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Ummah is proud of Pakistan’s defence production: Saudi Minister

well , then you must agree that 90% of the achievement that have been attributed to Muslim world in history is not belong to Muslim world but the Credit go to Rafida Land .

and in Bahrain the only one you attacked were the peaceful protesters that never been armed from the day one.

Historically speaking, a few early remarkable Muslim Iranians contributed to the Islamic Civilization, but. %90 is too much :lol: unless you want to count the lashing and other cults.
Historically speaking, a few early remarkable Muslim Iranians contributed to the Islamic Civilization, but. %90 is too much :lol: unless you want to count the lashing and other cults.
a few ?
%90 is too much of a Persian ego.

Yes, Iran's contribution to the Islamic Civilization is far less than what other Muslims did. Take the Golden Age of Islam as an example, along with the Ottoman's.
%90 is too much of a Persian ego.

Yes, Iran's contribution to the Islamic Civilization is far less than what other Muslims did. Take the Golden Age of Islam as an example, along with the Ottoman's.
well ,then please read more about Islamic golden age and by the way as I understand Ottoman empire were well after Islamic golden age.
well ,then please read more about Islamic golden age and by the way as I understand Ottoman empire were well after Islamic golden age.

Already did.

And that's why I said " along with the Ottoman " I appreciate your attempt to understand my post though.

This guy is mentally ill why u argue with him

This guy is mentally ill why u argue with him
You're the wisest of the wise then? :lol:
Already did.

And that's why I said " along with the Ottoman " I appreciate your attempt to understand my post though.
and in both the golden age of Islam and ottoman area our contribution to the Islam were far more than many others ,several month ago there was one thread that another of our friend from KSA claimed some scientists and philosophers in that thread I proved more than 90% of them were Iranian.

and sadly it seems because of lack of contribution to the world from peninsula you guys are thought some strange version of history , for example do you remember when UAE claimed Avecina was an Arab from UAE
"BATMAN, post: 5405018, member: 2839"]That's very uncheetah

I never complain..

]How can i tell who is running PML-N propaganda? Actually, i do no it believe its propaganda news of any sort!

Since its a crown corporation and cousin Nawaz signs the paycheck :omghaha:

Considering you.. who would believe any BS from unconfirmed sources would not trust APP is very inconsistent....

Batman other than you and few others every body else in the world can see what the House of Saud really is. If you are as patriotic as you claim to be last thing you would be doing is questioning me and praising the House of Saud for the destruction of Pakistan. If anybody needs to open their eyes and see it's you.

rest, I did not understand, what you are knitting here, but please, fume your hate some where else and stop getting personal, which i resort to reply.

Where did i get personal and as far as fuming is concerned i have every right to defend my self when you are making false and baseless claims.

BATMAN is no political party, I seriously hope BATMAN does not come to haunt you in your dreams.

Batman might not be a political party but batman is following the ideology of one.:raise:And as far as you coming in my dreams is concerned you are not my type.:omghaha:
You're the wisest of the wise then? :lol:

Someone with the IQ of 130 could be mental, we are not talking about IQ.

The amount of hatred and how often you show that hatred directed at a group of people/countries/religion is unhealthy, all that paired with the mountains of smilies. That's what most of your posts are about.

Take a look at your recent post, all that hatred from a keyboard, now how can you say you're not mentally ill.

Let the Iraqi Savage PM burns in hell. They're just animals, let them lose their souls...
None of these folks is Persian, spare us from your ego.

Muhammad al-Idrisi
Ibn al-Nafis
Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī
Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi
Thābit ibn Qurra
Abbas Ibn Firnas
Hunayn ibn Ishaq
Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm al-Fazārī
Haly Abenragel
Ibn al-Shatir
Mu'ayyad al-Din al-'Urdi
Abū l-Walīd Muḥammad bin ʾAḥmad bin Rušd
Nur ad-Din al-Bitruji
Ibn Tufail
List of Arab scientists and scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

and in both the golden age of Islam and ottoman area our contribution to the Islam were far more than many others ,several month ago there was one thread that another of our friend from KSA claimed some scientists and philosophers in that thread I proved more than 90% of them were Iranian.

and sadly it seems because of lack of contribution to the world from peninsula you guys are thought some strange version of history , for example do you remember when UAE claimed Avecina was an Arab from UAE

Someone with the IQ of 130 could be mental, we are not talking about IQ.

The amount of hatred and how often you show that hatred directed at a group of people/countries/religion is unhealthy, all that paired with the mountains of smilies. That's what most of your posts are about.

Take a look at your recent post, all that hatred from a keyboard, now how can you say you're not mentally ill.

You also have shown a remarkable example of hatred toward us, don't expect us to hug you or at least care for you. Weren't you the same guy who called us infidels? Now you have the audacity to speak about hatred? :lol: .. That's an irony..

This is an open forum, if you don't like our political views, then leave, it is simple or pound salt.

Don't forget to brush your teeth ..
You also have shown a remarkable example of hatred toward us, don't expect us to hug you or at least care for you. Weren't you the same guy who called us infidels? Now you have the audacity to speak about hatred? :lol: .. That's an irony..

Don't forget to brush your teeth ..

No certainly not, I sometimes have issues with other states and dislike some things, but nowhere does that equal the hatred of yours.

With you it is on a complete different level, most of your posts are hateful, this is all you do here, include smilies to cover up the hatred as if it’s in a joking way.

I called ahl Saud the ruling family kuffar, while you defend their *** for every act they do, every single action you defend it lol, they ban names you defend it here as if they pay you for this.
Credit go to Rafida Land

The only credit that goes to "Rafida Land" which didn't exist till the 16th century is backstabbing and holding back the Muslim world, nothing else.
No certainly not, I sometimes have issues with other states and dislike some things, but nowhere does that equal the hatred of yours.

Every single post of yours in any KSA-related thread contains nothing but an utter hatred - which is good, I love seeing people burning especially when it comes to inferior enemies -

With you it is on a complete different level, most of your posts are hateful, this is all you do here, include smilies to cover up the hatred as if it’s in a joking way.

As I said before, if you don't like our views, then refrain from posting, it is simple. Or burn.

I called ahl Saud the ruling family kuffar, while you defend their *** for every act they do, every single action you defend it lol, they ban names you defend it here as if they pay you for this

You called us all infidels twice in row, don't pretend to be an angel :lol:

As for the Name-banning legislation, It was a bill passed by the Council. I would love to see the Iraqi Parliament passing a bill to condemn pointing groundless accusations toward other states. But then again, Iraq is a failed state, nothing to expect from it except them killing one another.

No certainly not, I sometimes have issues with other states and dislike some things, but nowhere does that equal the hatred of yours.

With you it is on a complete different level, most of your posts are hateful, this is all you do here, include smilies to cover up the hatred as if it’s in a joking way.

I called ahl Saud the ruling family kuffar, while you defend their *** for every act they do, every single action you defend it lol, they ban names you defend it here as if they pay you for this.

I like this link
List of Arab scientists and scholars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

have you checked how many of them are Iranian?


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The only credit that goes to "Rafida Land" which didn't exist till the 16th century is backstabbing and holding back the Muslim world, nothing else.

They've been nothing but tails :lol:
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