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UK needs to be ‘brave’ in ‘restoring civil liberties’ by ending COVID restrictions


Jun 2, 2012
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UK needs to be ‘brave’ in ‘restoring civil liberties’ by ending COVID restrictions
The United Kingdom needs to be "braver" by "restoring civil liberties" rather than be "overcautious" in delaying the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, according Spiked Online Editor Brendan O’Neill. “What they’re essentially saying is that even though we are hugely vaccinated - we’re one of the most vaccinated countries on earth – we still can’t be too over-excited, we can’t really go back to living freely just yet and I think they’re actually doing down the vaccination program,” Mr O’Neill told Sky News host Chris Kenny. ‘We were told once the vulnerable and the elderly had been vaccinated, we could go back to normal because we would have to learn to live with COVID-19, which every country will have to do but they’re kind of changing their minds on that and saying we’ve got to delay it further and further. ‘I think we’ve got to be a bit braver, recognise that the most vulnerable people are now protected and get back to restoring civil liberty and economic life.”

Local : 1970-01-01(Thursday) 01:00:00
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you can have covid guidelines (mask wearing topmost among them), without resorting to covid restrictions, i guess...
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