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UAE ISRAEL Peace Agreement

ohhh mery bhai china will send one SMS to israel and things will be fine ap itni tension na leen .
No, Israel is too deep with its plans, you ill see Israel will dump China and Russia at some point, for them China and Russia are supporting thier enemies be it pak, sirya, or Iran all are enemy of Israel, so pls come out of your foolish ideas for godsake!!!!

I posted post #672 about the cooperation between UAE and Israel on the Covid vaccine to show that the UAE is moving on.

This vaccine cooperation is not the first time they will cooperate or have cooperated.
The UAE and Israel have always had a relationship.
Although it was not open as it is now, what credibility did the UAE have before in supporting the Palestinians if they were having a secret relationship with Israel?
In that case they should be honest and open about it, as they did with this agreement.

With the agreement Emiratis can stop being sanctimonious hypocrites with regards to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
But was that the only goal of the agreement?
To stop being hypocrites?
I do not think so.
There might be other reasons for this agreement.
I will name a few, which might apply.

1. The UAE has made enemies in the region and needs allies, thus this agreement. Iran does not like Israel and the UAE, which brings me to the saying of: 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.

2. The UAE has dreams of becoming a dominant force in the Middle East and wants to suppress other countries that have the same ambition. Therefore, they align with Israel, because Israel will help them in suppressing the other countries.

3. The UAE wants to use the agreement with Israel to make the Western countries see the UAE as an ally or at least not an enemy. With the agreement the UAE can thus not only get more cooperation from Israel but also more cooperation from Western countries.

So, to get back at the article I posted in post #672 about the cooperation between UAE and Israel on the Covid vaccine.

They do not gain anything from support for the Palestinians.
They want to move on.
They want to align themselves to countries from which they can benefit in some way or another.

I do find it sad for the Palestinians.
When I was younger, the Palestinians at least had the support from their Arab 'brothers'.
Although now that I think about it, if (some of these) Arab countries have always had a secret relationship with Israel, the support from their Arab 'brothers' probably did not mean anything.

So, what is the next step for the Palestinians?
Sit this all out and wait until they are in the majority?
And then what?
Take over Israel, expel all the Jews and then continue to fight amongst themselves as they are doing now?

The Palestinians do not have the right strategies and methods.
They try to storm the Israeli border and then get beaten back.
What kind of strategy is this?
Do they think that we live in the 12th century and that they can go fight Saladin style and conquer Jerusalem?

If the Palestinians want to win then they need to develop other strategies and methods.

For example:

1. End the rivalry between Fatah and Hamas. This is obvious. How can Palestine as a state ever be a reality if Palestinians are killing eachother? Fatah and Hamas are in the process of reconciliation now, but still a lot of work needs to be done.
2. End foreign finance of Palestinian organisations. There is too much influence from other countries in the affairs of Palestinians. Ending the finance would (hopefully) also mean ending the influence. To become and independent state you need to be able to run your affairs independently.
3. Create a non-partisan World Palestinian Organisation (which I do not think that exists) with chapters around the world run by Palestinians. There are more Palestinians living outside of the Palestinian territories than inside. They can help with lobbying. Current lobbying is fragmented. If one worldwide organisation could be founded, then they would have an unified voice and therefore have a stronger lobby that might achieve more.
4. End cooperation with leftist and extremist Muslims organisations. Most non-Muslim support in the West for Palestine come from extreme leftists and their organisations. And they are hated by the general population in many Western countries. Associating with them does not help the Palestinian cause. The same goes for extremist Muslims and their organisations.

Stick to creating threads. You have no bone in this issue.

UAE has isolated itself from the whole Muslim world, now they will be known as traitors and lose all respect.

They sold their religion and dignity for dollars.

But it won't placate Israel in the least.
UAE has more influence in the region and globally than Egypt. The center of power in the Middle east is firmly 3 camps for the forseable future

Iran-Shia-Hezbollah alliance
Turkey- Qatar- Muslim brotherhood alliance
KSA-UAE- Gulf alliance

Pakistan will balance itself between all 3 but politically and morally is most closest to Turkey due to immense historical and cultural ties (both countries being democracies, Sunni-Hannafi, share same outlook due to political islam, etc)

Lol Turks don’t even consider Arabs equals. If anything Turks and Iranians have more in common culturally being non Arab countries and both have Kurdish and Turkish populations within them.

