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UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

or on the other hand the parents of those particular kids were giving them knowledge of what india is doing(in your term brainwashing)..

If those parents are not guilty of criminal neglect, what else do you call it?

pak gave to china for the purpose of development

Can you now inform us what development has taken place in Shaksgam?

...yeah you never started war but your army was already there to welcome us in kashmir ?? what was your army already doing there ?? manipulating the letter of maharaja or threatening the maharaja ?

I suggest you educate yourself first. The Indian Army flew into Srinagar Airport to find the Afridi raiders already in Baramula. Are you suggesting that they were born and brought up in Baramula? Or are you suggesting that Akbar Khan's account was a total lie? Or do we take it that Tariq Ali's graphic account of how the invasion was organised, deferred so that a key player could go on his honeymoon, and then unleashed on an unsuspecting Valley totally false?

Are you aware of the distance between the point of origin of the raiders and the town of Baramula?

Are you aware that the Indian Army moved AFTER the Maharaja's letter of accession was received, simultaneously with the acknowledgement by the Indian Governor-General?

It is unfortunate that you should intervene when your knowledge of events is so poor. Please read up on these things before commenting further.

kargil posts isnt your territory boy neither of us..you call them militants ..we call them freedom fighters..thats the end of the story from my side but the story will goes on until a final result which i personally want a peace full one :)

Kargil posts were on the LOC, and had been occupied by the Indian Army in accordance with the definition of the LOC in 1947.

They were occupied in a clandestine way during the usual winter evacuation of these posts.

You had no freedom fighters, nor militants, in those posts. They were regular paramilitary forces of Pakistan, the Northern Light Infantry.

It is sad that you wasted everyone's time telling us a story fundamentally untrue IN EVERY RESPECT.

It is quite possible that the story will go on, but it will be nice if you could refrain from inflicting your totally ignorant account of events on the rest of us. It is a sheer waste of space.

Still better than fooling a billion plus gullible creatures. :)

Only that minute fraction of a billion that has the slightest interest in irresponsible neighbours and their irresponsible behaviour. :D
Only that minute fraction of a billion that has the slightest interest in irresponsible neighbours and their irresponsible behaviour. :D

Yup no slightest interest. Just an obsession with no cure :)
Why you are exited about kashmir... when you give a away part of kashmir to china.. Why not giving chance to Kashmiris themselves ? if you gave them for development .then is that means are you not capable of developing kashmir yourself ? when you can't then, what is the purpose to support militants? these type of arguments leads nothing... The only possible solution convert LoC into IB...
read my previous post again sir i made some minor changes regards
Yup no slightest interest. Just an obsession with no cure :)

Of course there are a few of us obsessed with trying to cope with such neighbours. We are less than 1% of the population; the other 99% simply doesn't care.

I tend to agree with you, it is an obsession with no cure. The cure would lie in the development of responsible behaviour, and as we can see for ourselves, that is in the highest degree unlikely.
Of course there are a few of us obsessed with trying to cope with such neighbours. We are less than 1% of the population; the other 99% simply doesn't care.

I tend to agree with you, it is an obsession with no cure. The cure would lie in the development of responsible behaviour, and as we can see for ourselves, that is in the highest degree unlikely.

Obsession is obsession. You can't given any justification for it.

As for responsibility. We are very responsible when it comes to our land and people. Whether it is Karachi or Srinagar. :)
@Joe Shearer

Why do you even bother. Every new pakistani on this forum will rake Kashmir. You will try explaining. Finally beaten by facts, he will say, but it is ours. You will get frustrated.

My advice, let them keep saying it. At the end of the day, they signed on the Simla Agreement. A sovereign government, a concept which sometimes is alien to our neighbours, signed it. When you are own government does not respect documents it signs, how do you expect others to respect that sovereign government ?

Anyways, I digress. I am still waiting for Hafeez Saeed to march into Kashmir or for Geelanis kids to take up arms or for anything of that sort to happen. Or HS kids to take up arms. But then.......jannat is in staying alive. Not getting killed. A simple fact lost on the idiots who believe these idiots.
Obsession is obsession. You can't given any justification for it.

As for responsibility. We are very responsible when it comes to our land and people. Whether it is Karachi or Srinagar. :)

Responsibility is on show. Drone strikes and a government which encourages its own citizens for acts of terrorism in neighbouring countries.
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Responsibility is at show. Drone strikes and a government which encourages its own citizens for acts of terrorism in neighbouring countries.

After capture of Kal Bhushan you shouldn't talk about encouraging own citizens for acts of terrorism in neighboring countries. :lol:
@Joe Shearer

Why do you even bother. Every new pakistani on this forum will rake Kashmir. You will try explaining. Finally beaten by facts, he will say, but it is ours. You will get frustrated.

My advice, let them keep saying it. At the end of the day, they signed on the Simla Agreement. A sovereign government, a concept which sometimes is alien to our neighbours, signed it. When you are own government does not respect documents it signs, how do you expect others to respect that sovereign government ?

Anyways, I digress. I am still waiting for Hafeez Saeed to march into Kashmir or for Geelanis kids to take up arms or for anything of that sort to happen. Or HS kids to take up arms. But then.......jannat is in staying alive. Not getting killed. A simple fact lost on the idiots who believe these idiots.

It is not only Pakistani, but Indians too.

It is the moral right, nay responsibility of everyone who knows the facts to post facts. Doesn't matter. Challenge and counter every lie or figment of imagination, while keeping your facts straight and clear. That is the only way to defeat the lies on either side of border.

That's why he does it. And personally, his effort in every post of his, has made me into a better informed citizen. I think even if one person stands better informed than earlier state, his objective as a professor and as an intellectual is achieved.

