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UAE’s F-35 contracts expected to be signed before end of Trump administration

The UAE has excellent pilots they've developed through the last 20+ years. Some of the videos we saw of their F-16 Block 60 pilots dodging Houthi missiles was super impressive! Their academy is most likely fully loaded with very qualified applicants whom will be trained by the best of the best. There shouldn't be any problems with having qualified Emirate pilots for all those aircraft. The Rafale deal comes with training the pilots who will be flying those jets in France, just like they did with the EAF and Indian pilots.

UAEAF, still relies heavily on foreigners for maintenance and instructor pilots. UAE's showing in Yemen was woeful, they ended up withdrawing.
This is definitely not a curse and far from it. I wouldn't say China is pro-anyone except her own interests and the same goes to Russia but the candidates are not only these but much larger Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, India all could fill in and get share

This is true, but non of these countries can offer (nor would they want to) protection against Iran like US can.
This is true, but non of these countries can offer (nor would they want to) protection against Iran like US can.

Saudi Arabia in all truthfulness doesn't need protection from anyone. This is only trade such as ammo stuff like that. They fill in the cap. In truth The Saudi Coalition is much stronger then Iran
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Saudi Arabia in all truthfulness doesn't need protection from anyone. This is only trade such as ammo stuff like that. They fill in the cap. In truth The Saudi Coalition is much stronger then Iran

My friend, this is simply not true, a fundemental pillar of Saudi defence and foreign policy is to garner support against Iran, be it from US, Israel or Pakistan. They have used every resource at their disposal to turn countries against Iran, and of course heavily pressured Pakistan. If they are so sure of protecting themselves what is the need for this?

Wikileaks cables show Saudis BEGGING US to attack Iran.

Saudi cannot protect Riyadh from drones, it's oil facilities from cruise missiles or even it's Air Force commander from getting blown up by an Iranian missile.

Do not get me wrong, I love Saudia Arabia with all my heart, in all truth. For many years their kings were leaders of Islamic world, but it is better we are awake to facts now.
My friend, this is simply not true, a fundemental pillar of Saudi defence and foreign policy is to garner support against Iran, be it from US, Israel or Pakistan. They have used every resource at their disposal to turn countries against Iran, and of course heavily pressured Pakistan. If they are so sure of protecting themselves what is the need for this?

Do not get me wrong, I love Saudia Arabia with all my heart, in all truth. For many years their kings were leaders of Islamic world, but it is better we are awake to facts now.

These drones are only provocations and some think it's harmful but it is not. Such incidents don't harm but it only escalates to full blown war. A sneak attack can be done by anyone it is unavoidable thing.

But you have to understand from the conventional military standby Saudi Arabia has almost no threats. Who in the their right mind is gonna march into Saudi Arabia? If escalation comes full blown war happens to the end. They have aerial superiority and could rain hell on the other side.

Saudi Arabia has coaliton and that Coalition is stronger then Iran period. Egypt, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Sudan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Better arms, can mobilize more and endless wealth.

From a military conventional standby not even NATO could penetrate the Saudi coalition if they were to come from the middle head on. Alot of people think provocations are threat they only provide means to escalation and could lead to miscalculation and full frontal war but in essence they are nothing more then that.

They can field large numbers and have modern armies and could withhold a large NATO charge and make it into war of attration. I assure you they don't face such threats outside of NATO or multiplier forces that nobody can field outside of a large alliance group such as NATO or EU
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These drones are only provocations and some think it's harmful but it is not. Such incidents don't harm but it only escalates to full blown war. A sneak attack can be done by anyone it is unavoidable thing.

But you have to understand from the conventional military standby Saudi Arabia has almost no threats. Who in the their right mind is gonna march into Saudi Arabia? If escalation comes full blown war happens to the end.

Saudi Arabia has coaliton and that Coalition is stronger then Iran period. Egypt, UAE, Qatar, Oman, Sudan, Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Better arms, can mobilize more and endless wealth.

From a military conventional standby not even NATO could penetrate the Saudi coalition if they were to come from the middle head on. Alot of people think provocations are threat they only provide means to escalation and could lead to miscalculation and full frontal war but in essence they are nothing more then that.

They can field large numbers and have modern armies and could withheld a large NATO charge and make it into war of attration. I assure you they don't face such threats outside of NATO or multiplier forces that nobody can field outside of a large alliance group such as NATO or EU

My friend, you really underestimate Iran, very much. Iran has a large and very motivated army, Saudi Army is small and certainly not as battle hardened. Saudia failed terribly in Yemen and is now seeking a way out. Better not to rely on a coalition of small and undermanned and ill trained countries and reply on oneself. A major Saudi weakness is large pools of trained fighting men (hence the need in the past for Pakistani troops), Iran has this in abundance.

