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You have not even started to burst anything, so far I have yet to see anything of substance from you.

You mean according to your fake maps?

It's hilarious you know what's coming but still think to go ahead and post your lies anyway. Well of course I will dismantle your lies, what do you expect? A question you need to ask yourself is why almost everyone is stating Saudis have lost the war? Perhaps everyone is detached from reality except some internet fanboy?

Now I can talk to you finally. Lets talk instead of hiding behind these articles or some weird posting pattern's for these will not alternate reality for you or provide you with some sort of perception.

Pathans are not the same as you. They are different and completely different people. They are Aryans but they are different people with different culture.

You experienced great military upsets in the past because you were always a miscalculator. Not once but 5 major upsets this has never happened in the world as much as it did in Persia.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

If it had happened once we could have said this is a fluke but if it happened twice Hmm! There will be doubt but if it happened 3 times then now we are talking but if it had 4 times there is something to the talk but if it happened 5 times then it is a duck if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck
Now I can talk to you finally. Lets talk instead of hiding behind these articles or some weird posting pattern's for these will not alternate reality for you or provide you with some sort of perception.

If you think I will cease highlight your lies by sources then you are out of touch.

The maps I posted were not fake. Real time maps.

It is a fake map. Do you think given your history of posting completely false claims that your claims will be seen as reliable?

Pathans are not the same as you. They are different and completely different people. They are Aryans but they are different people with different culture

You are obviously lacking in the education background. Pathans are Pashto which are ethnic Iranic group of people. You do not even know the most basics.
If it had happened once we could have said this is a fluke but if it happened twice Hmm! There will be doubt but if it happened 3 times then now we are talking but if it had 4 times there is something to the talk but if it happened 5 times then it is a duck if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck

This comment is exactly one would expect from someone who is illiterate regards to geographical context of war. Iran has historically been a great empire multiple times and is situated in a very strategic zone, this will naturally make it more likely to engage in conflict and of course not all will be won. The Persians created the first superpower in the history of this planet.

History's first superpower sprang from ancient Iran

Iran has been at war with many great powers in its history.

If you want to do a proper comparison, then why not tell us where you're actually from so we can discuss the defats of your country? Why hide behind fake flags?
If you think I will cease highlight your lies by sources then you are out of touch.

It is a fake map. Do you think given your history of posting completely false claims that your claims will be seen as reliable?

You are obviously lacking in the education background. Pathans are Pashto which are ethnic Iranic group of people. You do not even know the most basics.

They are Aryan-iranic people and they are certainly not the same as farsis.

Do you know how the Farsis were the miscalculators of the age. They even miscalculated on Khalid banu Walid and send forces that outnumbered him significiantly. There was a water barrier between him and the farsis. There was a stream but once Khalid and his forces jumped in the stream the Farsi forces fleed screaming ''Jinn'' ''Jinn'' in farsi they didn't believe it was possible to just cross the river like that it was suicidal in their eyes.

I just find it funny seeing the Farsis of all people trying to underestimate these who once conquered them completely. I guess you are back to your miscalculating ways
They are Aryan-iranic people and they are certainly not the same as farsis.

Well of course you are illiterate and do not understand Persians are a branch of Iranic tribes as are Pashtuns. No one said they are the same.

Do you know how the Farsis were the miscalculators of the age. They even miscalculated on Khalid banu Walid and send forces that outnumbered significiantly. There was a water barrier between him and the farsis. There was a stream but once Khalid and his forces jumped in the stream the Farsi forces fleed screaming ''Jinn'' ''Jinn'' in farsis they didn't believe it was possible to just cross the river like that it was suicidal in their eyes.

I just find it funny seeing the Farsis of all people trying to underestimate these who once conquered them completely. I guess you are back to your miscalculating ways

So I see you're still avoiding stating your true identity and hiding behind false flags? We can discuss wins and losses more when you do so. Given you're trying to desperately change the topic from Saudi incompetence I'd say you are either a Persian Gulf Arab or just a Pakistani that is fanboying over them. If you're the latter, you need to avoid defending these Al-Saul groups, they're not defensible.
Well of course you are illiterate and do not understand Persians are a branch of Iranic tribes as are Pashtuns. No one said they are the same.

So I see you're still avoiding stating your true identity and hiding behind false flags? We can discuss wins and losses more when you do so. Given you're trying to desperately change the topic from Saudi incompetence I'd say you are either a Persian Gulf Arab or just a Pakistani that is fanboying over them. If you're the latter, you need to avoid defending these Al-Saul groups, they're not defensible.

We can go zig-zag but I promise you we will get the chance to do it again. If you fail to cross over the river we will 100%.

The time and date is already set. I assure we will come over to you. It's already destined and has occured as the pen is dry.

