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UAE’s F-35 contracts expected to be signed before end of Trump administration

Nah, it'll get re-approved in due time. Too much riding on the deal, especially as it relates to Israel which I think will be the sticking point for Biden.

Also, let's not forget that he's cut from the same Democrat cloth as Obama and the same line of thinking throughout the party, and this screams the same exact reaction Obama had back in 2013 with the Egyptian F-16s block 52 when they stopped the delivery "indefinitely", mind you, and then released the jets about a year and a half later. It also happened with Saudi Arabia in 2012 when the Obama administration along with then VP Joe Biden put an indefinite halt on precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and then approved it in 2013/14.

This batch here is no small order, either. Saudi Arabia is requesting 7500 GBU Paveway IV laser-guided bombs! And of course, $28 billion worth of F-35s and MQ-9Bs drones and lots of other munitions in the UAE order will certainly end up going through.

Biden is just basically showing that he's going to review all of the "Trump approved" deals and wants to show Washington and the world that there's a new boss in town and that's about it. All of this stuff will most certainly be approved eventually especially the UAE deal since the implications with Israel are huge as well as future military partnership with the US. That latter part is gigantic as there is an undoubtedly large plan to create an ally-ship between the UAE and the US in the Persian Gulf.
Now even Raytheon not bothering with new weapons sales to the Middle East. Times are changing....

Nah, it'll get re-approved in due time. Too much riding on the deal, especially as it relates to Israel which I think will be the sticking point for Biden.

Also, let's not forget that he's cut from the same Democrat cloth as Obama and the same line of thinking throughout the party, and this screams the same exact reaction Obama had back in 2013 with the Egyptian F-16s block 52 when they stopped the delivery "indefinitely", mind you, and then released the jets about a year and a half later. It also happened with Saudi Arabia in 2012 when the Obama administration along with then VP Joe Biden put an indefinite halt on precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and then approved it in 2013/14.

This batch here is no small order, either. Saudi Arabia is requesting 7500 GBU Paveway IV laser-guided bombs! And of course, $28 billion worth of F-35s and MQ-9Bs drones and lots of other munitions in the UAE order will certainly end up going through.

Biden is just basically showing that he's going to review all of the "Trump approved" deals and wants to show Washington and the world that there's a new boss in town and that's about it. All of this stuff will most certainly be approved eventually especially the UAE deal since the implications with Israel are huge as well as future military partnership with the US. That latter part is gigantic as there is an undoubtedly large plan to create an ally-ship between the UAE and the US in the Persian Gulf.

The only thing we can be certain of is that nothing is certain.

Biden will have to publicly U turn on this deal, not something he will like to do. He is preparing to publish the Intelligence data on the Kashoggi killing which means officially, the US can name MBS as the killer, a massive slap to the Saudis. He is going back to the Iran deal which will make them fume.

I think you need to understand that Biden is not "Obama MkII", he has been in politics before Obama was even in high school. He is his own man and he has no love lost for the Arab dictatorships, furthermore the US no longer needs the oil.

Writing pretty much on the wall.
Nah, it'll get re-approved in due time. Too much riding on the deal, especially as it relates to Israel which I think will be the sticking point for Biden.

Also, let's not forget that he's cut from the same Democrat cloth as Obama and the same line of thinking throughout the party, and this screams the same exact reaction Obama had back in 2013 with the Egyptian F-16s block 52 when they stopped the delivery "indefinitely", mind you, and then released the jets about a year and a half later. It also happened with Saudi Arabia in 2012 when the Obama administration along with then VP Joe Biden put an indefinite halt on precision-guided munitions to Saudi Arabia and then approved it in 2013/14.

This batch here is no small order, either. Saudi Arabia is requesting 7500 GBU Paveway IV laser-guided bombs! And of course, $28 billion worth of F-35s and MQ-9Bs drones and lots of other munitions in the UAE order will certainly end up going through.

