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ULFA urges Dhaka to 'stop crackdown’

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that is the point. you were doing it for months with no output killing your people in huge numbers. as soon as India officially entered the game your months changed to 13 days. I don't think it was co - incidence.:cheers:
It was because Indira gandhi wanted to bring credit to her for a win. But, do you think a country loses only 1300 lives in a decisive war like that? Can you try another war not against Pakistan nor against China, but against a weak country like BD.

You must be ready to sacrifice may be 1.3 million. Even then you will not win any such war. People who believe in TV games will say differently, of course. These feeble minded people will come out with data showing India has this and that. To these people, military service is just a job and not for fighting.

You must be naive to understand the reality of 1971. We did the fighting, you gave us support. That's all.
13 days was only official declaration. But, in reality it was not. Moreover, our freedom fighters were doing their jobs for months at a stretch. Why do you avoid these factors in your analysis?

India has made a world record of victory in 1971 by sacrificing only 1300 lives. This will remain a record forever, thanks to our freedom fighters who died in lakhs.

Yes, your freedom fighters fought together with India for your liberty. But look how you are paying back to India (at least in persuasions) :)
It was because Indira gandhi wanted to bring credit to her for a win. But, do you think a country loses only 1300 lives in a decisive war like that? Can you try another war not against Pakistan nor against China, but against a weak country like BD.

You must be ready to sacrifice may be 1.3 million. Even then you will not win any such war. People who believe in TV games will say differently, of course. These feeble minded people will come out with data showing India has this and that. To these people, military service is just a job and not for fighting.

You must be naive to understand the reality of 1971. We did the fighting, you gave us support. That's all.

who fought the battles in the west? was it your airforce? was your air bases bombed to start the war?

And Bangladesh as i said before we do not need to enter BD to make you guys come on your knees. Just resistance and blockade on another front would be enough for you to surrender.

Can you please ellaborate how the BD will resist the Indian aggression what you have that you can stop the Indian agression. How will you counter the naval blockade? what ships do you have which have superiority over Indian, your missile boats will be in flames as soon as they are detacted and your ports will be on fire with the declaration of war, we have enough misslies to do that. so where will you launch your naval offensive... and regarding your army do you think that you have equipment to force the Indian army away from their posts. we will just stick there rather than attacking you or forward marching.

Can you survive one week of battle after that. And India against BD your market will be doomed next day.
So you wanna fight nuclear submarine, aircraft carriers with missile boats. do you know what Brahmos can do to a missile boat or is it undetectable by Indian radars.

Please do not make mistakes, nuclear submarines are only powered by nuclear fuels and it is not necessary that they are equipped with neclear bombs. By the way, what about my hypothesis about your painfull chicken neck? Do not you think it is vulnerable in times of war between China and India even if BD remains neutral, but does not allow transit of your logistics through our land?

BD's decision will change the outcome of any such war. So, Indians' opinion that BD is surrounded by three sides is on paper only. BD holds extraordinary leverage in times of your war against China. This is one reason that both China and India seek our friendship. This is why India encourages our industrialists to participate in the NE industrialization.

When a China-India war breaks out these BD capitalists will be pushing the BD govt to side with India making it difficult for the GoB to resist. Indian govt is thinking long term. Indian bureaucrats are meritorius to understand the long term effect of BD participation in the NE.
who fought the battles in the west? was it your airforce? was your air bases bombed to start the war?

And Bangladesh as i said before we do not need to enter BD to make you guys come on your knees. Just resistance and blockade on another front would be enough for you to surrender.

Oh, in the west it was only a war of flowers in 1971, nothing substantive. Real fighting was in the east.
Please do not make mistakes, nuclear submarines are only powered by nuclear fuels and it is not necessary that they are equipped with neclear bombs. By the way, what about my hypothesis about your painfull chicken neck? Do not you think it is vulnerable in times of war between China and India even if BD remains neutral, but does not allow transit of your logistics through our land?

BD's decision will change the outcome of any such war. So, Indians' opinion that BD is surrounded by three sides is on paper only. BD holds extraordinary leverage in times of your war against China. This is one reason that both China and India seek our friendship. This is why India encourages our industrialists to participate in the NE industrialization.

