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Undeterred India to hunt for oil in South China Sea


CHINA + PAKISTAN + NORTH KOREA................

doesn't it reminds one of " Germany + Italy + erstwhile JAPAN".

What great nations ..........
Let wait and see how long you Indian can stay in South China sea?? believe me after one or 2 weeks, you GOI will just silentsly slip away this area without making more noice...that's the Best India can do.
India is a big country, small countries around her will laugh a lot if India so scare of CHina like that :)

India may withdraw, but she should stay 2 or 3 years at least , she won't scare of CHina :P
1-India connects to Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Nepal, Burma, Sri lanka, Bangladesh , Bhutan, Maldiev, UAE, KSA, Iran and most of the Middle-east directly. If Pakistan has geographical advantage, We have 10 times bigger geographical advantage.
2- you forgot Malacca strait ? We are Enemy at Gate. We have huge advantage :cheers:
3-How Pakistan can block to go to Middle-East ? have you seen the Map ?? Check it 1st. Indeed, India can block Pakistan if we want. We have capability.
4Why we will go to central Asia through Pakistan ?? We have Airbase in Tajikistan, Strong presence in Afghanistan. Did Pakistan stopped ?? Posting without knowing anything ? :rofl:

1-That’s by sea, how about by land?? Are you connected to central Asia??? You have bigger land but not advantage to access to resource.

2-You can only threaten merchant ships try to use short cut and economical road, but doesn’t mean that enemy’s navy will have to pass throught that area, while you’re embush enemy ship at Malacca straight…you coastal cities will already been under attacked…if you talk about China, we can open the Tibet front to welcome you there

3-Who mention the Middle East? I’m talking about Central Asia
4-How you guys carry the resource back to India? Throught Vladivastok and accross pacifc ocean then back to India?
India is a big country, small countries around her will laugh a lot if India so scare of CHina like that :)

India may withdraw, but she should stay 2 or 3 years at least , she won't scare of CHina :P

Dont worry bro ...India is here to stay :)

Couple of scared Chinese sissies who write paranoid articles in official editorial mouthpieces of the CPC aren't gonna make us leave . :)

Lets see if they dare to cut cables of our ships :lol:
It seems U are very fond of kissing.... Anyway kiss any ***** U want, but tell me how is this so called gate way gonna create pakistan ocean? How come Pakistan block Indian resource? Or are u planning of naming South China sea as Pakistan ocean? Ooooo thats gonna scare us of that place....

Basically I what try to get at is If Pakistan know how to use it geographical advantage, not only it can earn alot of money to create a strong Navy to rival Indian navy...what Pakistan lack now is money to acquire a carrier battle group.
1-That’s by sea, how about by land?? Are you connected to central Asia??? You have bigger land but not advantage to access to resource.

How many countries China have direct access to resource ?? Our Navy is very strong and we can face any kind of threat. We reach middle-east direct by sea with no problem and no one can do anything. Let it make it clear.

2-You can only threaten merchant ships try to use short cut and economical road, but doesn’t mean that enemy’s navy will have to pass throught that area, while you’re embush enemy ship at Malacca straight…you coastal cities will already been under attacked…if you talk about China, we can open the Tibet front to welcome you there

Tibet front doesn't matter. Our Navy is not going to fight in North and East. We have Air force and Army for that. :azn:

If you could, then you would have already done that. Chinese only know to bully others. Don't over-estimate yourself. You can't beat Vietnam or Taiwan and thinking of India. :lol:

For Malacca strait, We won't stop any merchant ships. Why we will do that. But in War scenario, We will certinaly open one more strong gate and you won't able to do anything. Chinese don't even have Blue Navy. Your Fighter jets can also not fly 4,000 KM without refuelling. We will always have huge geographical advantage. :coffee:

3-Who mention the Middle East? I’m talking about Central Asia
4-How you guys carry the resource back to India? Throught Vladivastok and accross pacifc ocean then back to India?

We don't need access to Central Asia through Pakistan. We have certain access there. We will resource from Iran route if needed. Except Pakistan, we have good or neutral relation with almost all countries. We are doing this for many decades, if you know. So, Relax. We are doing fine.
Basically I what try to get at is If Pakistan know how to use it geographical advantage, not only it can earn alot of money to create a strong Navy to rival Indian navy...what Pakistan lack now is money to acquire a carrier battle group.

pakistan is far away from getting carrier,leave cbg
Basically I what try to get at is If Pakistan know how to use it geographical advantage, not only it can earn alot of money to create a strong Navy to rival Indian navy...what Pakistan lack now is money to acquire a carrier battle group.

We will have 3 Carrier Battle group by 2014. Pakistan don't have single one and highly unlikely that it will have single by 2020. Even China don't have a single CBG. :rolleyes:
Pakistan connects to Iran, Afghanistan and China, a strategic cross road where every great nations want to connect to it, even U.S chose Pakistan as gateway to access to Afghan and central Asia. a geographical advantage can boost Pakistan itself into a podium in South Asia very rapidly.

And gladly Pakistan block India's path to resource central asia, and your so call Iran gaz pipe line has to pass through Paksitan too...no matter how great your Navy, Paksitan can cut and Isolate India from accessing the future energy resource. your Indian navy can only swim back and fore in your indian coast line without any utility.

So to summerize this, Pakistan navy is weak because of $$$, once Pakistan know how to use it geographical advantage, everyone will come kiss Pakistan incluse China :D...of course with $$$$$$$$$ and military toys then i will love to see the obsoleted Indians navy to cast a worrying eyes in the new Pakistan Ocean :lol:

excellant analysis:pakistan::china::victory:
excellant analysis:pakistan::china::victory:

Basically I what try to get at is If Pakistan know how to use it geographical advantage, not only it can earn alot of money to create a strong Navy to rival Indian navy...what Pakistan lack now is money to acquire a carrier battle group.

Why you bothering telling them truth. they cant handle it. They are burning sooooo much thats incredibele you know. lol
hmmm troll fest, lets have some beer :cheers:....... so many internet warriors with nuke toys.
Pakistan + China = 0 CBG , By 2020 may be 1 or 2 by China that also in east cost near Japan, SK, Vietnam, Taiwan most likely.

India = 3 CBG by 2014. (All in IOR)

After 2014, We will start another CBG production INS Vishal which will have 40 F-35 or Rafale or Typhoon. :coffee:

Pakistan don't have single destroyers and we have already finalised 4 new Kolkatta Destroyers from 2014-2020. By 2020, We will have 15 Destroyers. We will have many Nuclear Submarine with BM. Pakistan don't have single. We will even operating P8i to Kill Submarine in 1 year. India would be 2nd country to operate after USA. Rest of the things are not so important. :tup:
Pakistan + China = 0 CBG , By 2020 may be 1 that also in east cost most likely.

India = 3 CBG by 2014.

After 2014, We will start another CBG production INS Vishal which will have 40 F-35, Rafale or Typhoon. :coffee:

Pakistan don't have single destroyers and we have already finalised 4 new Kolkatta Destroyers from 2014-2020. By 2020, We will have 15 Destroyers. We will have many Nuclear Submarine with BM. Pakistan don't have single. We will even operating P8i to Kill Submarine. India would be 2nd country to operate after USA. Rest of the things are not so important. :tup:

wow thats incredible for you. well done
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