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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

Why are Russians so interested in what is going on in Syria? Should you not deal with your poverty, alcoholism, health issues and armed conflicts in the Caucasus?

Google Tartus. Come back and try again. Dumbass.
Just a few reasons why I'm pro Ukraine :P

1. Milla Jovovich ( most beautiful woman to ever walk on planet earth)


love her.. :)


Also why not drop a few hundred vodka bottles over Crimea...? or supply them with drugs like Afghan jihad.
Both Russians and Americans were taught a lesson. Sorry to say but Ukraine is no Afghanistan or Pakistan. They don't have warriors like Pashtuns and Punjabis,.
But perhaps the Ukrainian army, rather than its citizens, can wage an insurgency campaign, if it ever comes to a full occupation.
My process is simple..... God says that I show you signs..... I simply follow them...... :D

I am surprised you placed Mila Kunis second.....baby you changed :cray: Lmaoooo jk jk but your political arguments and decision making process never fails to intrigue me hahaha :P
Google Tartus. Come back and try again. Dumbass.

Well we are interested in Ukraine to cause havoc in your largely poor country where alcoholism and health issues are rampant. We are also interested in stirring trouble up in the Caucasus again. After all we ruled that region for 600 years. Longer than you have ruled it. In fact 4 times as long given that your presence is only 150 years old.

Tartus will just be an illusion very soon. You will have to find another base.

We have 1.5 BILLION Sunni Muslims to take from. An endless stream.
Well we are interested in Ukraine to cause havoc in your largely poor country where alcoholism and health issues are rampant. We are also interested in stirring trouble up in the Caucasus again. After all we ruled that region for 600 years. Longer than you have ruled it. In fact 4 times as long given that your presence is only 150 years old.

Tartus will just be an illusion very soon. You will have to find another base.

Well you animals have been trying for 3 years now.Not to mention a nuclear armed Iran will be staring down your camel riding asses and some rapage will be in order.
Why are Russians so interested in what is going on in Syria? Should you not deal with your poverty, alcoholism, health issues and armed conflicts in the Caucasus?

Most are actually Jewish. Abramovich, Khodorkovsky, Vekselberg, Berezovsky, Fridman, German Khan, Kagalovsky, Gaydamak etc.

ALL Jewish. Let alone the Russian Mafia which is dominated by Jews. Let us not forget who the founder of communism was. A German Jew. Karl Marx.

Jews were dominating the trade, business, banking etc. in all Slavic countries. In fact there are famous Slavic sayings something along those lines:

"For the Russians/Poles the street and for the Jews the residential buildings."

It was always well-known that ethnic Russians lived under the mercy of non-Russians. Even many of the Russian noble families were of non-Russian origins.

Mila Kunis is Jewish as well BTW. :lol:

Jews are Arabs' distant cousins, so are you proud of their accomplishment so far?
Well we are interested in Ukraine to cause havoc in your largely poor country where alcoholism and health issues are rampant. We are also interested in stirring trouble up in the Caucasus again. After all we ruled that region for 600 years. Longer than you have ruled it. In fact 4 times as long given that your presence is only 150 years old.

Tartus will just be an illusion very soon. You will have to find another base.

We have 1.5 BILLION Sunni Muslims to take from. An endless stream.

Why not just 2 billion muslims instead of shitty secterian crap ..
Well you animals have been trying for 3 years now.Not to mention a nuclear armed Iran will be staring down your camel riding asses and some rapage will be in order.

Russian peasant/history-less off-spring of Mongols and various of other of your overlords in your short insignificant history.

Do you remember how 1 million Chechens defeated your *** in the 1990's? And all the nice videos were your peasants were annihilated like dogs? We helped them and will continue to help them. We will also eradicate Syria from your friends.

Russian peasants have been beheaded/liquidated by the Syrian opposition.

Jews are Arabs' distant cousins, so are you proud of their accomplishment so far?

No. Just stating some facts. Did you google all those names I gave you? They are all Jewish Russians.
I am surprised you placed Mila Kunis second.....baby you changed :cray: Lmaoooo jk jk but your political arguments and decision making process never fails to intrigue me hahaha :P

Coz mila is much more hotter.. duh.. :pop:
Both Russians and Americans were taught a lesson. Sorry to say but Ukraine is no Afghanistan or Pakistan. They don't have warriors like Pashtuns and Punjabis,.

Yes us warrior folk just chilling in the mountains and those plains doing them warrior things. :happy:
Russian peasant/history-less off-spring of Mongols and various of other of your overlords in your short insignificant history.

Do you remember how 1 million Chechens defeated your *** in the 1990's? And all the nice videos were your peasants were annihilated like dogs? We helped them and will continue to help them. We will also eradicate Syria from your friends.

Russian peasants have been beheaded/liquidated by the Syrian opposition.

No. Just stating some facts. Did you google all those names I gave you? They are Jewish Russians.

And then we will all go for ice cream and milkshakes and there wont be a nuclear Iran and our oil will last forever and we wont be some of the fattest people in the world and our Nato overlords will finally use lube.

Keep dreaming.
To all Chinese brothers, when we have issue with Japan with US in Pacific, did Russians come to support us? let Russians to fix their own problem, better take care of our own. :coffee:
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