Pakistan emerged from England Monarch colonial controlled Lands and have more in common with their arch enemy India.
What the f.
Where did you bring imra bajwa and pakistan into all this.
What you want my dear little baby?
Atomic bomb uae?
Kahan se ata hain tum jaisa log.
Yeah 5 rupee per tweet /comment wala media cell wala hi hain.
Wow kid which gutter u been hiding with ur little brains?
Do u think, UAE has any dam. Political of military power on state of Israel?
No these little, incects types kings and queens of sand Arabia are just rabbits behind the bush for Israel, state of Israel wants powerfull countries like Pakistan, Iran, turkey, Egypt under its greater Israel rule cause they are the nation's which has made progress and are powerdyll enogh to take on Israel and Thts why these Israelis hide behind their mama's USA, UK, FRANCE skirts and uses them to attack Muslim stats like Iraq, Libya, sirya yeman?
Cause they were the threat to greater Israel?
Dam, pakisran doesn't need any dam. Nuclear bomb to give lesson to uae, its just needs to tell. It's genrals don't go anywhere stay in pakistan and check thier dam. Swiss bsnk accounts, while sending some love letter to yemani huttis to hve a go on UAE, u ill see in a few days where these dam UAE kings will be standing, they will all run away they don't have any spine to be in a war, all they can do is to sell Thier Brothers and sisters in Palestine to save thier own A----sz
Wake up, go get some black coffee and tell your father, you are happy on UAEs back stabbing on poor Muslims and watch how hard he ill slap you face sometimes its a good medecine to wakeup in reality?
Stick to creating threads. You have no bone in this issue.

UAE has isolated itself from the whole Muslim world, now they will be known as traitors and lose all respect.

They sold their religion and dignity for dollars.

But it won't placate Israel in the least.
The entire muslim world will continue to fly Emirates and shop in Dubai - just as they will continue to directly or indirectly contribute to the Israeli economy.

Pakistanis and the objecting muslims are abject failures in financial sector along with knowing how to manipulate foreign policies of the most powerful country on earth , their complaints are on deaf ears along with a complete inability to change the status quo on this.
You can claim moral superiority on the issue but that is the end of it. The same situation applied at the time of Hudaybiyah and the moral superiority there was unquestionable; yet here is Rehmat Ullil Aalamin, whom Allah showed his presence through by splitting the moon with a point of his finger - who could have prayed for every Quraish to be turned to dust - yet set the example of knowing when to compromise for the immediate benefit and a longer term strategy.

That treaty was not required by either Rasool SAWlm or the Ashrah Mubasharah or the Sahabah.. they could be guaranteed victory, but it was the example of his life for future generations such as ours how and where to compromise when weak and then focus on a ten year(long term) strength building to come back and leave potential enemies incapable of negotiating any terms.

I am not saying I support the UAE or its actions, but whether we should have relations or not with Israel and what they should be comes from the life of the prophet and the caliphs.
In my opinion from what I understand after reading the life of the prophet , his example would point to make peace with Israel for now until combined strength and unity of purpose across the muslim nations allows otherwise to broach the issue.
It doesn’t mean one abandons the Palestinians, it means using these existing diplomatic systems to force a compromise through direct relationships.
Probably going to get some juicy goodies from the United States.
Hve those goodies saved them from poorly armed but brave huttis of yeman?
Goodies can't save saddam, nor qadafi, it's in built system from God the bravery, dignity, and rightosnes if they don't hve that, thier dats are over soon like others
conditions were different

I dont know what you are and if you are a real british guy.. but you lack basuic understandment..

first of all turks are no arabs and we fought each other before israel has been created: I said israel was not the entitiy that harmed us so we have no grudge.. we have no dispute with israel whats hard to undertand? the arabs had been the ones who had fought against us than israel was created and the arabs faced what they did to us.. so accepting israel for that is quite logic..

also we turks are not here to fight and make wars for any nationalistic thing for others.. Palestina = land of palestinians what does it have to do with turks? if we have critics about the inhuman behavior of israel and the killings of palestinians the injustice that happens there than its about that! there is nothing to misunderstand here.. siding up with palestinians for their rights and that they should be treated like humans is the right thing!

