so seriously.
Just like any other small country out there but if you had to choose,going in the US camp is always a better decision,they're the lesser evil.

US camp is equal or worse to russian camp.You will realise it in a matter of years.
US camp is equal or worse to russian camp.You will realise it in a matter of years.

You just can't ignore history. Romania was run to the ground by the Soviets for almost half a century and had the most brutal dictator out of all of the communist countries during that time. Romanian aversion to Russia is only natural and makes a lot of sense.
You just can't ignore history. Romania was run to the ground by the Soviets for almost half a century and had the most brutal dictator out of all of the communist countries during that time. Romanian aversion to Russia is only natural and makes a lot of sense.

The USA has draconian laws like NDAA which existed in Nazi Germany,Trotskyist Russia and North Korea.Already 27,000 people have disappeared due to this NDAA.

List activists/protesters detained or disappeard, NDAA

Don't worry,USA is heading in the direction of the very genocidal British empire,nazi germany,Trotskyist ruled russia .History is repeating itself in cycles like how the Qarmatians would say.
Your beggar hypocrisy is to rich to be ignored and just because this is the internet it does not hurt to showcase as a "not like this" example.And **** off with the obsession part,i'm not the one whoring myself on every thread screaming "death to someone,welcome our new masters",you're that idiot.Don't remind how you go bamanas when someone laughs at how stupid you are and ofcourse,scream at the West.You're a clown dude,a clown and a hypocrit.


OK, dude whatever you say.

You seem to have anger management issues there.

Asian nations can't pay energy prices that Europe does.You would think that this sounds absurd because China,India have money at the moment but paying the same prices as Europe would make their industries uncompetitive.Consider the hike in production costs.

Are you talking about oil or energy in general? Oil prices are dictated by world prices. Having higher energy prices is just one overhead factor in manufacturing and will not significantly change the final finished product cost.
But thats the goal, that the people suffer. And they should

Dude Russia is very close to signing a trillion dollar 30 year gas contract with China.

Stop thinking you are more important than you actually are.
Dude Russia is very close to signing a trillion dollar 30 year gas contract with China.

Stop thinking you are more important than you actually are.

We rule the world. There is nobody more important than us. So your point is? We are gods on this planet. Our technology rules the world. Our culture is the global one. Thats the simple fact.
We rule the world. There is nobody more important than us. So your point is? We are gods on this planet. Our technology rules the world. Our culture is the global one. Thats the simple fact.

My point is that Russia has alternatives markets for its oil and gas.
We rule the world. There is nobody more important than us. So your point is? We are gods on this planet. Our technology rules the world. Our culture is the global one. Thats the simple fact.

Wow there now :lol:

My point is that Russia has alternatives markets for its oil and gas.

No it doesn't.If you would actually read something instead of being a dumb cheerleader you would know that those "alternatives" can't pay european prices nor does the infrastructure exist to supply them at european level.Simple put,you're living a weat dream,but hey,i guess for a retard like you this wet dream is the reason to exist.

Btw , stop parroting the same thing over and over again,enough of your whoring,you've said it once,twice,100 times ,stop polutting every thread with the same thing.
Wow there now :lol:

No it doesn't.If you would actually read something instead of being a dumb cheerleader you would know that those "alternatives" can't pay european prices nor does the infrastructure exist to supply them at european level.Simple put,you're living a weat dream,but hey,i guess for a retard like you this wet dream is the reason to exist.

Btw , stop parroting the same thing over and over again,enough of your whoring,you've said it once,twice,100 times ,stop polutting every thread with the same thing.

Hey won't you the same guy making fun of Markus S a while back?

I guess that you will link with anyone if they help with your obsession with me.

It is quite cute that your life seems to revolve following me.
Hey won't you the same guy making fun of Markus S a while back?

I guess that you will link with anyone if they help with your obsession with me.

It is quite cute that your life seems to revolve following me.

I actually laughed at that "we're gods" thingy if you haven't noticed.

LOL,You're a cartoon character aren't you ? Acussing other of being obsessed while spending his whole time in here cheerleading everyone against the West and infesting every thread with your stupidity.Dude,you're a guy with an obvious inferiority complex which lashes out all day against "perceived" enemies.

Yes,from time to time a hypocrite like you needs to be told what's what.
I actually laughed at that "we're gods" thingy if you haven't noticed.

LOL,You're a cartoon character aren't you ? Acussing other of being obsessed while spending his whole time in here cheerleading everyone against the West and infesting every thread with your stupidity.Dude,you're a guy with an obvious inferiority complex which lashes out all day against "perceived" enemies.

Yes,from time to time a hypocrite like you needs to be told what's what.

In contrast to your ridiculous obsession with me, you are just another member who I find interesting
For your rants against Russia.

If it was not for that, you would not even register on my radar.
In contrast to your ridiculous obsession with me, you are just another member who I find interesting
For your rants against Russia.

If it was not for that, you would not even register on my radar.

I'm honoured.:rolleyes1:

Still,stop saying the same thing 100 times,repeating the same crap doesn't make it real,try to enjoy the life that your host country gave you.
I'm honoured.:rolleyes1:

Still,stop saying the same thing 100 times,repeating the same crap doesn't make it real,try to enjoy the life that your host country gave you.

Dude, I will ignore your advice as I obviously do not agree with your opinion.
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