When a China-India war breaks out these BD capitalists will be pushing the BD govt to side with India making it difficult for the GoB to resist. Indian govt is thinking long term. Indian bureaucrats are meritorius to understand the long term effect of BD participation in the NE.


Something i believe you have inherited from your Pakistani forefathers. Dont do introspection look at chinese for all solution. Man you guys should start making temples of chinese and start praying. You guys behave as if you are chinese kids and china is your dad who will scold India if it teased you. Chinese for food, chinese for weapons, chinese for fighting India. Lol you guys can do anything without china or do you need chinese assistance in doing daily morning chores also in the morning.. :rofl:
Oh, in the west it was only a war of flowers in 1971, nothing substantive. Real fighting was in the east.

And whom did your forefathers surrendered to? I think it was India. Ask your Pakistani friends they are still on fire not because of you because of us.... (thats another matter of fact we enjoy giving your reference when ever they try and bring down statement like "Kashmir banega Pakistan". )

Something i believe you have dragged from your Pakistani forefathers. Dont do introspection look at chinese for all solution. Man you guys should start making temples of chinese and start praying. Chinese for food, chinese for weapons, chinese for fighting India. Lol you guys can do anything without china or do you need chinese assistance in doing daily morning chores also.. :rofl:

No, you are wrong. Go to the top of my posts. I started with the hypothesis that if A china-India war breaks out, then what will be the military position of BD.

Yes, BD is a good market for both China and India. They export $3b and $4b worth of goods every year.

Of course, we are the topmost purchaser of Chinese military hardwares. They sell us at friendship prices. So, when our payment is small, the q'ty is not that small. Our armaments factories also produce may goods. It is not possible for us to become self-suffient in arms production.
No, you are wrong. Go to the top of my posts. I started with the hypothesis that if A china-India war breaks out, then what will be the military position of BD.

Yes, BD is a good market for both China and India. They export $3b and $4b worth of goods every year.

Of course, we are the topmost purchaser of Chinese military hardwares. They sell us at friendship prices. So, when our payment is small, the q'ty is not that small. Our armaments factories also produce may goods. It is not possible for us to become self-suffient in arms production.

See east watch no offense see dont take it personal but see you guys should not make mistakes which Pakistan is making about too much reliance of China. China is just a sort of buisness man. If it was to be a true friend Pakistan would have been the first one. But ever heard of any aid from China to Pakistan. they just sell goods there and for the reason they do not have a big defense market. They jsut cripple down the local industry. BD goods have a very good foreign market specially textiles but imagine a scenerio when your own industry is crippled of chinese cheap products how can you think of foreign markets and soon you see your cheaper version out of chinese factories.

At any point of time if China and India comes into conflict there will be huge pressure on both of us to settle down the dispute peacefully for being nuclear powers as well as devastating powers. In the mean time if BD interferes, China is not going to keep its international affairs and trade of million of dollars with India at stake for BD. So BD will be in much more trouble. BD is a developing nation and i think you will appreciate the fact that BD needs more of India rather than India needs more of BD so any conflict with India can be a serious damage for BD not just from the defense perspective. India can very well play the economic cards against BD.
All I can say is you do not have any type of military background to say off. That is why you think a blockade is possible by your ragtag 18th century navy in a wide sea which is longer than 3000 km and wider than 1200 km. See the map.

We have hundreds of small missile boats and land-based anti-missile batteries along the coast that can target your birds in the sky and ships in your sea.
18th century navy?:rofl: Sure.


How difficult is it, for a navy that aspires to control Indian Ocean, to ensure that ships don't reach BD?

If hundreds of small missile boats could do the job that a destroyer or even a frigate does, then well, you are living in the la la land.
Hey Indian, do not worry. Hundreds of made in Bangladesh high speed missile boats will be waiting in the Bay to receive your navy ships with garlands. Our entire system is defensive. In a few years time we will be purchasing four units of German submarines.

You are living in an unreal fool's heaven whereby you see things about BD in terms of its past in the eerly '70s. All the Indians have this same illusion disease. But, I was talking about a hypothetical situation. Could you please go through the dictionary to know about this word.