What about the Palestinians? I thought it all had to do with Palestine?

who said that arabs? and balis? what are you brabbling? why should I have an palestinian fetish? I think you have a major problem in your worldview.. again who said its all about palestina? if there is something I will never give up and what I want back its jerusalem.. besides the inhuman treatment of muslims from israel its the only thing that matters here this is something that needs to be fixed and cleared from dispute and for that we need a soulution..

So no point claiming the moral high ground over the Arabs

man they are blood brothers and we all hear their nationalistic claim of 500 million arab nation.. dont be surprised if we cant take this serious and make our jokes.. and you talk of a non existing moral high... cant you distingush between laughing and a moral high or people thinking to be better than others and people not trusting others?

and also this to happen in UAE makes it much more funnier:

or should we ask what are you? a christian arab that is hurt now by some random internet guy? wich moral am I claiming? I just pointed out these gulf oil arabs had always been stooges of others.. so did I hurt your feelings with that or whats going wrong with you? its quite funny how these arabs always claimed "yuu turks hav tais, yuu turks hav theese thatt weeth israel" and now they do the same openly :D but furthermore their people celebrate it and while they are doing it they keep their enemity towards us (I wrote this before that police chief thing so see how right I am).. so as a turk or pakistani people should see the reality they talk this and that but they only do what benefits themselves.. now do you see the intention?

It's laughable to be honest.
your lack of view is much more laughable you see what I have posted but you lack the ability to see the intention (look above).. historically arabs brought themselves into this mess they can handle it by themselves.. yes most of us would rather like jerusalem in muslim peoples hands than in jewish or worser christian.. we would like to see a palestinian state and peace in this region.. and many people are going into troll speeches(they now that they are trolling and searching for things to hurt others) and try to justify and argue with westerners and jews about the rights of this and that.. for me its an idiotic approach! because like they want to justify their reason and are not interested in any of the arguments of jews/europeans the europeans and jews are likewise not interested in any reason given by them.. they dont care.. so they can claim palestinians had always lived there and so on.. but its meaningless.. the only thing that is important for us muslims is the mosque it needs to be in our hands..

but erdogans palestina UAE vomits are just for internal politics and for election.. why didnt he threaten UAE much before these days with such a thing (freezing ties) when UAE did far worse to us? and against israel he wont do any shit..
if you ask me we should not really support the palestinian nationalistic movement so that it hurts us, they supported PKK they supported greeks and cyprus and they sided up with israel when it was for money/gas and here you see people dont hurt themselves like erdogan does.. but again I am not against any palestinian land.. I am just realistic about the intentions of them and suspicios about our neighboors who are from their very beginning not trustworthy entities.. and that they use to claim we are either not trustworthy because we accepted israel is false and idiotic claim because it has no value.. no meaning no logic.. people should see why they have israel as an enemy: wars, land dispute => money its not about islam if it had been about islam and being a muslim about the al aqsa mosque and jerusalem they wouldnt have brought themselves into this situation.. so here lies something else and people are using the religion card for their benefits

also these religious values hold by me and others have no value in politics.. it has no value in saudistan, uae, palestina or turkey.. from time to time politicians will use it for their cause but in reality under closed doors something else will happen..

but its funny how some people act as if its a matter of black and white.. or a matter of morals, or a matter of something being superior or whatever idiotic thoughts..

Most of the Islamic word will never accept Israel, it is a matter of faith and history.

why? why is it a matter of faith does somewhere is written that you are no muslim if palestinians dont have a land? would these palestinians accept that these land would be in pakistan hands? no! like they do not accept ottoman empire.. thats why they didnt made it a matter of history, they did not accept any two state soulution and made it worser for themselves.. Palestina is not equal to al aqsa mosque.. and these people could have their own land but stalled it,stalled it, stalled it and stall it again and again and now israel settles there its like impossible to get what they could have in the past because its already taken and lost! they make it worser and they have no intention to fight for their rights but in reality they gain something if they have an open dispute: the money will flow in from all directions

the time these people and our people will get rid of the nationalistic thing and get rid off the love of money these kuffar wont laugh anymore.. but unfortunally we have entities in all over our lands that are toxic and people love wealth and people want to be better than others most stick to that that benefits themselves.. so people will speak for a guy that is responsible for bone sawing other people..
The entire muslim world will continue to fly Emirates and shop in Dubai - just as they will continue to directly or indirectly contribute to the Israeli economy.

