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U.S. to give Pakistan 12 Shadow Drones

I apologize i was MIA since some indian S*** hacked my system... i had to format and etc...back to hold down the fort :pakistan:

Splendid feeling to be back again... :smitten::pdf:

It's good news but what kind of stipulation will accompany ... Does it mean the pakistan military would take the lead role in attacking innocent civillians along the border??:cry:.. Cause even greater amounts of anti-pakistani sentiments within the pushtun population and creating optimal conditions for india to autonomies NWFP through it's proxy Afghanistan backed by nato forces (.....bangladesh..)

The only way to defeat this menacing enemy is to initiate a concentrated effort by attacking with accelerated and massive military campaign which pakistan lacks and requires; powerful air-capabilities of f-18s or f-35, and precise air-strikes utilizing X-51 cruise missile. Of course capable ground equipment to counter IEDs and etc..., which would certainly require M1-abrahms, off road MRAP to secure and cover mountainous regions and throw in some surplus IAV Stryker.. :yahoo: I believe we would be more than willing to kick some terrorist a ss since improvement in our capabilities and by proving to the general public and armed forces, that you are true genuine ally of pakistan which wants to rid the world of terrorists.........

Of couse you would need to ignore indian horseshit and boohoos to safeguard america's national security..... :usflag::pakistan:

the ball is in your court :azn:
I apologize i was MIA since some indian S*** hacked my system... i had to format and etc...back to hold down the fort :pakistan:

Splendid feeling to be back again... :smitten::pdf:

It's good news but what kind of stipulation will accompany ... Does it mean the pakistan military would take the lead role in attacking innocent civillians along the border??:cry:.. Cause even greater amounts of anti-pakistani sentiments within the pushtun population and creating optimal conditions for india to autonomies NWFP through it's proxy Afghanistan backed by nato forces (.....bangladesh..)

The only way to defeat this menacing enemy is to initiate a concentrated effort by attacking with accelerated and massive military campaign which pakistan lacks and requires; powerful air-capabilities of f-18s or f-35, and precise air-strikes utilizing X-51 cruise missile. Of course capable ground equipment to counter IEDs and etc..., which would certainly require M1-abrahms, off road MRAP to secure and cover mountainous regions and throw in some surplus IAV Stryker.. :yahoo: I believe we would be more than willing to kick some terrorist a ss since improvement in our capabilities and by proving to the general public and armed forces, that you are true genuine ally of pakistan which wants to rid the world of terrorists.........

Of couse you would need to ignore indian horseshit and boohoos to safeguard america's national security..... :usflag::pakistan:

the ball is in your court :azn:
Why would Pakistan attack innocents?
What good are more UAVs for Pakistan when we already have all kinds of variety in them?

Waste of Pakistan's time and money and we REALLY have no use for them against militants and perhaps can use them against India along the LoC only. With militants you have to sneak up on them if you see anything, attack and leave.

Wit this thing, we can spot the TTP and then attack half an hour later? Pointless.
Why would Pakistan attack innocents?

rather than america carrying out the drone attacks. pakistan will be required and given instructions to execute such brutal attacks against innocent civilians. (since no one really knows who the terrorist and innocent civilians is..) hit and trial kind of method, and most of the time the terrorist are using innocent people as shields etc.. Pakistan will be essentially carrying out america's dirty work..... leading to further loathing of pakistan, within the pushtun population and intensifying troubles for pakistan....
like Zia-ul-Haq once said to the US this is "peanuts"! well that statement holds true even now! we need attack helicopters or Predators not shadow drones! they are useless given we already have falco!
In my last post, i was expecting some one among us Pakistanis to stand against this ridiculous acquisition and today, Thanks to ALLAH (swt), not one but many stood against the purchase of these useless pieces of trash. This is simply heartening to see and lets us hope that our government is sensible enough to reject this proposal though the chances are slim. It is time for COAS to visit Mr. Zardari and Gillani !
Offer of obsolete UAVs fails to impress Pakistan

Saturday, January 23, 2010
By By Mariana Baabar
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan military sources say they are not impressed by the offer of the United States to supply RQ-7 Shadow Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), as they already have superior quality UAVs, which they have upgraded, and which are in use.

