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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

Ukraine lives between EU and Russia, so it has no power to decide its fate.

Since Ukraine and Russia are close brothers, so it is better to stick with its big brother Russia, since Russia seeing Ukraine as its little brother, while EU seeing Ukraine as an expendable pawn and cannon fodder to contain against Russia.

The best path for Ukraine is to return to Russia.

But that's resorting to a international solution rather than finding a domestic one and strengthening the country and its democracy. Ukraine should try and secure its sovereignty...... like i said, it should not about russia or europe or politics, should be about the people of that country...
Shias are not interested in liberating Syria unfortunately. If they were we could say 2 billion.

Liberation my butt... its like swapping one d-bag with another... the people... they are ... anyways... screw al *** head n Faggot syrian army..
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And then we will all go for ice cream and milkshakes and there wont be a nuclear Iran and our oil will last forever and we wont be some of the fattest people in the world and our Nato overlords will finally use lube.

Keep dreaming.

Yeah and USSR will rise again... and so will the zombies... :lol:

Syria will be liberated that's without question. No Russian mongrel animals can do anything about it. At most they will get beheaded like they were in the hundreds by your Chechen nationals. Let us hope that they will regain their beautiful homeland btw. and all the other ethnic groups that you have stolen land from. If all of them regained independence you would be left with Moscow, LOL.

Should you not get raped by your Jewish overlords? I mean they are ruling your *** on al levels and have been doing it for decades.

That's why anti-Semitims has been so strong historically in Russia. Even your own Russians realize this.

Also what's with all the Russian skinheads? You do know that Nazis consider your Slavs (which comes from Slavs because we Arabs, Romans and others used you as slaves) as an inferior race. Lebensraum. They now worship their mass-murderers.

What's with all of those ethnic Russian converts (women) that are blowing themselves up? What's happening?

Is all that due to the aftereffects of being mongrels?
Don't like Russia that much, however, strictly not in favor of anyone meddling with the Syrians as well. I hate intervention. Period.


Syria will be liberated that's without question. No Russian mongrel animals can do anything about it. At most they will get beheaded like they were in the hundreds by your Chechen nationals. Let us hope that they will regain their beautiful homeland btw. and all the other ethnic groups that you have stolen land from. If all of them regained independence you would be left with Moscow, LOL.

Should you not get raped by our Jewish overlords? I mean they are ruling your *** on al levels and have been doing it for years.

That's why anti-Semitims has been so strong historically in Russia. Even your own Russians realize this.

Also what's with all the Russian skinheads? You do know that Nazis consider your Slavs (which comes from Slavs because we Arabs, Romans and others used your as slaves) as an inferior race. Lebensraum. They now worship their mass-murderers.

What's with all of those ethnic Russian converts (women) that are blowing themselves up? What's happening?
Just a few reasons why I'm pro Ukraine :P

1. Milla Jovovich ( most beautiful woman to ever walk on planet earth)


2. Mila Kunis:


3. Olga Kurylenko


Well, you guys get the drift! :D


Syria will be liberated that's without question. No Russian mongrel animals can do anything about it. At most they will get beheaded like they were in the hundreds by your Chechen nationals. Let us hope that they will regain their beautiful homeland btw. and all the other ethnic groups that you have stolen land from. If all of them regained independence you would be left with Moscow, LOL.

Should you not get raped by our Jewish overlords? I mean they are ruling your *** on al levels and have been doing it for years.

That's why anti-Semitims has been so strong historically in Russia. Even your own Russians realize this.

Also what's with all the Russian skinheads? You do know that Nazis consider your Slavs (which comes from Slavs because we Arabs, Romans and others used your as slaves) as an inferior race. Lebensraum. They now worship their mass-murderers.

What's with all of those ethnic Russian converts (women) that are blowing themselves up? What's happening?

Delusions. Check.
Beheadings. Check.
Being a mouth piece of NATO overlords. Check.

Yep this post was by a saudi alright.
The US doesnt have the balls to get involved with Russia. Theyre too busy funding cannibal savages in Syria.

Well with the democrats in power i understand the US gives off this image, but I assure you, if needed the US will act.
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