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Ukrainian Base Attacked by Russian Troops

It is funny Russians say they are protecting minorities from Nazi Kiev but Crimea has a 93% Russian majority so who are they protecting them from? :o:o_O:o:o_O

More so who will protect the 7% minority in Crimea? :(

Well,what can i say ?

As my grandmother used to tell me:

"While they were stealing our chickens,grains and everything that wasn't nailed down the soviet soldiers were telling us that they are our brothers who came to liberate us . From what?,i never understood until now nephew..."
Why illegally? The current and only legitimate President Yanukovych asked Putin to do it.
1) There is no any evidence he asked. He actually said that he supports Ukraines territorial integrity.
2) He has no right to ask so, parliament must confirm.
3) If it was legal, there would not be a reason for Putin to lie.

Every nation has right for self determination, but it should be done without foreign intervention. I must remind u that party which supported the union with Russia got only 4% in 2010 Crimea elections.
1) There is no any evidence he asked. He actually said that he supports Ukraines territorial integrity.
2) He has no right to ask so, parliament must confirm.
3) If it was legal, there would not be a reason for Putin to lie.

Every nation has right for self determination, but it should be done without foreign intervention. I must remind u that party which supported the union with Russia got only 4% in 2010 Crimea elections.

There was no way that those votes held any legitimacy. Fabrications ad nauseum.

The Russians only reveal to the world of their deception and lies.
Is there any Pak-Ukrain defence deal in progress/live? any impact on Pak-Ukrain military relationship in the current scenario. And what is the Pakistan's possition on this issue.

Sir @Aeronaut , @nuclearpak and respected seniors.
I don't want to be on a phone all day and looking at numbers. LOL.

You see, unlike the people who were born in the soviet era, we americans have a choice in what we ant to be.
Not told. In Russia, doctors make the same as taxi drivers. Salary is poor.

That's why a lot of Russian doctors migrate to the USA , take the USMLE 1, 2, 3 and match for residency to work as
AMERICAN doctors and make AMERICAN salaries. Not crap russian salaries.

ps. i said i make 'over' 500k, a lot more than that, actually. lol. something that you, probably, wont' be able to make in your lifetime.

You are so wonderfull. :tup:


Even your country has diabetes. :lol:

How much victims of american way of live do you treat every day? Human body cant withstand that huge ammount of sugar and fat. To avoid heart attack you must join a fitness studio and work out like a brainless bodybuilder. :enjoy:
1) There is no any evidence he asked. He actually said that he supports Ukraines territorial integrity.
2) He has no right to ask so, parliament must confirm.
3) If it was legal, there would not be a reason for Putin to lie.

Every nation has right for self determination, but it should be done without foreign intervention. I must remind u that party which supported the union with Russia got only 4% in 2010 Crimea elections.
Yanukovych himself voiced request to Russia to send troops at the conference in Rostov. This request was also confirmed by Churkin at the UN meeting.
Ukraine parliament is not quite legitimate, so its decisions are not legally binding.
Prove to me that Putin lied. Nope credible evidence that it was the Russian military, and not the local self-defense provided security for the population of Crimea. In addition, the legitimate authority of Sevastopol and the Crimea appealed to Russia for military assistance.
All voters who spoke in 2010 year for an alliance with Russia voted for Yanukovich.
Is there any Pak-Ukrain defence deal in progress/live? any impact on Pak-Ukrain military relationship in the current scenario. And what is the Pakistan's possition on this issue.

Sir @Aeronaut , @nuclearpak and respected seniors.

I think Pakistan has a closer relationship with Ukraine than with Russia if I am not wrong ?
Yanukovych himself voiced request to Russia to send troops at the conference in Rostov.
As far as i know he did not.

This request was also confirmed by Churkin at the UN meeting.
Churkin already lied in UN about 2000 killed in Ossetia.

Ukraine parliament is not quite legitimate, so its decisions are not legally binding.
Its much more legitimate than president who fled.

Prove to me that Putin lied. Nope credible evidence that it was the Russian military, and not the local self-defense provided security for the population of Crimea.
Yeah armed to teeth guys with brand new Russian Tiger vehicles are "self defence".

In addition, the legitimate authority of Sevastopol and the Crimea appealed to Russia for military assistance.
They have no right to deal with foreign matters.

All voters who spoke in 2010 year for an alliance with Russia voted for Yanukovich.
Yanukovic was never for union with Russia. There was one party which explicitly talk about the union and it got 4% in Crimea. But after the Russian intervention this 4% guy suddenly became a prime minister of crimea and commander in chief.
As far as i know he did not.

Churkin already lied in UN about 2000 killed in Ossetia.

Its much more legitimate than president who fled.

Yeah armed to teeth guys with brand new Russian Tiger vehicles are "self defence".

They have no right to deal with foreign matters.