The disappointment is understandable since unlike the drones that fly and take out targets inside Pakistan’s Fata region, the ones being offered to Pakistan are unarmed and commonly used for intelligence gathering.

Later, when DG ISPR Major General Athar Abbas was asked about the overall weapons being provided to Pakistan for counterinsurgency and other military supplies, he remarked, “Too little, too late”.

It was US Defence Secretary Robert Gates who, in a meeting with the media at the residence of the US ambassador, said the US was enhancing Pakistan’s intelligence capabilities. He said the offer comes because Islamabad had requested for them. “We have a lot of information on the Afghan side that we share ... we also help Pakistan build its own capacity. We will be providing them with UAVs (Shadow) together with equipment and training,” he said.

To a question whether the US was attaching any conditions to these UAVs, he replied, “I do not know”. In the past, the US was wary of passing on the drone technology to Pakistan as Islamabad could use it in areas other than it had specifically been given for.

One American journalist accompanying him asked about the possibility of stopping arms sale to India and Pakistan altogether. “We have to judge each country’s requirement on its own. We sell Pakistan F-16s and we sell India transport aircraft. We make a decision judiciously,” Gates replied.

Gates appeared relaxed with the questions being thrown at him by the local and US media but it was the ‘D’ word that he refused to entertain. Though several questions relating to US drones were asked, he shrugged them off and would not even give an answer as to whom in the US this question could be put.

When he said that there were no US bases inside Pakistan. he refused a reply when asked from where these US drones flew. Amongst the defence secretary’s aides in uniform that greeted the media before he arrived were those who offered their greetings in chaste Urdu and one of them also spoke excellent Pashto!

As if on cue, the Pakistan military’s announcement that it could not overstretch itself in fresh areas of operation also saw Gates admitting to a query that a ‘trust deficit’ existed. “There is responsibility on both sides. From the US side, we turned away from Afghanistan in 1989. We could have remained engaged but we did not even try. Then the Pressler Amendment brought an end to military-to-military conversation for 12 years when we had no contacts. We cannot rebuild trust through rhetoric,” he said.

Turning to the present moment, Gates said that the US was deeply impressed with Pakistan’s military operations and the level of activity and clearing of areas. “Very impressive. Pakistan is a sovereign state and makes its own decisions on future operations. The past year has been extraordinary. Let me put it this way. If we are in a car together, it is Pakistan in the driving seat with its foot on the accelerator. We are prepared to help and also express our condolences to the 3,000 Pakistani soldiers killed. General Kayani gave me a detailed briefing,” explained the defence secretary.

To a query about the Coalition Support Fund that has been held up and which Pakistan needs on an emergency basis, Gates replied, “It will come and we are also reviving $500 million deferred payment.”

He explained instances in the past where Pakistan’s procedures lacked proper documentation. “We are working with Pakistan on the documentation and will give it to Congress. We are working on it now and some people we are seeking to add to the US Embassy will help,” he said.

When a question of opening up dialogue with the Taliban inside Afghanistan was put to him, he replied, “Afghanistan has its own reconciliation and reintegration plan. It is how low-level Taliban can work in their own community. These are Taliban foot soldiers who work for money. As economic development proceeds and there is greater security, more and more foot soldiers will come back,” he pointed out. But he did not agree that there were any chances of the Taliban forming the next government in Kabul. However, he did say that there were conditions if they wanted a future political role.

“If the adversaries are willing to become part of the political fabric of Afghanistan and they are prepared to play a legitimate role, abide by the Constitution and recognise the Kabul government. What do the Taliban make of Afghanistan? It was a desert (during their last government). “Are they ready to rebuild?”

To several queries regarding the role of India in the region, Gates said that the last thing he wanted to avoid was another Mumbai-like attack. “We all have common enemies and in the past year they tried to destabilise Pakistan itself. We have regional problems that need regional cooperation,” he said.

He said the US was ready to play a constructive role between India and Pakistan and was well prepared. “In 1990 then President Bush sent me to the region and we made suggestions. Both parties do not want intervention and we are comfortable with that,” he said.

