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Sonunda 3 deli buldu birbirini :D heh yeyin birbirinizi :D

Keske Hurshid bani kalksa, tam party



hepsi de sözde KEMALIST - şeklen

Ben onları buna benzettim

Böğüren Feto Elebaşı Fethullah Gülen'den Garip Hareketler Psikiyatrların Bile Çözemediği Haller

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Hırsızlık, kul hakkına girmek affedilmez suçlardan değil miydi Kuran'da? Bunların müslümanlığı da gösterişten ibaret.

even though i'm a liberal. i will be rooting the far right in europe from today on. the likes of le pen afd and pegida, and the reason is. i want them to kick out the Turks who are free loaders. and are supporting erdogan, it is pay back time.

the far right in europe are mostly supported by uneducated morons, low class trash. many native europeans who vote on these parties are freeloaders themselves as well. western europe punishes workers to keep freeloaders comfortable, what can be done about it? USA is a lot better when it comes to this.
. .
the far right in europe are mostly supported by uneducated morons, low class trash. many native europeans who vote on these parties are freeloaders themselves as well. western europe punishes workers to keep freeloaders comfortable, what can be done about it? USA is a lot better when it comes to this.
can you imagine 80% of Turks in europe voted for erdogan. i think the least europe could do right now is stoping dual nationality. that would be a huge boost for the opposition.
can you imagine 80% of Turks in europe voted for erdogan. i think the least europe could do right now is stoping dual nationality. that would be a huge boost for the opposition.

stop dual natonality for all different ethnics ? wtf are you talking fascist guy ?
can you imagine 80% of Turks in europe voted for erdogan. i think the least europe could do right now is stoping dual nationality. that would be a huge boost for the opposition.

Are you Julia Klöckner or from her team ? Your arguments are identical

Sonunda 3 deli buldu birbirini :D heh yeyin birbirinizi :D

Bazen sapitiyorsun dingil demeyeceğim, şamriyel oluyorsun?
Bana bugün bir daha sacma konusma demistin.

Bu aksam Doc. Dr. Ahmet Kasim Han HTV de ,
HDP liler icerde olmasa MHP secmeni arti 6% protesto oyu verir ve hatta evet diger HDP karsitlari ile %60 bile olabilirdi dedi.
PKK - hayir icin eylemsizlik yapti dedi !!!
can you imagine 80% of Turks in europe voted for erdogan. i think the least europe could do right now is stoping dual nationality. that would be a huge boost for the opposition.

Don't be too emotional. You always say how much better you are than your political and ideological enemies yet you act and speak the same way as them... both you and them are acting like a bunch of idiots. People like you and them are the people dividing this nation. You show yourself as a Kemalist, yet you don't even know what Mustafa Kemal stands for and what his ideals are. You should be ashamed of yourself.

How can you be that stupid to wish for nationalists in Europe to take power so that Turks in Europe suffer afterwards and all that because they voted for Erdogan? First: not all Turkish citizens in Europe voted for him- in a lot of countries he lost and in others margins between "YES" and "NO" were small... Anyway, why should everyone suffer because some people chose an option in a referendum? Second: a huge part of the Turkish diaspora didn't even vote in the elections because they were not interested, there wasn't a section nearby, they had another job and for so many other reasons. Third: a lot of Turks in Europe, especially in the Balkans don't even have Turkish citizenships because after the Ottoman empire collapsed we were left outside Turkey's borders. If Far-Right nationalists in Europe come to power, removing dual citizenships will be the lest they will try to do against them and against Turks and Turkey but you don't really care for that, right?
1- 298 sayılı Seçimlerin Temel Hükümleri ve Seçmen Kütükleri Hakkındaki Kanun: http://www.mevzuat.gov.tr/MevzuatMetin/1.4.298.pdf

Madde 98: ''...Sandık kurulunca verilen biçim ve renkte olmayan, üzerinde ilçe seçim kurulu ve sandık kurulu mührü bulunmayan, tamamı yırtılmış olan, üzerinde ilçe seçim kurulu ve sandık kurulu mührü dışında herhangi bir mühür, imza, yazı, parmak izi veya herhangi bir işaret bulunan zarflar geçersiz sayılır....''

Madde 101: ''...3. Arkasında sandık kurulu mührü bulunmayan,...oy pusulaları geçerli değildir...''


2- 16.04.2017 559 sayılı YSK kararı:https://altinoz.com.tr/yuksek-secim-kurulu-karari-karar-no-559/

''...Oy pusulalarının sandık kurulu mührü ile mühürlenmesinin amacı, oylamada sahte oy pusulası kullanımını engellemek için olup, ...''


3- Anayasa Mahkemesi 06/02/2014 kararı: http://www.kararlaryeni.anayasa.gov...7-5e84-4386-8cf0-171f5bb70182?wordsOnly=False

B. İlgili Hukuk
... Oylar, üzerinde ilçe seçim kurulu mührü bulunan ve oy verme sırasında sandık kurulu başkanı tarafından verilecek zarflara konulmak suretiyle kullanılır. Mühürsüz oy pusulası ve zarfla kullanılan oylar geçersiz sayılır. ...''

Güncel kanun ve kararlara göre referandum hükümsüz sayılmalı.
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