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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

The entire muslim world will continue to fly Emirates and shop in Dubai - just as they will continue to directly or indirectly contribute to the Israeli economy.

Pakistanis and the objecting muslims are abject failures in financial sector along with knowing how to manipulate foreign policies of the most powerful country on earth , their complaints are on deaf ears along with a complete inability to change the status quo on this.
You can claim moral superiority on the issue but that is the end of it. The same situation applied at the time of Hudaybiyah and the moral superiority there was unquestionable; yet here is Rehmat Ullil Aalamin, whom Allah showed his presence through by splitting the moon with a point of his finger - who could have prayed for every Quraish to be turned to dust - yet set the example of knowing when to compromise for the immediate benefit and a longer term strategy.

That treaty was not required by either Rasool SAWlm or the Ashrah Mubasharah or the Sahabah.. they could be guaranteed victory, but it was the example of his life for future generations such as ours how and where to compromise when weak and then focus on a ten year(long term) strength building to come back and leave potential enemies incapable of negotiating any terms.

I am not saying I support the UAE or its actions, but whether we should have relations or not with Israel and what they should be comes from the life of the prophet and the caliphs.
In my opinion from what I understand after reading the life of the prophet , his example would point to make peace with Israel for now until combined strength and unity of purpose across the muslim nations allows otherwise to broach the issue.
It doesn’t mean one abandons the Palestinians, it means using these existing diplomatic systems to force a compromise through direct relationships.
Stop preaching here, go get ur ticket to Israel and bow to thier jew leaders cause that's what ur dam. Humanity says, then get a F16 load a buck in it and throw on palestaniens that's the best of ur humanity demands from ur viewpoint?
But you can't change the views of others, for dajjal and its Israeli state in the majority of Muslims, we are waiting for the bigger announcement when that DAJAL will shows himself up hopefully we ill find u among his worshippers and Thts the difference between u and us, it won't solve here it ill be tested in some future battle grounds
why? why is it a matter of faith does somewhere is written that you are no muslim if palestinians dont have a land? would these palestinians accept that these land would be in pakistan hands? no! like they do not accept ottoman empire.. thats why they didnt made it a matter of history, they did not accept any two state soulution and made it worser for themselves.. Palestina is not equal to al aqsa mosque.. and these people could have their own land but stalled it,stalled it, stalled it and stall it again and again and now israel settles there its like impossible to get what they could have in the past because its already taken and lost! they make it worser and they have no intention to fight for their rights but in reality they gain something if they have an open dispute: the money will flow in from all directions

the time these people and our people will get rid of the nationalistic thing and get rid off the love of money these kuffar wont laugh anymore.. but unfortunally we have entities in all over our lands that are toxic and people love wealth and people want to be better than others most stick to that that benefits themselves.. so people will speak for a guy that is responsible for bone sawing other people..

The life, dignity, property of another Muslim is sacred.

When one of us hurts, then the rest should feel the pain. As if a part of body hurts and the whole body is affected. That is what Ummah is, according to Prophet Muhammad saws.
Your entire paragraph is incoherent - what revolt? The locals are extremely happy with their rulers and well fed and kept; all others are expatriates and can be thrown out at objections.
You hvnt seen revolt? Saddam, qadafi? Hunted down in holes?
If u can't understand what i hve wrriten how you can reply me back?
Hypocracy ends on the so called well educated stupids, who shines the shoes of a undereducated boss like Bill gates??? And thier morality says that's right, thier education correct, language skills all are just a wipe of of the tissue papers used by thier bosses who are not so educated at all but gives work to highly educated ppls like you?
That is what Ummah is, according to Prophet Muhammad saws.

you mean that ones who now cry for ummah that has been the ones who brought the mess upon themselves? who told them to do what they did? sheikh shaitan? and where had they been when it has hurt turks/uyghur/kashmir where had they been when it was for their own profit? would this people celebrate you if you conquer it yes they would but next day they would fight against you labeling you as an occupier.. also I wrote that they choose to be in this mess.. they dont accept any agreement and hold on things that wont happen.. they did it to such a degree that it is now impossible beacuase of settlements..

Yep, some here think Turks are some kind of gods when in fact they recognise the Jewish state and do roaring trade with them.

Turkish trade is helping Jews occupy the Palestinians no doubt.

If you want to condemn UAE for recognising the Jewish state then at least be consistent and condemn the Turks.

if you are such into condemning lets begin with condemning your parents..

we are not the ones who are responsible for this mess in the creating so dont expect us to follow their wishes..
If you are such into condemning lets begin with condemning your parents..

we are not the ones who are responsible for this mess in the creating so dont expect us to follow their wishes..


Turkey was not responsible but why compound the problem by recognising a settler state imposed in the ME by Europeans?

Turkey was not responsible but why compound the problem by recognising a settler state imposed in the ME by Europeans?
Whats wrong with you when we had that area on our own control there was no Israel Israel came into existence after arabs had their Lawrence fever..
So Israel did to arabs what they did to us.. Don't expect us than to be on their side when they had sided up with our enemies to destroy us in wich Fantasy world are you living.. In this times it was logical to accept Israel

Also this does not make us Israel friends nor we favor them over arabs in fact we know how toxic israel is.. Furthermore we are against their treatment of Palestinians and the treatment of our masjid
Whats wrong with you when we had that area on our own control there was no Israel Israel came into existence after arabs had their Lawrence fever..
So Israel did to arabs what they did to us.. Don't expect us than to be on their side when they had sided up with our enemies to destroy us in wich Fantasy world are you living.. In this times it was logical to accept Israel

Also this does not make us Israel friends nor we favor them over arabs in fact we know how toxic israel is.. Furthermore we are against their treatment of Palestinians and the treatment of our masjid

Does not stop Erdogan from being a hypocrite for criticising the UAE for recognising the Jewish state when he has had nearly 20 years to cut relations.
It's not just about UAE israel .its about the Israel UAE/SAUDIA india USA alliance that concerns Pakistan.

