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UAE condemns Pakistan first time

.... my say is .... we should not give an F word about this Gargash (The Idiot) ..... @gargash please check your country's statistics pertaining to the employment sector .... You people provide employment/jobs to Indians .... and then ask Pakistanis for help .... correct yourself first ....
Well this is not as easy as @black-hawk_101 , @Junaid B saying for #Expats in #UAE or #GCC countries.. their families and they also loved to earn in Dirhams, and once u earned in dirhams or riyals then Salary in rupees will not match that .. and also if Pakistan will as safe , secure and Development oriented as UAE then all the Pakistani around the world will move back to Pakistan.. and here where our support and sovereignty comes..

1. As for Human Resource , Best backup will be More job and secure environment in Pakistan it self than any other Western Country...
2. Pakistan will secure it's grounds for Sectarian or other kind of Tensions and terrorism...that effect Pakistan and bring all it's business tp & from Dubai... Even Dubai is been used as Re-Exporter for Indo-Pak trade,,, that will also Benefit Pak as contrary..
3. Monetary and Oil Bounties from UAE and GCC,, pak now aiming more options for Iran, Tajikistan gas pipe line and this will reckoned some of other options than oil ...
4. Then only Pak will understand to stand on it's own, while not be other's party or Proxy...for their own sake..
5. Pakistan will not be the part of agitation between Iran and Saudi blocks,, and will provide full defense co operation for both.... But when their is a threat to Muslims sacred and sensitive Places,, then Pakistan and also Pakistani will be leading from the front... In sha Allah

i think that all some up the comparison, and if any one have Mind then they can easily understands this...
Pakistani Parliament has made sure they piss of entire Sunni World for GOD sake even Sudan went in. I hope and I think Pakistani Armed forces will quitely provide what GCC asks for or we are looking at economic and strategic disaster the biggest of our history

FATWA 101: You're expecting better economy from people, not from GOD. You seem to be a MUSHRIK
Pakistans security agreements are with saudia and jordan. None with uae from what i gather. Plus pak saved their asses last time in bahrain and we got nothing out of it. This time it should be the price is right
Pakistani Parliament has made sure they piss of entire Sunni World for GOD sake even Sudan went in. I hope and I think Pakistani Armed forces will quitely provide what GCC asks for or we are looking at economic and strategic disaster the biggest of our history

For God sake just go and fight for Saudia alone, we'll see how they treat you like a second grade citizen.:rofl:
You will see How mature this move was. When entire Arab will decide to teach you a lesson and when life of all Pakistanis working in GCC will be in trouble and your economy will be damaged badly not to mention today the amount of anger I saw towards those people who are saying troops not be send and this anger I saw was in Government controlled Badshahi Mosque

Oh please, give me a break. Let them try their best. Breaking news for you, they never treated Pakistanis equally, what he said out loud is actually their mindset about us.

The majority of Pakistanis curse the West because they are Non-Muslim countries, but they are the one who treat every human equally. They give you reward in the shape of nationality for serving their countries. But even if you born, work your a*s off and die in GCC, you will be known as an 'Ajnabee' a non-GCC citizen. This crap needs to be understood by our nation.

I am sorry but your'e an imbecile.
and Even Gawadar's Work,Iran gas pipeline which is being slowed down or even at halt due to Pressure from this part.. will be finalized and will starts work soon.. Then you can see, what it's effect on Mid east and other regions.. even bitter pill for India also...
We should have provided them with a little bit of help minus boots on ground in Yemen.
After all KSA has been our ally and has helped Pakistan in times of need. If we help them today, they will help us tomorrow.
Instead of looking at our own national interests, we are trying to appease Iran which has befriended India.
Pakistani Parliament has made sure they piss of entire Sunni World for GOD sake even Sudan went in. I hope and I think Pakistani Armed forces will quitely provide what GCC asks for or we are looking at economic and strategic disaster the biggest of our history

Sunni world? were the people of these dictatorship taking in before these airstrike terrorist attacks were launched on Yemen.
There is no short cut of being independent. Pakistan may suffer in short time frame for their endeavor of making independent decisions for the benefits of its own citizen. You have to be united ( military, political mass and common people) and fight the odds for some time. But reward will be big in long term no doubt. You will stand on your own feet. Pakistan will be run for her own citizen.

But the million dollar question is whether Pakistan leadership can hold this pressure and shot term suffering ? I doubt based on previous experience. It is much easier for them to surrender in front of pressure in the name of Islam even after knowing the fact that Pakistan's future will be at stake for it.
The majority of Pakistanis curse the West because they are Non-Muslim countries, but they are the one who treat every human equally. They give you reward in the shape of nationality for serving their countries. But even if you born, work your a*s off and die in GCC, you will be known as an 'Ajnabee' a non-GCC citizen. This crap needs to be understood by our nation.
I'm so saying that pak should give them the old missiles. N not get involved in the war.
He must respect the wishes of the Pakistani parliament which is the elected representative of the Pakistani populace. Given the state of democracy in these Gulf countries however that is probably too much to ask.

Why should our jawans go and give away their lives for these so called "brothers" who actually dont give a crap about them. If they were our akhis then surely they wouldnt be giving us threats such as we will have to pay a "heavy price" for this decision. Brothers respect each other. Masters however dont respect slaves and these Sheikhs have deluded themselves into thinking they are our masters and can sell our jawans blood like pennies for their own interests. Once again I am proud of our parliament for standing up to these bullies. If you want to deal with us then talk as equals. These threats and "requirements" only show your true face.

("Gargash said Pakistan is required to show a clear stand in favour of its strategic relations with the six-nation Arab Gulfcooperation Council,")
There is no short cut of being independent. Pakistan may suffer in short time frame for their endeavor of making independent decisions for the benefits of its own citizen. You have to be united ( military, political mass and common people) and fight the odds for some time. But reward will be big in long term no doubt. You will stand on your own feet. Pakistan will be run for her own citizen.

But the million dollar question is whether Pakistan leadership can hold this pressure and shot term suffering ? I doubt based on previous experience. It is much easier for them to surrender in front of pressure in the name of Islam even after knowing the fact that Pakistan's future will be at stake for it.

Its, a democracy not a dictatorship, since parliament has spoken Nawaz can't act alone.
UAE talks about brother hood and leven in their own country they pay 3 times mire for same job to foreigner what they paid to pakistani .Where is that brother hood then.Its time they should ask their friend American to jump in
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