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Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert


2 chick i could never forget or may 3? or more..

Mila,Liv tyle (one night at Mc cools),eva mendes..
As does ISIS, al Nusra and every other faction known to God operating inside of Syria. :pop:

Which nobody recognizes as the Syrian opposition. In fact ISIS is a Ba'thi intelligence creation and its leadership is fully dominated by former Ba'athis.

Still the Syrian regime has killed more civilians and destroyed much more than ISIS and others can hope to achieve in the upcoming 10 years if they continue at this rate.

Syria will be liberated that's without question. No Russian mongrel animals can do anything about it. At most they will get beheaded like they were in the hundreds by your Chechen nationals. Let us hope that they will regain their beautiful homeland btw. and all the other ethnic groups that you have stolen land from. If all of them regained independence you would be left with Moscow, LOL.

Should you not get raped by your Jewish overlords? I mean they are ruling your *** on al levels and have been doing it for decades.

That's why anti-Semitims has been so strong historically in Russia. Even your own Russians realize this.

Also what's with all the Russian skinheads? You do know that Nazis consider your Slavs (which comes from Slavs because we Arabs, Romans and others used you as slaves) as an inferior race. Lebensraum. They now worship their mass-murderers.

What's with all of those ethnic Russian converts (women) that are blowing themselves up? What's happening?

Is all that due to the aftereffects of being mongrels?

Quit spreading this toxic garbage everywhere, this thread should not even have the word 'Arab'.

No arguing, no reply.
To all Chinese brothers, when we have issue with Japan with US in Pacific, did Russians come to support us? let Russians to fix their own problem, better take care of our own. :coffee:

We can handle both US and Jap in our home turf, and Russia's neutrality in the Asia-Pacific is the biggest support for us.
Pedophiles, prostitues, vodka which is a POLISH invention, skinheads (dumb idiots worshipping their mass-murderers who deemed them as an inferior race and mass-murdererd them to create Lebensraum) and talented Jewish Russians. But that's more a Jewish creation.

Drunk idiots and drug addicts as well. Peasants.

MOST importantly SLAVES.

Close.. but i meant "good things"..
1. Vodka
2. Women
3. AK

This guy takes the cake.. give him a porno,vodka and a second hand AK.. :lol:

2-icyin sugar
3-coffe beans
My dear innocent child..

Don't you think that the great Germans left some unfinished business when they tried to civilize those Russian animals a few decade ago? They were doing such a great job until the winter came and the Americans saved their asses.
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