But once we mobilize and hit out you will know. We will revive our tradition of war and once that first bullet goes off there is no returning back. This war is what we need to gain our motivations back
We can go zig-zag but I promise you we will get the chance to do it again. If you fail to cross over the river we will 100%.

Who is "we"? You're still hiding behind false flag.

The time and date is already set. I assure we will come over to you. It's already destined and has occured as the pen is dry.

See above.

But once we mobilize and hit out you will know. Enjoy your few short decades left for this event is certain in the near future not far off either 2-3 decades max.

We will revive our tradition of war and once that first bullet goes off there is no returning back. This war is what we need to gain our motivations back and stay fit

The reality is, Saudis are hiding behind the west. Not only can you not fight Iran, you know if the west were to abandon you then you would fall within weeks.

Why Saudi Arabia cannot go to war with Iran

" Finally, Saudi Arabia cannot fight a winning war with Iran because its powerful regional and Western allies, particularly Israel and the United States, are not willing to make major sacrifices on its behalf as long as their own strategic interests are not directly imperilled."

Who is "we"? You're still hiding behind false flag.

Lol. We don't need Israel or the US to come over to you. We will by all necessary come over to you when the time is right. No need to involve the US or Israel we have the coalition, arms and the numbers necessary to excecute this.

With the our large coalition we get the job done..

Saudi Arabia is the fifth most powerful country in the world … and the first in the Arab world


There is no need for anyone else involved except the Saudi coalition. They can get the job done period. We are not gonna drag others or anything like that. We crushed you previously we are gonna do it again period
As usual all the Arab defense news end up with links to digital sources talking about great ancient Persian empire to which mulla regime has no connection...
Lol. We don't need Israel or the US to come over to you. We will by all necessary come over to you when the time is right. No need to involve the US or Israel we have the coalition, arms and the numbers necessary to excecute this.

Give me a single source that claims you could defeat Iran without the west.

This is the Americans:

Saudi Arabia is the fifth most powerful country in the world … and the first in the Arab world


"Saudi24news", Try harder.

They are ranking themselves in terms of hardware. However competence is far more important:

Attacks Expose Flaws in Saudi Arabia’s Expensive Military

You see, hardware means nothing when those wielding it are utterly useless.

There is no need for anyone else involved except the Saudi coalition. They can get the job done period. We are not gonna drag others or anything like that. We crushed you previously we are gonna do it again period

Not according to the facts and expert opinion. Facts are what we see on the ground i.e sheer incompetence. I think you also don't believe Saudis will last more than a few weeks. If you were truly that confident, you would not be hiding behind fake flags.
Give me a single source that claims you could defeat Iran without the west.

This is the Americans:

"Saudi24news" Try harder.

They are ranking themselves in terms of hardware. However competence is far more important:

Attacks Expose Flaws in Saudi Arabia’s Expensive Military

You see, hardware means nothing when those wielding it are utterly useless.

Not according to the facts and expert opinion. Facts are what we see on the ground i.e sheer incompetence. I think you also don't believe Saudis will last more than a few weeks. If you were truly that confident, you would not be hiding behind fake flags.

YOU are still spamming this garbage that you have posted and we have addressed them..

Let me show you what spamming means nd how easily this conversation can get drilled.
Give me a single source that claims you could defeat Iran without the west.

This is the Americans

Not according to the facts and expert opinion. Facts are what we see on the ground i.e sheer incompetence. I think you also don't believe Saudis will last more than a few weeks. If you were truly that confident, you would not be hiding behind fake flags.

You keep quoting Graham that man doesn't like Saudi Arabia and his certainly not a military guy and doesn't understand the mechnics behind them.

Lol. We don't need Israel or the US to come over to you. We will by all necessary come over to you when the time is right. No need to involve the US or Israel we have the coalition, arms and the numbers necessary to excecute this.

With the our large coalition we get the job done..

Saudi Arabia is the fifth most powerful country in the world ….

This is according to military think tank not some buffoon.

Plus who said you will face only Saudi Arabia I said COALITION consisting of upto 15 countries of Arab origins..

HENCE THE US is not need for this..

By the way your featherweight army lost in Syria to none-state actors admitted by the man hail in IRAN

And Yes Solemani did this.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

As usual all the Arab defense news end up with links to digital sources talking about great ancient Persian empire to which mulla regime has no connection...

Care to explain this more
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YOU are still spamming this garbage that you have posted and we have addressed them..

You addressed nothing, you only started pleading for sources to stop being posted.

You keep quoting Graham that man doesn't like Saudi Arabia and his certainly not a military guy and doesn't understand the mechnics behind them.

Yes, so anyone that speak the facts "does not like Saudi Arabia".

Lol. We don't need Israel or the US to come over to you. We will by all necessary come over to you when the time is right. No need to involve the US or Israel we have the coalition, arms and the numbers necessary to excecute this.