Yanukovic was never for union with Russia. There was one party which explicitly talk about the union and it got 4% in Crimea. But after the Russian intervention this 4% guy suddenly became a prime minister of crimea and commander in chief.
Yanukovych before the election promised close relations Russia, make Russian the second state language, and integration with the Customs Union. That's why he was believed as "pro-Russian" candidate . In Ukraine, there were no strong separatist sentiments before in Kiev was made unconstitutional seizure of power by armed Nazis which led by the West.
Churkin did not lie, and reported its first, unconfired numbers of victims. Later numbers were edited. "Lie" - is when in the UN showing strange white powder and then start bombing the country. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. This is the "lie".
Crimean parliament, unlike Kiev was not captured by the Nazis-gangs therefore its appeal to Russia for help was legitimate. Especially numerous threats were voiced by the Nazis to begin the ethnic cleansing in the Crimea.
In Crimea, a lot of weapons, so that self-defense could borrow some equipment from loyal Russian troops - it is not excluded. But I doubt this will be confirmed.
Ukrainian President, by the Law of Ukraine remains President, even when he abroad.
I'll tell you some - the dissolution of the USSR in December 1991, was much more illegal, than the declaration of independence of the Crimea in 2014.
Formally, if in Moscow claimed the restoration of the Soviet Union, they will have all the rights on the territory of the former republics.
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They will hold their ground because they are the legitimate military force in that territory. Crimea is part of the The Ukraine, and the United States does not recognize Crimea as being an independent state nor will it recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation.

They will hold their ground. Because we're coming.

The region will polarize to NATO's court now. There have been talks of Sweden now joining NATO as well as the bolstered NATO force that will start military war games in Lithuania to the border of Russia this month. Around 15,000 NATO forces and Naval, Air Forces will be sent there, in addition the participation of Sweden's Forces, which is not normally part of NATO, as a contingnent of the Nordic Battle Group.

Russian Federation has isolated itself , and Moscow's foray into Crimea will be utilized as pretext for Baltic, Nordic states in addition to major NATO partners to greatly increase defense expenditure to contain Russia and quash it when the time comes.

The long term strategic consequences....will be to OUR favor.

Legitimate to whom...? As far as i'm concerned the Crimean people voted overwhelmingly to be with Russia.... Its called Democracy...!

So, the US is coming huh....! Please can you tell me how many war's have you won, since world war 2? You've lost the Vietnam war...., you lost the Korean war, you lost the Iraq war, you lost the Afghan war....

How many NATO forces are stationed in Afghanistan....? I would say more than 15,000.... and during that invasion how many countries had joined NATO and bolstered there numbers...? & what impact did that make...? nothing, most of the NATO forces restrict their troops to training Afghan police officers..., I wouldn't expect anything else from them other than that... The Taliban are poorly equipped with old AK47s & have no military training....

I mean...., they cant even beat a couple guys running up & down mountains with flip flops.....


Oh yeah... & about the Swedes... I bet The Russians are really pissing in their pants now....!
Moldova breakaway state requests to join Russia


File photo of Speaker of the Supreme Council of the Trans-Dniester Moldovan Republic, Mikhail Burla

Moldova’s breakaway Trans-Dniester region has submitted a plea to the Russian parliament to draft a law that would incorporate the territory into Russia, an official says.

Speaker of the Supreme Council of the Trans-Dniester Moldovan Republic, Mikhail Burla, forwarded the appeal to Russian State Duma Chairman Sergei Naryshkin, considering absorbing the territory to the Russian Federation, Russia’s newspaper Vedomosti reported.

Burla called on Russian lawmakers to expand legislation on Crimea’s absorption to cover Moldova’s Trans-Dniester region.

Irina Kubanskikh, the spokesperson for the Trans-Dniester parliament, said “[Lawmakers] appealed to the Russian Federation leadership to examine the possibility of extending to Trans-Dniester the legislation, currently under discussion in the State Duma, on granting Russian citizenship and admitting new subjects into Russia.”

This is while, pro-Western Moldovan President Nicolae Timofti cautioned Moscow against trying to annex Trans-Dniester, as Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a treaty making Crimea part of Russia on Tuesday.

“It would be a mistake if Russia took such a step…Such actions are counterproductive and would not benefit either the Republic of Moldova or the Russian Federation,” Timofti said.

Moscow argues that Pridnestrovie - which is better known under names such as Transdniestria or Trans-Dniester - meets the requirements for statehood under international law.

In 2006, the Russian-speaking region reasserted its demand for independence despite challenges by Moldova and the international community.

PressTV - Moldova breakaway state requests to join Russia
They will hold their ground because they are the legitimate military force in that territory. Crimea is part of the The Ukraine, and the United States does not recognize Crimea as being an independent state nor will it recognize Crimea as part of the Russian Federation.

They will hold their ground. Because we're coming.

The region will polarize to NATO's court now. There have been talks of Sweden now joining NATO as well as the bolstered NATO force that will start military war games in Lithuania to the border of Russia this month. Around 15,000 NATO forces and Naval, Air Forces will be sent there, in addition the participation of Sweden's Forces, which is not normally part of NATO, as a contingnent of the Nordic Battle Group.

Russian Federation has isolated itself , and Moscow's foray into Crimea will be utilized as pretext for Baltic, Nordic states in addition to major NATO partners to greatly increase defense expenditure to contain Russia and quash it when the time comes.

The long term strategic consequences....will be to OUR favor.


Tell me how many people will u contain?China?Russia?While also keeping a leash on syria and iran in the middle east and fighting the war on terror?And all this with continous defence cuts.I think u will end up doing to urself what soviets did ,go bankrupt.Why does NATO have to expand into russia's neighbouring territories anyway?USA promised to the contrary at the dissolution of the warsaw pact,but then broke it.U even wanted to place missile interceptors to decapitate russia in poland under the lamest of excuses -that they would be defending against iran.That was not aggression?Give me a break ....USA is no longer the 'arsenal of democracy' that fights for good as it once was,its increasingly an imperious entity that is unpredictable and dangerous.
And no ur not coming.Because all land armies are pussy in russia.Always have been.Better men have tried and failed.
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