As mentioned, all the Patriots, F-15s and AWACs cannot seem to stop regular UAV and missile attacks, than one must ask, what is going on?
My friend, you really underestimate Iran, very much. Iran has a large and very motivated army, Saudi Army is small and certainly not as battle hardened. Saudia failed terribly in Yemen and is now seeking a way out. Better not to rely on a coalition of small and undermanned and ill trained countries and reply on oneself. A major Saudi weakness is large pools of trained fighting men (hence the need in the past for Pakistani troops), Iran has this in abundance.

As mentioned, all the Patriots, F-15s and AWACs cannot seem to stop regular UAV and missile attacks, than one must ask, what is going on?

You are overrating them without logical and alot people use to do this with ignorance. I said coalition? Not one army? By the way Iran actully lost to the rebels in Syria and 100% with evidence at hand. Solemani surrendered and asked Putin to intervene. But the Hadi allies in Yemen never lost the war to the houthis or begging anyone for help.

Iran is extremely overestimated and the Saudi coalition could legit invade them 95% certainity. You also think they have motivated fighters think again?

Historically Iran is the easiest country in the world to invade. The biggest military upsets in history always happened in Iran. 5 major upsets where they outnumbered the enemy 1 to 100 at times.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but aside from the massive overestimation done here. I think you are sleeping on a motivated coalition that stands 500M strong and armed to the teeth. All you need to do to turn them into zealots is if you accuse your opponent of trying to harm the holiest place this will put the fire on their belly. With such fanatism, numbers and arms don't see anyone stopping them
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By the way Iran actully lost to the rebels in Syria and 100% with evidence at hand.

Sure it did, that is why the terrorists are barely anywhere to be found today ?

Solemani surrendered and asked Putin to intervene.

Iran was in Syria and held back the terrorists years before Russia decided to enter Syria. Russia entered for its own interest.

But the Hadi allies in Yemen never lost the war to the houthis or begging anyone for help.

He begged the Saudi coalition to come to his rescue, not that it helped given their incompetence.

Yemen’s Hadi has no regrets about seeking Saudi help

Iran is extremely overestimated and the Saudi coalition could legit invade them 95% certainity. You also think they have motivated fighters think again?

Saudi Arabia and her allies are the most incompetent fighting forces on the planet. Even the Americans openly claim Saudis would be speaking Farsi in a week:

And that is a US senator. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Historically Iran is the easiest country in the world to invade. The biggest military upsets in history always happened in Iran. 5 major upsets where they outnumbered the enemy 1 to 100 at times.

Iran has been around for over 7000 years. Battles are won and lost. As for Iran being easy to invade, you're geographically illiterate, Iran is a natural fortress, especially when one considers modern battles. See below:

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree but aside from the massive overestimation done here. I think you are sleeping on a motivated coalition that stands 500M strong and armed to the teeth. All you need to do to turn them into zealots is if you accuse your opponent of trying to harm the holiest place this will put the fire on their belly. With such fanatism, numbers and arms don't see anyone stopping them

The problem is, no one except you shares this fantasy. Even the so called western allies of Saudis openly highlight the incompetence of Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf Arab allies combined have no hope of standing up to Iran. Even the Americans cannot protect you fully.

Why Saudi Arabia can't repel Iran's regional domination

"This is, of course, primarily a story about Saudi Arabian impotence.

The kings of Saudi Arabia have historically relied on others to fight their battles and have had little stomach to engage in power projection beyond their own borders"

So let go of this "500 Million" fantasy as if all Arabs would pick up guns to fight Iran. A good chunk of Arabs are influenced by Iran and would take the first opportunity to strike the heart of Saudi Arabia.

Your only source of protection is America:

As the US senator stated, without them Iran would dismantle Saudis very quickly.
Sure it did, that is why the terrorists are barely anywhere to be found today ?

Iran was in Syria and held back the terrorists years before Russia decided to enter Syria. Russia entered for its own interest.

He begged the Saudi coalition to come to his rescue, not that it helped given their incompetence.

Yemen’s Hadi has no regrets about seeking Saudi help

Saudi Arabia and her allies are the most incompetent fighting forces on the planet. Even the Americans openly claim Saudis would be speaking Farsi in a week:

And that is a US senator. Wake up and smell the coffee.