Biden is just basically showing that he's going to review all of the "Trump approved" deals and wants to show Washington and the world that there's a new boss in town and that's about it. All of this stuff will most certainly be approved eventually especially the UAE deal since the implications with Israel are huge as well as future military partnership with the US. That latter part is gigantic as there is an undoubtedly large plan to create an ally-ship between the UAE and the US in the Persian Gulf.

Yup, it will likely go through, but very sad when I see UAE spend 28 billion USD for Western weapon. The oil and gas comes from God mercy but UAE use it to bomb Houti, another Muslim with different sect. They need to leave Yemen and buy weapon from Muslim countries. F 35 can be replaced with KFX/IFX where Indonesia as Muslim country is part of the developer while drone and missile should be bought from Turkey
let them fly their own outdated planes first;
We are perfectly fine flying with what we have. Just goes to prove that capable pilots and the training they get is far superior to inexperienced individuals with fancy shiney toys. I'd be nice to see those shiney toys in combat as opposed to be shot down from a Surface to Air Missile.

In a period of 10 Years we ousted a Super Power like USSR out of Afghanistan in the 80's which practically led to the end of the Soviet Union. I'm pretty sure we were flying pretty outdated planes back then as well.

If we weren't so good - most/certain Nations wouldn't be standing at our doorstep asking for our boys to train them.

Mic Drop.jpg
I think they gambled on a Trump win. If the west does not confront Iran, I guess Saudi/UAE were counting on Israel now, Israelis simply cannot do this without US support.

Pretty much check mate, and as soon as weapons sanctions on Iran are lifted, whole regional scenario will change quickly. Pakistan did well to balance it out
Lol..UAE got rickrolled.
Yeesh, you got 'Banned' before your 2K Post...
This deal is dead period. People need to understand how Biden works.
Don't hold your breath. I am certain the deal will be back on the cards by the end of the year.

The UAE gives a lot of business to the US. Emirates has the largest fleet of B777's in the World. I have seen first hand a multiple times how guys at Boeing, Lockheed Martin, airbus and others jump up when the Royal Family makes a tour of the Pavillions at the Air Show.

Those 2min stops are often worth Billions for Commercial & Military deals.

Biden has just taken the office. Lets see how he does with the Economy, Jobs, Foreign Affairs and the Pandemic.

I'll take it a step further by predicting the future: The F-35 deal will happen.
Yup, it will likely go through, but very sad when I see UAE spend 28 billion USD for Western weapon. The oil and gas comes from God mercy but UAE use it to bomb Houti, another Muslim with different sect. They need to leave Yemen and buy weapon from Muslim countries. F 35 can be replaced with KFX/IFX where Indonesia as Muslim country is part of the developer while drone and missile should be bought from Turkey

That's the sad part with these Arabs

With the tens of billions they spend on weapons from countries who really dislike them underneath, the Arabs could start a defence industry of their own, they could support other muslim countries weapons development so we could defend the muslim world

But the Arabs have become so blind they pat each other on the back because they will spend billions buying stuff from the Americans who have torn the middle East to pieces killing millions for Israel

I have never seen people as blind as the Arabs and it is tragic
Biden will have to publicly U turn on this deal, not something he will like to do

There's no U-turn to be done at all. Go back to your own link you posted earlier and this is the first paragraph:

WASHINGTON – The Biden administration has reportedly temporarily frozen U.S. arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the United Arab Emirates as it reviews billions of dollars in weapons transactions approved by the Trump administration.

Temporarily frozen. There is no U-turning of any kind and like I mentioned earlier, this is so typical of Democrats running the white house and especially Obama/Biden, the latter being cut from the same cloth and vice versa.

