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UAE May Buy LCA Tejas Fighter Jets Due To Combined US, Russian and Israeli Technology

What a joke...
Paf rejected f16 , EFT , j10 ?? Reality is your paf is even ready to buy second hand f16s and even tried for j10 and su35 but Mila nahi to kya kar sakte h...
Beggars can't be choosers
Speak for yourself. You may live the life of beggers cant be chooser but pakistan gets what it needs and its enemies know its capabilities. So when you earn enough to get a motorbike rather than the scootrie that you are on in your pic come back and criticise a nation like ours
Speak for yourself. You may live the life of beggers cant be chooser but pakistan gets what it needs and its enemies know its capabilities. So when you earn enough to get a motorbike rather than the scootrie that you are on in your pic come back and criticise a nation like ours

Your leader is moving from middle east to se Asia looking for aid .
Tiny amounts here then few billion there.
And you wabt to stand up to Indian might.

There is no comparison now it's joke
Swearing will not change your current plight
Your leader plight having to ask for money to. Cover your financial plight

And you talk about nuclear subs and fifth generation fighters

Get real . We know what Pakistan is and what it is not
Give your soldiers food then talk. Get tejas flying after 36 years then talk. Get arjunk operational and then talk. Get the cow pee cold and then talk.
Indians love to brag....icc 2017. You won the final before the game and then you cried in the streets and broke your TVs.

Never forget we took pakistan from you after muslims ruled you for a 1000years. Now run along little man.
Neither will your mother pooping in the open. Buy her a toilet and then talk. Give your soldiers food then talk. Get tejas flying after 36 years then talk. Get arjunk operational and then talk. Get the cow pee cold and then talk.
Indians love to brag....icc 2017. You won the final before the game and then you cried in the streets and broke your TVs.

Never forget we took pakistan from you after muslims ruled you for a 1000years. Now run along little man.

HAL spent years and years on Marut HF 24 fighter jet and when it got obsolete it entered services . It couldn't catch up with Pakistan f104 , they were very disappointed.Same is going to happen to this teja, until it starts to fly it will be already obsolete [emoji23]
Swearing will not change your current plight
Your leader plight having to ask for money to. Cover your financial plight

And you talk about nuclear subs and fifth generation fighters

Get real . We know what Pakistan is and what it is not
Get over it brah !! financial plight and financial plight - make your frickin tejas fly so that UAE consider it to buy from you , forget Pakistan financial probs , we aint no stealing aid money from poor for statute
When will tejas start to fly????
Check with an eye specialist or better a shrink..Get well soon..

HAL spent years and years on Marut HF 24 fighter jet and when it got obsolete it entered services . It couldn't catch up with Pakistan f104 , they were very disappointed.Same is going to happen to this teja, until it starts to fly it will be already obsolete [emoji23]
Pakistani F 104... Makes sense...
PAF also rejected EFT, F16s B52 ( unless they were free !), Su35s and J10s .... so JF 17 is also great now according to your standards ?
EFT and F16 were rejected by IAF because they were beaten by Rafale! Tejas is no where in this race and doesnt make it anymore capable!
Your comment about PAF accepting initial versions if JF with less capability shows you have no idea how systems are developed and how integration and upgradation is a life long process!

Its your countryman who is way over his head about GDP and resources. I never made any boastful claims so spare your lecture!
There is difference is standards of both Airforces,
One accepts what ever is available and whatever stage of development,

On the other hand IAF has access and resources to go for F16/ Gripen / EFT. Now there is a reason that IAF rejected Tejas till 2017 because options were available.
And PAF acccepted JF 10 years back, but by IAF standards even JF Bl2 os not up to mark neither, Gripen/ F16 or EFT
So comparing Tejas and JF based on acceptance by respective air-forces is not a fair parameter
Currently 3 points in FOC are pending. One is cep test where the accuracy of bombing shall be tested. A highly sophisticated test is one where if pilot loose control over aircraft in Dogfight, system will auto recover aircrat from spin or slow speed and stabilize it. Such sophisticated alogerithm has gone into Tejas. Its drag shall be reduced by further 6pc due to which its transsonic acceleration shall improve by 20 pc and top speed by 2pc. Its weight shall be reduced by some 300 to 500 kg and AESA radar and top class EW shall be installed. Angle of attack shall be increased by further 2 pc. This will make Tejas a more than match for any small fighter.

Because of half gen gap. Tejas is 4+ gen fighter with recent upgrades, Rafale is 4.5 Gen fighter. While we can't ignore tejas with 8 hard points, and powerful U.S.A engine , mix of Israel , French and india technology. It is potent fighter in light class league. It provides good punch and best figher in light class league with such mix of best technologies in single fighter. As it is home made fighter India can play with weapons, swipe & swipe when need arise. Production rate will increase after recent prototype passed all tests & after changes in Frame . It took time but it appeared as very potent fighter, I will not hesitate to say Best figher in light class category.
There is difference is standards of both Airforces,
One accepts what ever is available and whatever stage of development,
What evidence you have that suggest that IAF has so called higher standards? Most of your equipment is of Soviet era (mig 21, 29, su30) so spare the higher standards argument...

On the other hand IAF has access and resources to go for F16/ Gripen / EFT.
Yes IAF has more resources but it cannot go for all these aircrafts. There was an MMRCA tender in which these OEMs competed, and only one of the OEM won for an order of 36. The process was 10+ years which shows the slow and inefficient procurement and decision making process, as well as reasource constraints, of Indian Govt and not some imaginary standards of IAF.

And PAF acccepted JF 10 years back, but by IAF standards even JF Bl2 os not up to mark neither, Gripen/ F16 or EFT
So comparing Tejas and JF based on acceptance by respective air-forces is not a fair parameter
As explained already, IAF preferred flying ancient aircrafts like mig21 rather than Tejas! That just means that DRDO didn’t finish their work on time! Blame DRDO and IAF for screwing up the project.

I think for for Indians... after seeing 100+ JF17s produced and upcoming AESA upgrades, where as Tejas is yet to takeoff in numbers , the new sad mental refuge for Indians to cope with JF17s progress vs to Tejas is now: Standards!!!
due to combined US, Russian and Israeli tech and Indian workmanship
I look at the LCA program seriously, an excellent design but delayed project management. However the headline of the this thread is a joke......UAE Air Force getting the LCA Tejas....a tour suddenly becomes about a potential sale of an aircraft that has not even had its Dash 1s fully written....

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