Iran has been around for over 7000 years. Battles are won and lost. As for Iran being easy to invade, you're geographically illiterate, Iran is a natural fortress, especially when one considers modern battles. See below:

The problem is, no one except you shares this fantasy. Even the so called western allies of Saudis openly highlight the incompetence of Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Arabia and its Persian Gulf Arab allies combined have no hope of standing up to Iran. Even the Americans cannot protect you fully.

Why Saudi Arabia can't repel Iran's regional domination

"This is, of course, primarily a story about Saudi Arabian impotence.

The kings of Saudi Arabia have historically relied on others to fight their battles and have had little stomach to engage in power projection beyond their own borders"

So let go of this "500 Million" fantasy as if all Arabs would pick up guns to fight Iran. A good chunk of Arabs are influenced by Iran and would take the first opportunity to strike the heart of Saudi Arabia.

Your only source of protection is America:

As the US senator stated, without them Iran would dismantle Saudis very quickly.

I meant outside help not the Saudis which he didn't do.

And Yes Solemani did ask for help from Putin.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”


His not a general or antying but a business man Trump is dumb and says anything that comes until his mind and using him as per source is nothing factual I can quote my grandmother which has better info. He doesn't realize the full aspects of everything. He is the same man who said grab her by the pussy. The other guy doesn't like Saudi and he hates them.

By the way stop spamming the forum or over quoting news articles that are way off if you have an opinion just write it down.

There is no reason for you to over spamming of far-right websites or tabloids and using them as some sort of evidence.

I am talking about a coalition here and in a realistic conventional military sense. You go into so much over the board stuff. I am talking about a potential conventional military conflict. Lets stick to that and if you have an opinion simply leave it no need to going over spamming tabloids or irrelevant stuff. Just conventional military conflict opinion thats all
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I meant outside help not the Saudis which he didn't do.

He himself has admitted to asking Saudis for help.

And Yes Solemani did ask for help from Putin.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

That is a false story. In reality, Russians had decided to intervene for their own interest and Iran sent Soleimani to coordinate. Nothing more. The situation in Syria was more or less the same, there was no "real dangers" to the Assad government. The Russians have a long history in Syria:

Why does Russia support Syria and President Assad?

Trump is dump and saying anything that comes until his mind. He doesn't realize the full aspects of everything.

On the contrary, he had access to far more intelligence sources than someone like you ever will, so take his word seriously when he makes such statement. Add that to the comments from the senator. You think they're all wrong and your fantasy is correct?

By the way stop spamming the forum or over quoting news articles that are way off if you have an opinion just write it down.

You clearly do not understand how proper discussions work. You add sources to back your statements. Unlike you I don't invent my own theories and expect people to go along with it.

There is no reason for you to over spamming of far-right websites or tabloids and using them as some sort of evidence.

The fact you do not like the sources and what they say has little bearing here. Facts will be posted. If you think your moaning will change anything, then I have news for you.

I am talking about a coalition here and in a realistic conventional military sense

And what do you think those source are referring to? imaginary unconventional sense? Perhaps actually try reading the sources before replying. Read the below article:

What is behind Saudi's military failures?

Make an attempt this time.
He himself has admitted to asking Saudis for help.

That is a false story. In reality, Russians had decided to intervene for their own interest and Iran sent Soleimani to coordinate. Nothing more. The situation in Syria was more or less the same, there was no "real dangers" to the Assad government. The Russians have a long history in Syria:

Why does Russia support Syria and President Assad?

On the contrary, he had access to far more intelligence sources than someone like you ever will, so take his word seriously when he makes such statement. Add that to the comments from the senator. You think they're all wrong and your fantasy is correct?

You clearly do not understand how proper discussions work. You add sources to back your statements. Unlike you I don't invent my own theories and expect people to go along with it.

The fact you do not like the sources and what they say has little bearing here. Facts will be posted. If you think your moaning will change anything, then I have news for you.

And what do you think those source are referring to? imaginary unconventional sense? Perhaps actually try reading the sources before replying. Read the below article:

What is behind Saudi's military failures?

Make an attempt this time.

Stop using these shitty sources as evidence or hidding behind them. Talk to me is that hard to do?

You come off like someone whos hiding something or is in rush. relax first take a breather.

Iran lost to the rebels say whatever you want to say this is factual on the ground and they handed over everything to Russia.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

The Saudi backed proxy never lost to the Houthis this is also an undeniable fact.