Yup, it will likely go through, but very sad when I see UAE spend 28 billion USD for Western weapon. The oil and gas comes from God mercy but UAE use it to bomb Houti, another Muslim with different sect. They need to leave Yemen and buy weapon from Muslim countries. F 35 can be replaced with KFX/IFX where Indonesia as Muslim country is part of the developer while drone and missile should be bought from Turkey

You buy weapons because of your needs and because they are the best out there. You don't buy them to support any cause. There are other ways to support Islam and Muslim nations and Saudiya is the number 1 supporter of this without question and no one in their right mind can criticize them for anything remotely close. Same with the UAE, while not at the same level as Saudiya, but they do support Muslim countries in many other ways. But to say they should buy weapons from Muslim countries just because they're Muslims is not the way any country goes about thinking of its defensive needs. You buy the BEST weapons you can afford from whomever you think is best suited to supply them.

That's the sad part with these Arabs

With the tens of billions they spend on weapons from countries who really dislike them underneath, the Arabs could start a defence industry of their own, they could support other muslim countries weapons development so we could defend the muslim world

But the Arabs have become so blind they pat each other on the back because they will spend billions buying stuff from the Americans who have torn the middle East to pieces killing millions for Israel

I have never seen people as blind as the Arabs and it is tragic

Really? Why don't you practice what you preach? How many American F-16s does Pakistan operate? How many JF-17s has it assembled through the help of China? WOW at the hypocrisy. That's what is disturbingly tragic!
Really? Why don't you practice what you preach? How many American F-16s does Pakistan operate? How many JF-17s has it assembled through the help of China? WOW at the hypocrisy. That's what is disturbingly tragic!

Buddy Pakistan is a poor nation but we are one of only a handful of nations with nuclear weapons

We have ballistic missiles that can carry those warheads far and wide

We are working on multiple projects with limited funds because we understand the importance for Pakistan and muslims in the future

Yes, we bought weapons from the U.S but when their interests clashed with Pakistani interests in Afghanistan we screwed the U.S raw

We have created a joint venture with China to create the JF17 program so we can have a platform to induct any plane based weapon we get build ourselves or buy whether it be long range BVRs or air launched cruise missiles

We are building subs, SLCM, SLBM etc etc

Again all with limited funds and a western world unwilling to help us in any of that development

What have the Arabs done?
And I'm not talking about a gun or a mine resistant vehicle or something,

I am talking about serious weaponry like cruise missiles or BVR program

Basically Arabs have spend TRILLIONS over the last few decades simply buying western weapons from people who think very little of you (and us), who for the sake of Israel have killed and abused countless Arabs

If like Pakistan you had parallel indigenous weapons programmes running I would say it was partially worth it (like Turkey)

But you have done nothing

If the Arabs had worked with other muslim countries, whether it be Indonesia, Pakistan, Turkey, or even amongst the 20 or something Arab countries to put those tens of billions every year into weapons programmes of your own you would not so desperately need the USA, France or Israel

And now oil prices are going down, so what next?

You can look at my post and Be offended or you can look at my post and ask yourself why have the Arabs have chosen to do this and not work with other muslim countries invest in Arabs countries and muslim countries to change our future and not try to keep a reality where the U.S constantly kneeling on your neck
You’re so capable you won all your wars against the curry nation. NOT!
Too bad you're getting your info from a Curry Nation. Perhaps you can hand some more medals to 'em.

BTW, we won '65.

If you're as smart as you think you are, try understanding the kill ratio between that Curry Nation & us. Oh and this is from the War we lost...


Oh and this is a CIA Declassified report
You saying little Pak Khans flew their planes and scored against USSR pilots? That’s if you engaged any at all LMAO

1979–1989 Soviet–Afghan War

You can 'LMAO' all you want, but its a whole lot hard getting a kill in a Dog Fight as opposed dropping ammunition from 30,000 feet.
Oh and don’t take Afghan’s resistance and claim it for yourself that’s just disrespectful
Right, because there were other Nations fighting the Afghans back then...
There’s all kinds of cheap labor, and your region is well known for exporting that...
WoW, you take a lot of pride in making that claim.

@Windjammer @GriffinsRule @Akh1112 @airomerix @The Eagle

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