Pakistanis and the objecting muslims are abject failures in financial sector along with knowing how to manipulate foreign policies of the most powerful country on earth , their complaints are on deaf ears along with a complete inability to change the status quo on this.
You can claim moral superiority on the issue but that is the end of it. The same situation applied at the time of Hudaybiyah and the moral superiority there was unquestionable; yet here is Rehmat Ullil Aalamin, whom Allah showed his presence through by splitting the moon with a point of his finger - who could have prayed for every Quraish to be turned to dust - yet set the example of knowing when to compromise for the immediate benefit and a longer term strategy.

That treaty was not required by either Rasool SAWlm or the Ashrah Mubasharah or the Sahabah.. they could be guaranteed victory, but it was the example of his life for future generations such as ours how and where to compromise when weak and then focus on a ten year(long term) strength building to come back and leave potential enemies incapable of negotiating any terms.

I am not saying I support the UAE or its actions, but whether we should have relations or not with Israel and what they should be comes from the life of the prophet and the caliphs.
In my opinion from what I understand after reading the life of the prophet , his example would point to make peace with Israel for now until combined strength and unity of purpose across the muslim nations allows otherwise to broach the issue.
It doesn’t mean one abandons the Palestinians, it means using these existing diplomatic systems to force a compromise through direct relationships.
Dont put whole of Muslim nation a reason of the existence of Israel it's the greedy leadership which is afraid of Israeli fake power projection, yes ppls may kerp flying from one airlines to another but they won't accept the decesion of coward leadership anymore, soon there I'll be a revolt and these stupid kings will run away from. Their dam states then we ill see what value they ill. Get in the state of dajjal?
Dont put whole of Muslim nation a reason of the existence of Israel it's the greedy leadership which is afraid of Israeli fake power projection, yes ppls may kerp flying from one airlines to another but they won't accept the decesion of coward leadership anymore, soon there I'll be a revolt and these stupid kings will run away from. Their dam states then we ill see what value they ill. Get in the state of dajjal?
Your entire paragraph is incoherent - what revolt? The locals are extremely happy with their rulers and well fed and kept; all others are expatriates and can be thrown out at objections.
Lol Turks don’t even consider Arabs equals. If anything Turks and Iranians have more in common culturally being non Arab countries and both have Kurdish and Turkish populations within them.

Pakistan emerged from England Monarch colonial controlled Lands and have more in common with their arch enemy India.

I think you’re wrong here, present day Pakistan and India was under Muslim
rule for a long long time. British Raj was only from 1857-1947.
The entire muslim world will continue to fly Emirates and shop in Dubai - just as they will continue to directly or indirectly contribute to the Israeli economy.

Pakistanis and the objecting muslims are abject failures in financial sector along with knowing how to manipulate foreign policies of the most powerful country on earth , their complaints are on deaf ears along with a complete inability to change the status quo on this.
You can claim moral superiority on the issue but that is the end of it. The same situation applied at the time of Hudaybiyah and the moral superiority there was unquestionable; yet here is Rehmat Ullil Aalamin, whom Allah showed his presence through by splitting the moon with a point of his finger - who could have prayed for every Quraish to be turned to dust - yet set the example of knowing when to compromise for the immediate benefit and a longer term strategy.

That treaty was not required by either Rasool SAWlm or the Ashrah Mubasharah or the Sahabah.. they could be guaranteed victory, but it was the example of his life for future generations such as ours how and where to compromise when weak and then focus on a ten year(long term) strength building to come back and leave potential enemies incapable of negotiating any terms.

I am not saying I support the UAE or its actions, but whether we should have relations or not with Israel and what they should be comes from the life of the prophet and the caliphs.
In my opinion from what I understand after reading the life of the prophet , his example would point to make peace with Israel for now until combined strength and unity of purpose across the muslim nations allows otherwise to broach the issue.
It doesn’t mean one abandons the Palestinians, it means using these existing diplomatic systems to force a compromise through direct relationships.

Has Israel ever been at peace with its neighbors, even after they sought to end conflict?

Has Israel ever stopped expanding as a state?

How can anyone accept a state whose borders are not yet defined?

How can we accept an Israeli state without a Palestinian state?
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