Anyone can write an article and say whatver they want to their own pleasure but the reality is always on the ground and in that they never lost period.

just talk to me instead of hiding behind sensational hyperbolic articles. Because they will not further anything. that we don't know already on the ground
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Stop using these shitty sources as evidence or hidding behind them.

"I don't like the facts posted by your sources so please stop posting them"

This is not a children's playground, if you can't handle it then refrain from making bold statements.

Talk to me is that hard to do?

What do you think is happening?

You come off like someone whos hiding something or is in rush. relax first take a breather.

Says the one who does not bother to check any of the sources posted to them?

Iran lost to the rebels say whatever you want to say this is factual on the ground and they handed over everything to Russia.

“Soleimani put the map of Syria on the table. The Russians were very alarmed, and felt matters were in steep decline and that there were real dangers to the regime.

Khamenei also sent a senior envoy to Moscow to meet President Vladimir Putin, another senior regional official said. “Putin told him ‘Okay we will intervene. Send Qassem Soleimani’. He went to explain the map of the theater.”

Why are you copy and pasting the same comment?

The Saudi backed proxy never lost to the Houthis this is also an undeniable fact.

Yeah sure:

Running around in circles: How Saudi Arabia is losing its war in Yemen to Iran

Anyone can write an article and say whatver they want to their own pleasure but the reality is always on the ground and in that they never lost period.

Yes, we will discard the words of articles and instead follow some false flagging internet fanboy?

I just talk to me instead of hiding behind sensational hyperbolic articles. Because they will not further anything. that we don't know already on the ground

If you refuse to absorb facts via sources than you're not interested in a proper discussion, however don't assume I take you seriously. I am dismantling your falsities for the sake of spectators that will take the time to read the sources.
"I don't like the facts posted by your sources so please stop posting them"

This is not a children's playground, if you can't handle it then refrain from making bold statements.

What do you think is happening?

Says the one who does not bother to check any of the sources posted to them?

Why are you copy and pasting the same comment?

Yeah sure:

Yes, we will discard the words of articles and instead follow some false flagging internet fanboy?

If you refuse to absorb facts via sources than you're not interested in a proper discussion, however don't assume I take you seriously. I am dismantling your falsities for the sake of spectators that will take the time to read the sources.

Seems like your bubble is bursted and I was not even trying to burst your bubble it just so seems to happen without me trying.

I repeat again HADI's Government controls 80% of YEMEN Can anyone with some intelligence explain to me how they could lose that war where they have the enemy in siege and control majority of the country?

No I don't think you can explain but you will go to a hyberbolic far-right paper seller and come in here with it as some sort of ground facts while it is not.

There you have it
Seems like your bubble is bursted and I was not even trying to burst your bubble it just so seems to happen without me trying.

You have not even started to burst anything, so far I have yet to see anything of substance from you.

I repeat again HADI's Government controls 80% of YEMEN Can anyone with some intelligence explain to me how they could lose that war where they have the enemy in siege and control majority of the country?

You mean according to your fake maps?

No I don't think so you can explain but you will go to a hyberbolic far-right paper seller and come in here with it as some sort of ground factuals while it is not.

There you have it

It's hilarious you know what's coming but still think to go ahead and post your lies anyway. Well of course I will dismantle your lies, what do you expect? A question you need to ask yourself is why almost everyone is stating Saudis have lost the war? Perhaps everyone is detached from reality except some internet fanboy?
You said Iran existed for 7000 years but it experienced biggest military upsets in history and let me explain to you one of these major upsets.

Mirwais Hotaki did probably the biggest military upset in history..

A small Pathan tribe in Kandahar overrun Safavid dynasty and ended them in what is believed to be the biggest military upset in history..

Search under the siege of Isfahan for these who wanna search about this incident and quite hilarious it started so innocent they arrested one guy named Mirwais Hotaki and his arrest let to a tribal revolt that ended Safavid as we know by few tribesmen they simply walked down a huge army outnumbered 500 to 1
You said Iran existed for 7000 years but it experienced biggest military upsets in history and let me explain to you one of these major upsets.

Mirwais Hotaki did probably the biggest military upset in history..

A small Pathan tribe in Kandahar overrun Safavid dynasty and ended them in what is believed to be the biggest military upset in history..

Search under the siege of Isfahan for these who wanna search about this incident and quite hilarious it started so innocent they arrested one guy named Mirwais Hotaki and his arrest let to a tribal revolt that ended Safavid as we know by few tribesmen they simply walked down a huge army outnumbered 500 to 1

Do you even know what ethnicity Pashtuns are?

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