With the our large coalition we get the job done..

Saudi Arabia is the fifth most powerful country in the world ….

According to Saudi24news? If you're going to copy and paste atleast pick something more sensible.

This is according to military think tank not some buffoon.

Military think tanks are referring to S.Arabia as incompetent though. What about them?

Plus who said you will face only Saudi Arabia I said COALITION consisting of upto 15 countries of Arab origins..

Fantasy, nothing more. No one in their right mind will die for the incompetent Saudi military.

HENCE THE US is not need for this

Not according to the Americans themselves.
You addressed nothing, you only started pleading for sources to stop being posted.

Yes, so anyone that speak the facts "does not like Saudi Arabia".

According to Saudi24news? If you're going to copy and paste atleast pick something more sensible.

Military think tanks are referring to S.Arabia as incompetent though. What about them?

Fantasy, nothing more. No one in their right mind will die for the incompetent Saudi military.

Not according to the Americans themselves.

The Article is from ''INSIDER'' think tank And people with knowledge.

As I said previously you ran into these huge military defeats due to being miscalculator. Just one tiny country from the coalition could ruin your infrastructure.

I am talking straight facts not some bs satire articles like you but real talk.

You won't last 3-4 yrs after a war of attration and eventually fold. That is from conventional military sense.

Mirwais Hotak: He didn't want an empire but incidents made it so that he overrun the Safavid.

Protected by the Ghaznavid Nasher Khans,[8] Mirwais and his followers revolted against Safavids in Kandahar in April 1709. The uprising began when Gurgīn Khān and his escort were killed during a feast that was organized by Mirwais at his farmhouse outside the city. It is reported that drinking of wine was involved. Next, Mirwais ordered the killings of the remaining Persian military officials in the region. The Afghans then defeated Persian army twice as large that had been dispatched from Isfahan (capital of the Safavids), one which included Qizilbash and Georgian/Circassian troops.[9]

Several half-hearted attempts to subdue the rebellious city having failed, the Persian Government despatched Khusraw Khán, nephew of the late Gurgín Khán, with an army of 30,000 men to effect its subjugation, but in spite of an initial success, which led the Afgháns to offer to surrender on terms, his uncompromising attitude impelled them to make a fresh desperate effort, resulting in the complete defeat of the Persian army (of whom only some 700 escaped) and the death of their general. Two years later, in A.D. 1713, another Persian army commanded by Rustam Khán was also defeated by the rebels, who thus secured possession of the whole Loy Kandahar region.[9]
---- This story has quite a hilarious ending this rebelion will conquer all of Persia Tehren, Isfahan and everything. One city and one tribe amongst Kandahar brought down a nation.

Your history is full of upsets but as I said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree
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The Article is from ''INSIDER'' think tank And people with knowledge.

As I said previously you ran into these huge military defeats due to being miscalculator. Just one tiny country from the coalition could ruin your infrastructure.

I am talking straight facts not some bs satire articles like you but real talk.

You won't last 3-4 yrs after a war of attration and eventually fold. That is from conventional military sense.

Mirwais Hotak: He didn't want an empire but incidents made it so that he overrun the Safavid.

Protected by the Ghaznavid Nasher Khans,[8] Mirwais and his followers revolted against Safavids in Kandahar in April 1709. The uprising began when Gurgīn Khān and his escort were killed during a feast that was organized by Mirwais at his farmhouse outside the city. It is reported that drinking of wine was involved. Next, Mirwais ordered the killings of the remaining Persian military officials in the region. The Afghans then defeated Persian army twice as large that had been dispatched from Isfahan (capital of the Safavids), one which included Qizilbash and Georgian/Circassian troops.[9]

Your history is full of upsets but as I said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Given you have now been reduced to just diversion tactics, I will move this discussion to another thread to prevent you spamming and taking this topic too much off track.

Given you have now been reduced to just diversion tactics, I will move this discussion to another thread to prevent you spamming and taking this topic too much off track.

What do you mean by desparation tactics. You are the one who has refused to talk but use selective anti-tabloids or people as facts in our talk
You are overrating them without logical and alot people use to do this with ignorance. I said coalition? Not one army?

Iran is extremely overestimated and the Saudi coalition could legit invade them 95% certainity. You also think they have motivated fighters think again?

Historically Iran is the easiest country in the world to invade. The biggest military upsets in history always happened in Iran. 5 major upsets where they outnumbered the enemy 1 to 100 at times.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but aside from the massive overestimation done here. I think you are sleeping on a motivated coalition that stands 500M strong and armed to the teeth. All you need to do to turn them into zealots is if you accuse your opponent of trying to harm the holiest place this will put the fire on their belly. With such fanatism, numbers and arms don't see anyone stopping them

This. In order to take on such large Coalition you have to be china or NATO if not your pretty fuked

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