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UN backtracks on role of its observers in Kashmir, says limited to LOC

Indian media is unbelievable ....
Agreed, some of the clowns in Indian media are epic fools.. But compared to Pakistan's bunch of lunatics, they are 1000 times better.. I have seen some extremely foolish programmes running successfully every week in your country's channels..
The issue here is India is right legally in every department and has followed all resolutions and agreements perfectly.

India has that owns the accession of Kasjmir, India maintains special status till India reclaims the whole of Kashmir.

The UN resolution ..though defunct has not been adhered by Pakistan. Also, Pakistan has completely changed the demography of P OK that it no more is legal for vote. In addition, it has handed over kashmiri land to the chinese.

Pakistan has tried everything hat it could - it has sent hordes of terrorists, LET alone has trained hundreds of thousands of Pakistanis and still is doing it.

Pakistan has tried illegal occupation in Kargil and operations like grand slam and gibraltar, it has started numerous wars, cross border firings...and lately has handed over partial sovereignty of P OK to the chinese.

The only viable solution is war, and India will make sure it's decisive this time.
respected sir india isnt right at all

the puppet government india have created sir

mass murdering and suppression of the voices of kashmiris india has done sir

human rights etc etc i have mention many times.

read article 370 sir .."According to this article, except for defence, foreign affairs, finance and communications, Parliament needs the state government's concurrence for applying all other laws. Thus the state's residents live under a separate set of laws"

kashmiri are meant to live on there own except for few lollipops which you will see in the above article 370 ..and the "special provision you are talking is itself temporary "

i dont wanna go into the mess of wars ..but what about tibet and aksai chin ?? should we say that you handed it over to them by your negligence or etc..giving land for the development of projects like roads etc creating industrial hubs for the betterment fo society doesnt mean we handed it over to them..on contrary to aksai chin and tibet ..

lastly in my opinion i dont see war anywhere near for about 20-30 years ...proxy war you can say will goes on ...dialogue is the only way forward...if the war is going to happen it will not be for the land of kashmir but water.of kashmir
respected sir india isnt right at all

the puppet government india have created sir

Have you done your research on the voting which took place for Assembly elections? What was the voting percentage?

mass murdering and suppression of the voices of kashmiris india has done sir

Oi, check the media coverage by EVERYONE of Kashmir, the numerous articles critical of India on Indian sources ... if that is suppression of facts .. what is the acceptance?

read article 370 sir .."According to this article, except for defence, foreign affairs, finance and communications, Parliament needs the state government's concurrence for applying all other laws. Thus the state's residents live under a separate set of laws"

So where is it not getting a separate status?
Rest cant make out what are you saying actually .. be clearer.

i dont wanna go into the mess of wars ..but what about tibet and aksai chin ?? should we say that you handed it over to them by your negligence or etc..giving land for the development of projects like roads etc creating industrial hubs for the betterment fo society doesnt mean we handed it over to them..on contrary to aksai chin and tibet ..
lastly in my opinion i dont see war anywhere near for about 20-30 years ...proxy war you can say will goes on ...dialogue is the only way forward...if the war is going to happen it will not be for the land of kashmir but water.of kashmir

What is this????
as long as army is there sir peace not going to happen..it will erupt again and again..indian army has done lots of bad things to the civilians or may be little bad things (in the time of peace) maybe!!= creates freedom fighters(in your terms terrorists)= situation escalated= peace disrupted.

1. There are forces which involved in kashmir who are exploiting Kids from year 1, they are getting brainwashed...
2. What exactly you are trying to prove? isn't pakistan gave part of kashmir to china?
3. We never started war, our army confronted only after pakistan advanced its troops to invade kashmir... Why pak did that?
4. on mutual agreement IA vacated posts during winter, then why the heck Pak tried to occupy them? do you think anyone gonna believe you guys? never
5. Pak actively involved in kashmir unrest, openly supporting militants... and declared them as martyr... very innocent ..
Have you done your research on the voting which took place for Assembly elections? What was the voting percentage?

Has she forgotten her promise before the elections, of delivering justice to the 123 families who lost their dear ones in the 2010 unrest? thats mehbooba mufti for you show casing the silence' obviously her hands are cuffed by the indian government or maybe she is the installed pawn of india like the previous ones ..dont tell me about your elections please conducted under the hegemony of your army

Oi, check the media coverage by EVERYONE of Kashmir, the numerous articles critical of India on Indian sources ... if that is suppression of facts .. what is the acceptance?

i was referring to the "suppression" of individual kashmiris limited to themselves...not about some media stuff who show their news after they are dead...

So where is it not getting a separate status?
Rest cant make out what are you saying actually .. be clearer.

rest have different situation ...the area of spotlight is always under observation ..hence in our case its not..

