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Ukraine has lost almost its entire Navy, 54 out of 67 ships are belong to us

Even the Georgians put up a fight (if tht can be called one) ... Ukrainians? surrendered singing a song..

Ukrainians can all speak Russian. In the east and the south, they are anti fascist. In fact, over 16,000 out of the 18,000 Ukrainian soldiers stationed in Crimea joined the Russian military. One day in the not too distant future, these soldiers be the vanguard to capture the fascists in Kiev and bring the fascists to justice. 8-)
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Russia's size will be one of its enemy if the population decrease theory will be true in the future and/or also if the Russian economy gets screwed, thus failing to keep up militarily. Russia can't afford to protect its overstretched borders in convential way in case of war with the west (Nato case), their flank would be vulnerable which gives rising China (not real ally of Russia anyway) and a militarizing Japan more space and chances. of course just a theory for the future.
Russia's size will be one of its enemy if the population decrease theory will be true in the future and/or also if the Russian economy gets screwed, thus failing to keep up militarily. Russia can't afford to protect its overstretched borders in convential way in case of war with the west (Nato case), their flank would be vulnerable which gives rising China (not real ally of Russia anyway) and a militarizing Japan more space and chances. of course just a theory for the future.

Russia has nukes. No country will ever fight Russia. :p: China and Russia are strategic allies against the US. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. :victory:
Hi, You do not qualify to discuss about russians...fix turkish problems.
what a strange think tank you are. one person gives his opinion and you try to shut him down with ´fix turkish problems´. well, according to your way of thinking, why don´t you stay away and fix Pakistani problems? i won't even try to find out how you were able to get a think tank status.

Russia has nukes. No country will ever fight Russia. :p: China and Russia are strategic allies against the US. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. :victory:
after US is gone we shall see after some time what will happen to Russian and Chinese relationship. one of the two will try to dominate in one way or another. mind telling us what your real nationality is? you are not western, that's for sure.
This is an international forum buddy. He can talk about whatever he wants.

I can post turkish members various posts and than you'll say may God help us so I have reasons why I penned down what i said above for this particular thread...for example on one thread a turkish member say I own russians bitc.hes...when the number of stupid starts to increase you gotta show them the door they do not qualify...while turkish members think what russians did is wrong but they say how turkey took Istanbul was all ok..you decide...let russians do what they are doing it is their internal problem...west and turkey has nothing to do with it.
dont respond to the thread then. Russians only.:lol:
A multi-polar world is the call of the day. Putin is a great leader, trying hard to restore back the pride and honor of the Russia, which she lost in the hands of Western puppets Gorbachev and Yelstin. Russia is doing what alive nations do. First Georgia, than Syria, and now Crimea, Putin's Russia has made Europe/US realize that she is no longer a walkover.
seems like Chechens were the strongest fighters so far Russia faced in post soviet history but Georgia and Ukraine are jokes

I think of Chechens as one efficient fighting machine.

I think God has blessed them with the Physique and Temperament to be a natural born Soldier.

Genetically, aren't they same as Russians or are they Turkic ?
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ukraine already lost their strategic port to Russia with Russia took over Ukraine old Soviet ships wouldn't make any different. Ukraine lost their land more costly compare to couple of rust out naval ship.

Shit hit the fan when democracy revolution take a hold on your land.
Last time i checked Crimea was part of Ukraine, therefore not an internal matter. is it your hate against the west and Turks that makes you blind or what?
Russians have defended Crimea with their blood against the advancing German forces during the WWII. They have every right to annex her back, with force, if necessary.
after US is gone we shall see after some time what will happen to Russian and Chinese relationship. one of the two will try to dominate in one way or another. mind telling us what your real nationality is? you are not western, that's for sure.

Chinese people have tan skin, dark hair and eyes. They are adapted to warm climates. China is where they like to live. They do not need nor want Russian lands in the north. Too cold. Russians have fair skin, light hair and eyes. They are adapted to the north. China and Russia will forever be best friends. :victory: I am of Chinese descent.
Last time i checked Crimea was part of Ukraine, therefore not an internal matter. is it your hate against the west and Turks that makes you blind or what?

I don't hate west or turkey but yes I dislike certain policies of western governments. Constantinople was not part of turkey it was taken by war by Ottoman empire what justification do you have for snatching it...so don't come complaining about russians when you did alot during ottoman empire wars.

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