We really dont need a military conflict to coerce bangladesh in into submission.
We have other ways

1) India working to make bangladesh a desert

2) BSF killing Bangladeshi civilians
3) Indian sponsered terrorism in bangladesh

and many more which your brothers have kindly posted
Lol, and good luck .
13 days was only official declaration. But, in reality it was not.
IA entered BD on 3rd Dec with the objective of reaching Dhaka, which eventually happened on 16th. You can twist it in anyway you like, it still will be a 13 day war. IA had earlier breached East Pakistan border on several occasions, since July of '71, primarily to push Mukti Bahinis. So according to your logic, IA had taken at least 6 months to reach Dhaka?:cheesy:
Only one aircraft carrier does not make indian navy invincible. Tens are needed to do that. We are on mark with our submarine purchase and also with small missile boats although some people do not like our buildups.

The German subs which we are most possibly going to buy is Type-209.India already operates 4 of these subs.
With their air superiority,they are quite invincible at current level,unless we take steps to counter them.

By the way, do you think this or any chatting forum is a war conference where people with knowledge, experience and depth of mind participate and discuss matters logically? Here the Indians come with all kinds of objectionable comments about BD all the time to degrade us. Indians enjoy it, and you may enjoy it, it is your own mind where I cannot make a dent.

But, I have a different mind. I am here not to make friendship with unknown Indians who would rush to kick us at every opportunity. It is our duty to defend our country in the same way these tormentors bully us. There is no scope here to be only righteous and speak only the rightful things.

My point is,saying about things which we do not have,gives the Indians another chance to laugh louder.Why should we give them the chance?
This certainly isn't defending our country,instead its the opposite.
Its not about making friends but talking sense.That's what it counts.

And no one really knows what the reality would be in a real-time crisis. There are hundred other factors in a war. No one should think of an independent war between BD and India. Was the war in 1971 remained limited between the both wings of Pakistan? There were international players at that time. USA even asked China to invade India and promised to check Russia with its nuclear deterrence. Now opened US classified documents say things like this.

A regional (nuclear) war could have errupted for the poorest land in asia, can it be imagined? But, this was the reality of 1971. Things may turn in the similar way in a future conflict. So, it will not be imited to a war between BD and India.

I agree,result of war can not be predicted.And that is why I do not want to boast my country's capability.When the right time will come,we all shall see what actually happens.Our saying will not change reality a single bit.

And If Indians feel that they can easily annex or destroy Bangladesh,then they are free to think what they want.It won't change reality a single bit.
In fact,if Indian govt. feels so over-confident,its better for us.It is more likely they are going to underestimate our capability and do wrong calculations.

So, what strength we have and what that sob country India has are not relevant at all. A real war is not something can be seen in the video room. But, when we talk with the Indians we must talk from the position of strength and not from the position of weakness as I can see in many of your posts. But, yes, of course, it is your own mind.

Yes talking about what strength we actually have.Why talk about something we do not have?Doesn't that make us all look like fool?

We don't have long range SAMs,how can we expect to down Su-30s,which have a high ceiling?Ours SAMs just won't reach there.Its completely illogical to think of it.

Simple thing is we need our defence to be modernised.

I am not making anyone happy here,merely stating the plain white truth.And of course,its my way of thinking sir.
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If hundreds of small missile boats could do the job that a destroyer or even a frigate does, then well, you are living in the la la land.

Fast Attack crafts armed with C-802, using "Swarming" tactics can certainly scare destroyers and frigates.

In that case,Indian air superiority will come to rescue.And for us we will have to rely on ship based SAMs.

And as for the blockade,I really don't think there will be a war between Bangladesh and India one-on-one.So no point talking about that.We have 2nd Most no. of troops in UN,so any aggression shown to us by India,we will get some sort of shield.India instead will be at risk of sanction.These things matters too.

In case of China-India war,and Bangladesh siding with China,an effective blockade is impossible.Indian Navy will come face to face with Chinese navy.They will be too busy to put an effective blockade.

Now all our hypothetical analysis can go wrong when the real war breaks out.

I better stay off this thread.
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