What is this????
was answering somebodys else not you sir you will not understand .
1. There are forces which involved in kashmir who are exploiting Kids from year 1, they are getting brainwashed...
2. What exactly you are trying to prove? isn't pakistan gave part of kashmir to china?
3. We never started war, our army confronted only after pakistan advanced its troops to invade kashmir... Why pak did that?
4. on mutual agreement IA vacated posts during winter, then why the heck Pak tried to occupy them? do you think anyone gonna believe you guys? never
5. Pak actively involved in kashmir unrest, openly supporting militants... and declared them as martyr... very innocent ..
or on the other hand the parents of those particular kids were giving them knowledge of what india is doing(in your term brainwashing)..pak gave to china for the purpose of development ...yeah you never started war but your army was already there to welcome us in kashmir ?? what was your army already doing there ?? manipulating the letter of maharaja or threatening the maharaja ? kargil posts isnt your territory boy neither of us..you call them militants ..we call them freedom fighters..thats the end of the story from my side but the story will goes on until a final result which i personally want a peace full one :)
or on the other hand the parents of those particular kids were giving them knowledge of what india is doing(in your term brainwashing)..paktowardve to china for the purpose of development ...yeah you never started war but your army was already there to welcome us in kashmir ?? what was your army already doing there ?? manipulating the letter of maharaja or threatening the maharaja ? kargil posts isnt your territory boy neither of us..you call them militants ..we call them freedom fighters..thats the end of the story from my side but the story will goes on until a final result which i personally want a peace full one :)

Purpose of development? how come... if your stance is for kashmir freedom, you don't have right to give china... china is no one to kashmir... threatening maharaja or as Maharaja interest towards India!. son your military occupied empty Indian army posts... which both sides agreed to vacate during winter.. so is that mean, you don't give respect to your words? Even Isis thinks them selves as freedom fighters .. Separatists sons and daughters having luxurious life Abroad, but they are making youth in kashmir as scapegoat... first brush up your mind before you come to discuss..
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1 AUGUST 2016

Daily Press Briefing by the Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General

Question: Yeah. I want to thank you very much on behalf of all the journalists here. We have a great opportunity. And my question is not directly related to what you said but it's still an ongoing thing. And it's regarding the Indian-occupied part of Kashmir, the disputed territory, the ongoing atrocities, people are being, you know, killed and there are a number of people who are being hidden [inaudible], what has the United Nations done specifically in this regard and what further United Nations can do, just to stop this act which right now is going on in the disputed territory of Kashmir?

Deputy Spokesman: Well, the United Nations has repeatedly, including just a few weeks ago, put out the message to both sides about the need for them to work constructively with each other on this issue. And we will continue to monitor the situation including, of course, through our monitoring group on the ground, UNMOGIP [United Nations Military Observers in India and Pakistan].

Question: Follow‑up: was the United Nations thing the UN rights are being violated right now in this disputed territory of Kashmir by Indian forces?

Deputy Spokesman: I would refer you to the work of our Human Rights colleagues in Geneva, but we have issued periodic communications on this. Yes, Masood?


Indian Media is claiming that this statement (the underlined part) by the Deputy Spokesperson has been "clarified" today by the Spokesperson.

Everyone knows the mandate of UNMOGIP. It's mentioned clearly on their website. And it has always been the same.

But look at the Indian Media, It is trying to give an impression as if the UN has backtracked on the role of its observers in Kashmir !! :lol:

What a bunch of clowns ... No wonder no one takes Indian Media seriously ...

Another proof that Indian media is never to be trusted
Purpose of development? how come... if you stance is for kashmir freedom, you don't have right to give china... china is no one to kashmir... threatening maharaja or as Maharaja interest towards India!. son your military occupied emty Indian army posts... which both sides agreed to vacate during winter.. so is that mean, you don't give respect to your words? Even Isis thinks them selves as freedom fighters .. Separatists sons and daughters having luxurious lifes Abroad, but they are making youth in kashmir as scapegoat... first brush up your mind before you come to discuss..
..u called me son so u obviously a aged person ...sir kindly really clear my mind...if china has nothing to do with kashmir than why dont you wage a war with china on tibet on aksai chin?

my second point is if you talk about vacating posts and all that ..i will talk about siachen than.

even you have nothing to do with kashmir than why your government is building dams there restricting pakistan waters
isis is a diff scenario but you are treating kashmirs as the french treated the algierians.
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@Areesh, my dear Hafiz Saeed's girlfriend must be frustrated that despite two of his fathers Sartaj Aziz and Ganja Sharif's moaning, UN spat on their face and refused to intervene in Kashmir.:lol:

As for your IQ I am sure that having to spend lots of time with Hafiz Saeed at night affected your brain development.

My dear TTP monkey. You might have spent a lot of time sleeping with Mullah Fazlullah and Mangal Bagh but the fact would remain the same that your media has fooled you once again with a false and fake news. Since you have an IQ of baboon let me repeat a few facts for you once again since you couldn't understand it first time.

1 There is nothing new in this fake news by Indian media
2 Kashmir is a disputed territory

Now since you have too low of an IQ you won't understand that while the fact is that spit is on you and your bharat mata who took Kashmir to UN itself and made it a disputed territory which is the case till today. :lol:

Pakistani media.

Preserving the status quo. No need to make anyone anything; they got a done deal.

Still better than fooling a billion plus gullible creatures. :)
..u called me son so u obviously a aged person ...sir kindly really clear my mindw china has nothing to do with kashmir than why dont you wage a war with china on tibet on aksai chin?

my second point is if you talk about vacating posts and all that ..i will talk about siachen than

Why you are exited about kashmir... when you give a away part of kashmir to china.. Why not giving chance to Kashmiris themselves ? if you gave them for development .then is that means are you not capable of developing kashmir yourself ? when you can't then, what is the purpose to support militants? these type of arguments leads nothing... The only possible solution convert LoC into IB...
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