And for any Indian who is better informed, his objective as an Indian is achieved.

So cheer him and back him .... It's a delight when he writes

(and equally delightful when he trolls and after loosing patience with repeated idiocy, literally gives a member a personalised dressing down laced with erudition and exemplary diction, that's 'abuses in eloquence'!!!!:omghaha:)

@Joe Shearer Sir last few lines .. don't make me the target after reading it, I enjoy being a spectator, not the addressee of the personalised affection LOL
Obsession is obsession. You can't given any justification for it.

As for responsibility. We are very responsible when it comes to our land and people. Whether it is Karachi or Srinagar. :)

Obsession is normal when it comes to specific commentary and specific observation. You would not wish to read cursory or superficial analysis. Any serious, insightful work requires engaging with the subject matter on a committed basis. There is every justification for it, as for instance, there is justification for your complete envelopment in the subject yourself. It merely proves the point that there is a purpose, and that there is every justification.

Your mention of your responsibility is encouraging and heartening. It is to be hoped - an atheist unfortunately cannot resort to prayer - that your responsibility, stated so boldly and proudly, has an effect on the ongoing carnage within your population, thanks to your societal adoption of a method of seeking favourable changes that was bound to hurt you yourselves even in the medium term.

My sincere wishes for your eventual recovery.

@Joe Shearer

Why do you even bother. Every new pakistani on this forum will rake Kashmir. You will try explaining. Finally beaten by facts, he will say, but it is ours. You will get frustrated.

My advice, let them keep saying it. At the end of the day, they signed on the Simla Agreement. A sovereign government, a concept which sometimes is alien to our neighbours, signed it. When you are own government does not respect documents it signs, how do you expect others to respect that sovereign government ?

Anyways, I digress. I am still waiting for Hafeez Saeed to march into Kashmir or for Geelanis kids to take up arms or for anything of that sort to happen. Or HS kids to take up arms. But then.......jannat is in staying alive. Not getting killed. A simple fact lost on the idiots who believe these idiots.


I must really sound like an idiot, must I not? :D
Whether it is Karachi or Srinagar. :)

Any legality to count Srinagar as your own?

If not, that defines obsession along with delusion. A mirage in mind. :)

And also tell me which channel is broadcasting Eng-Pak match.
It is not only Pakistani, but Indians too.

It is the moral right, nay responsibility of everyone who knows the facts to post facts. Doesn't matter. Challenge and counter every lie or figment of imagination, while keeping your facts straight and clear. That is the only way to defeat the lies on either side of border.

That's why he does it. And personally, his effort in every post of his, has made me into a better informed citizen. I think even if one person stands better informed than earlier state, his objective as a professor and as an intellectual is achieved.

And for any Indian who is better informed, his objective as an Indian is achieved.

So cheer him and back him .... It's a delight when he writes

(and equally delightful when he trolls and after loosing patience with repeated idiocy, literally gives a member a personalised dressing down laced with erudition and exemplary diction, that's 'abuses in eloquence'!!!!:omghaha:)

@Joe Shearer Sir last few lines .. don't make me the target after reading it, I enjoy being a spectator, not the addressee of the personalised affection LOL

I am very grateful and very sincerely touched. Thank you. Now will you rip off your mask and reveal who you are? This is getting to be bad for my BP.
If those parents are not guilty of criminal neglect, what else do you call it?
well they are obviously more pragmatic of what the real situation is and by the way 'telling the truth regarding what the reality isnt a criminal neglect its ironic to hear such from a person of your knowledge sir.

Can you now inform us what development has taken place in Shaksgam?
i was talking about gilgit and azad kashmir which every indian here whine about

I suggest you educate yourself first. The Indian Army flew into Srinagar Airport to find the Afridi raiders already in Baramula. Are you suggesting that they were born and brought up in Baramula? Or are you suggesting that Akbar Khan's account was a total lie? Or do we take it that Tariq Ali's graphic account of how the invasion was organised, deferred so that a key player could go on his honeymoon, and then unleashed on an unsuspecting Valley totally false?

first of all the Hindu hari singh (ruling over muslim majority) was delusional enough for asking help from india .how on earth he thought of kashmir being captured etc .yeah its obvious the army took action after he acceded kashmir to india under force and manipulation anways sir you stick your version and we stick to ours.

It is unfortunate that you should intervene when your knowledge of events is so poor. Please read up on these things before commenting further.

Kargil posts were on the LOC, and had been occupied by the Indian Army in accordance with the definition of the LOC in 1947.

They were occupied in a clandestine way during the usual winter evacuation of these posts.

You had no freedom fighters, nor militants, in those posts. They were regular paramilitary forces of Pakistan, the Northern Light Infantry.

It is sad that you wasted everyone's time telling us a story fundamentally untrue IN EVERY RESPECT.

It is quite possible that the story will go on, but it will be nice if you could refrain from inflicting your totally ignorant account of events on the rest of us. It is a sheer waste of space.

I thought' for my mistake your thinking is multi-dimensional but rather its uni...after what indian army did in operation meghdod in 1984 there is obviously a mistrust between the two armies..kashmir is a occupied territory so who occupies who or who violated that agreement or this agreement/pact etc at this or that time of history that is going to happen as long as there is 'LOC' not international border so there is nothing much in saying "you occupied our vacated posts" yes there were freedom fighters (militants for you)aswel and paramilitary force too...

one thing is for sure unless and until the kashmir issue is not resolved the freedom fighters will not let any chance down to take it back or to cause damage to the indian forces...i wonder why there is not a black day celebrated on 14 august rather 15 august...that tells the whole story who is doing who ...

p.s dont telme now pak evacuated or killed azad kashmir population and make them limited not to celebrate black day on 14 august .
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