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Undeterred India to hunt for oil in South China Sea

wow thats incredible for you. well done

Thanks. :cheers:

I mentioned what is fact and not based on Ifs and Buts. You should be happy for Strong Indian Navy. :tup:

I am ready if you prove anything wrong what i said. :cheers:
Here is Chinese point of view

Let the sea be calm

If Vietnam and India insist on jointly tapping oil resources in the disputed waters of the South China Sea as reported, they may risk setting off a new round of tension in the troubled waters. Their relationship with China will be at stake too.

According to Indian media reports, the country's state oil company, ONGC Videsh Ltd, plans to explore oil in two Vietnam blocks in the disputed waters. The Press Trust of India, the country's news agency, reported that India's external affairs minister is scheduled to discuss the cooperation mechanism with Vietnamese officials in Hanoi on Friday.

India has been quick to dismiss China's objection to the oil exploration project, The Times of India reported on Thursday citing the external affairs ministry's spokesperson, who insisted that energy cooperation with Vietnam should grow.

Both countries should understand the sensitive and complicated nature of the South China Sea issue. They should also understand that China will not back off when it comes to issues concerning its territorial integrity. Beijing is determined to defend its indisputable sovereignty in the South China Sea.

India and Vietnam, which is directly involved in maritime territorial dispute with China, should show due consideration for regional peace and stability.

They should refrain from making reckless moves that could escalate tensions in the disputed waters. Their planned oil exploration in the waters is not simply an economic issue but one of security and political importance. Any misstep or misjudgment by them could hurt their relations with China.

As a neighbor of India and Vietnam both, China has vowed to build good-neighborly relations with them. Maintaining sound ties with China is also in the interests of India and Vietnam.

At the fifth meeting of the China-Vietnam steering committee on cooperation in Hanoi last week, the two sides agreed to expedite negotiations on the South China Sea disputes and work out a mutually agreeable solution as soon as possible. They also agreed to solve the maritime problem through negotiations and peaceful, friendly consultations.

In July, China reached a consensus with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, of which Vietnam is a member state, on implementing the 2002 Declaration of Conduct in the South China Sea.

Hanoi should honor the commitments it has made at bilateral and multilateral levels and sincerely work in that direction. Any attempt that Vietnam makes to draw support from outside forces will be met with strong opposition from China and make the settlement of the dispute more difficult.

As for New Delhi, jumping on the bandwagon to provoke China on the maritime disputes is not a sensible move on its part. If India intends to rise as a big power, befriending China would be a better strategy for it.

Let the sea be calm|Comment|chinadaily.com.cn

Just how snobbish the Chinese are ! They talk about regoinal piece and stabiity, but convieniently forget their own activities in Kashmir.
Why you bothering telling them truth. they cant handle it. They are burning sooooo much thats incredibele you know. lol

keep all these truths with you. those whom talking and thinking they are super power ,so they have right to do anything what they want............ are just sick minded people ( dictators).
1-How many countries China have direct access to resource ?? Our Navy is very strong and we can face any kind of threat. We reach middle-east direct by sea with no problem and no one can do anything. Let it make it clear.
2-Tibet front doesn't matter. Our Navy is not going to fight in North and East. We have Air force and Army for that. :azn:
3-If you could, then you would have already done that. Chinese only know to bully others. Don't over-estimate yourself. You can't beat Vietnam or Taiwan and thinking of India. :lol:
4-For Malacca strait, We won't stop any merchant ships. Why we will do that. But in War scenario, We will certinaly open one more strong gate and you won't able to do anything. Chinese don't even have Blue Navy. Your Fighter jets can also not fly 4,000 KM without refuelling. We will always have huge geographical advantage. :coffee:
5-We don't need access to Central Asia through Pakistan. We have certain access there. We will resource from Iran route if needed. Except Pakistan, we have good or neutral relation with almost all countries. We are doing this for many decades, if you know. So, Relax. We are doing fine.

1-At leas China access to central asia and aftghan for oil, gaz and mineral, Russia as well. And Don't over-estimate your Navy….Indian navy has never face a potential adversary…let wait and see.

2-Sound fair to me…

3-that how you guys bragged your India greatness until your 1962 arrived, I would love to see another dual or rematch

4-India has huge geographical advantage???? I don't see where you try to get at…as I said before Indian Navy is unchallenged because no potential adversay navy in Indian Ocean…PLAN will certainly want to taste your Indian’s Brahmos

5-That’s fine, if Iran indeed a good solution except you have to have another step to carry resource by sea….how convenient :lol: .
It is not even a week yet ! Will take some time for actual drilling. We have made the decision it is not just talk

Made decision doesn't mean take action..and you guys made alot of noise and trumpeting on how you gonna make china pay for action in Kashmire???

we chinese don't talk or decide we just toke action in Kashmire
you're not drilling, not even start to explore...just plan to talk

If it is just "all talk" then why are you guys already peeing you pants..issuing demarches , issuing statements like "oh it is great provocation" ??
If it is just "all talk" then why are you guys already peeing you pants..issuing demarches , issuing statements like "oh it is great provocation" ??

That's evil chinese natural reaction to respond to your statement such as:

-We will provok China in south China sea unless we back down on Kashimire or;
- such South China sea to be rename to South Asian sea...or;
-China is scare, they won't dare to Attack Indian-vietnamese alliance or;
-The vietname famous one :lol: --> we beat China in 1979, they're scare on they pants

don't you know in pissing contest, we want to be part of it
1-At leas China access to central asia and aftghan for oil, gaz and mineral, Russia as well. And Don't over-estimate your Navy….Indian navy has never face a potential adversary…let wait and see.

What't your point of accessing central Asia ? What topic is with South China sea or Indian ocean has to do ? We will access Afghanistan from Iran. We have better relation with most of the countries in central Asia except China. Central Asia is not so important compare with Middle-East and that is safe. I am not over-estimating our Navy. I am talking what are our capabilities not on Ifs and Buts. Surely, We will wait and see. :tup:

3-that how you guys bragged your India greatness until your 1962 arrived, I would love to see another dual or rematch

You forget 1967, When we kicked back (Nathu La, Chola La) ? After that 44 years already passed and we listing merely words from China and no action. Even after 1962, We faced and defeated your best friend 3 times. what you did ? Again nothing as usual.

4-India has huge geographical advantage???? I don't see where you try to get at…as I said before Indian Navy is unchallenged because no potential adversay navy in Indian Ocean…PLAN will certainly want to taste your Indian’s Brahmos

Yes, India has huge geographical advantage. We are standing at Malacca Strait (Andamaan & Nicobaar Islands). We access Asean Countries mostly from our route. We have direct access to Middle-East. Central Asia, We have good relation with most of the countries except China. Surely, Taste Brahmos for any adventurous. Why only Brahmos, There are many missiles we have. :tup:

5-That’s fine, if Iran indeed a good solution except you have to have another step to carry resource by sea….how convenient :lol: .

Yes, much better than mere words and no action. We have good relation with most of the countries except China, NK and Pakistan. Enjoy !!
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