Who told you that? Any reference? Even if any thing israeli came in it was via usa..
It was via the US...but the guns came from Israel
It's not just about UAE israel .its about the Israel UAE/SAUDIA india USA alliance that concerns Pakistan.

Who told you that? Any reference? Even if any thing israeli came in it was via usa..

It was negotiated by the US, the Sauds paid for it...The guns were from Israel...The Pakistani government was part of it...
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I think you’re wrong here, present day Pakistan and India was under Muslim
rule for a long long time. British Raj was only from 1857-1947.

Where did I say they weren’t Muslim lands? Can you read?

I said culturally Turkey and Pakistan couldn’t be further apart. You seem to equate religion with culture.

Hence why said if we are talking about similarities Turkey and Iran share a long heritage even though they have been rivals they both have large Turkish and Kurdish populations and are non Arab countries. Culturally their traditions are similar and compatible. Both societies also have gone through a secular phase and returned to their Muslim roots.

But you cant use religion in place of culture, that’s like saying French society and Russian society are similar culturally because they are both Christian societies.
Actully ISI wasnt intersted where they been comming from?
as they been dleverd by uncle Sam's CIA but ISI made sure to give it to CHINESE BROTHERS and then make a copy of it which both China and Pakistan can use against situation like THIS?
I don't know about the last part of your reply. All I know is that Pakistan didn't want the source of the guns montioned..that is the only concern.
Does not stop Erdogan from being a hypocrite for criticising the UAE for recognising the Jewish state when he has had nearly 20 years to cut relations.
Thats International politics for elections.. If he should have said and act against uae because of their enmity towards us they did much worser than accepting Israel wich is in itself not really bad..

I forgot to say that our previous governments had mostly not been pro religious so that may also be a thing that they accepted her..
Wow kid which gutter u been hiding with ur little brains?
Do u think, UAE has any dam. Political of military power on state of Israel?
No these little, incects types kings and queens of sand Arabia are just rabbits behind the bush for Israel, state of Israel wants powerfull countries like Pakistan, Iran, turkey, Egypt under its greater Israel rule cause they are the nation's which has made progress and are powerdyll enogh to take on Israel and Thts why these Israelis hide behind their mama's USA, UK, FRANCE skirts and uses them to attack Muslim stats like Iraq, Libya, sirya yeman?
Cause they were the threat to greater Israel?
Dam, pakisran doesn't need any dam. Nuclear bomb to give lesson to uae, its just needs to tell. It's genrals don't go anywhere stay in pakistan and check thier dam. Swiss bsnk accounts, while sending some love letter to yemani huttis to hve a go on UAE, u ill see in a few days where these dam UAE kings will be standing, they will all run away they don't have any spine to be in a war, all they can do is to sell Thier Brothers and sisters in Palestine to save thier own A----sz
Wake up, go get some black coffee and tell your father, you are happy on UAEs back stabbing on poor Muslims and watch how hard he ill slap you face sometimes its a good medecine to wakeup in reality?
Rather then reading your bullshit post.
Go do jihad in what you call so called islamic kingdoms. You would know your aukat. You cannit do anything there or what they do.
So how the hell are you comparing it with Pakistan. Pakistan is a different country. It is a complex one. No one can even seen in the same room as Israelis.
Rather then worrying about them. Worry about your country. Work hard and pay your taxes and let your country rise. Dont create unstability because some far away countries are friends. What does it has to do with you dude?
You country would be the last country standing and not accepting isreal. So....
Now what else you want?
Bomb uae
Bomb isreal
Bomb the world.
Develop you country rather then developing conspiracies
you may be the dumbest here on the forum.. didnt your people fight israel? its called arabs israelian wars? huh? first you write turkey never fought israel => arabs fought israel and than you say Ü Ä E dit not have been harmed too.. do you build your own rainbow unicorn fart universe, where a rabbit jumps over a green meadow and in the middle there is a red apple tree and butterflies are flying around? and in the turquoise sky cotton candy clouds are flaying around and our alithemoor1 is happy..

what a dumb person.. cry me a river.. like I said my white black color blind friend we are no arabs, we had no dispute with jews, there had been no turkish jewish war not even 6 days or less and we didnt take anyone as our protector and we are no vassal state dont compare us with your rubbish imaginary friends..

be away with your arab nationalism is stinks worther than 1000 farts for you it may be like ranbow unicorn fart but for us all it looks just browny

uae can take anyone as their protector I do not care man,
man they can take hindus 6 armed guy as their protector I do not care..

I am not surprized that these guys take jews as their protector now because they secretly worked together they cooperated against us several times.. in history they had their englishman they have their US friends and now they can have whatever.. it doesnt surprize me because these countries wont survive two weeks without their kuffar protectors.. man get lost in your rainbow unicorn universe and be happy there

man for that statement you have to eat this:
I correct you a little bit:

And Turkey is your god sent Angel..
Not for us.. we know better.. For us it's Israel

shure you can put Master Bone Saw or USA into these sentence it would fit it too..
Too much BS, lies and complex in one post.. you deserve a medal for dumbness..
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