When told that with Kashmir unresolved, now more issues, like India’s role in Afghanistan, were leading to confrontation, Gates replied, “Al-Qaeda does not care about Kashmir. Kashmir is an issue for both sides.”

He said he was unaware that at the forthcoming London conference, a formal role would be offered to India. But he acknowledged that India had significant development programmes. Calling al-Qaeda a cancer, Gates did not mince his words when he said: “They are all bad”. Refusing to distinguish between the Pakistani Taliban, Afghan Taliban, al-Qaeda, Haqqani network and the various Lashkars, he said it would be a mistake to look at them individually.
So, now that you cannot counter my arguments you're turning to distasteful cynicism? I can accuse you of many things, but I won't do that. That's just not my style of countering arguments rationally.
You have clearly portrayed yourself and your intentions.. which is to troll with your english book worm skills.. i will give you a thumbs up for that but thumbs down to your BS analogy.
Pakistan is asking for armed drones and not UAVs! The Americans know this very well. Unarmed drones are being promised, but they don't comply with PAs request. PA already operates unarmed drones with better capabilities such as Falco and other domestically produced UAVs. Shadow may not be a toy, but it certainly doesn't add any value to PAs ongoing operations in the WoT. At least, not the required amount of added value so to speak.
Man what the hell what the F are you even arguing about in the first place? Do you just like to argue for the sake of it? As far as i understand your argument started that US wants to destroy pakistan and by giving 12 Shadow drones they will demand us to do more and probably start a new front in Baluchistan! You are seriously a nerd dumb@ss. Rest of your post is just BULLSH!T. I am allergic to it.
There indeed are strings attached to the F-16 deal. To prove this a quote from my earlier post in another thread:

"The deal states that PAF must comply with the approved security plans for their F-16-related bases and facilities before the US release any systems in the sale. The US will have a presence to monitor compliance with the security plan requirements, a very enhanced and end-use monitoring programme. Routine access to F-16 aircraft equipment and munitions is in restricted areas and limited to Pakistan air force personnel that are pre-approved for such. There is a two-man rule, so to speak, for access to this equipment and restricted areas, and F-16 flights outside of Pakistan must be approved in advance by the United States government etc."I've already stated that PAF has cut the number of F-16s to be purchased. The new F-16s are meant as a learning platform. The F-16 is a mature and battle proven platform which will be of immense value as an input to further improve the JF-17s. What else can be the reason for the acquisition of advanced F-16s in such low and ineffective numbers?
This is not called "strings" attached! Chinese French Ameraicans have been doing this ever since PAF bought any aircrafts. Do you think China is just gonna sit quite if USAF personals inspect latest Chinese equipments? But again its too hard for your nerd brain to comprehend this so all you are gonna do is come up with another BS lengthy argument. Every country that feels any threat of their equipments being leaked to other unwanted country they have the right to do so. We all like to talk about sending this and that US equipments to Chinese lab for revers-engineering and you expect US to keep quite and keep supplying us with latest technologies?
Kid the thing is you do not know anything regarding military requirements. You are nothing but a conspiracy theorist.
PAF aint gonna waist 4+ billion dollars on just "training" learning platform?:hitwall:... oh god that is just to dumb to read... it almost made me barf. yeekkk..
ya leave that topic for someone else with better knowledge meanwhile you keep wasting this forum bandwidth with your useless conspiracy theories.. and the same time i havent seen a bigger self contradictory then you.
First claiming that US will provide pakistan with 12 shadow drones to meet their demands which is for self destruction? Then crying that US should supply pakistan with UCAV? what do you want with this country man? do you want it to be wiped out?

PS: if you again post a lengthy BS conspiracy post i am simply gonna ignore it and dont care what ever impression you have that you have won the argument. ya go on nerd.
^^ Dude, before ranting read the news above you. I'm vindicated. Offer of obsolete UAVs fails to impress Pakistan Even the top brass in the military have confirmed that this offer is junk! Something that I've been saying all along in my previous post. Something that you got very angry about and made a personal issue about.

In the end, I've demolished your big ego and shown you the mirror. I understand that you're unable to counter my arguments based on facts with any sanity. Just never cross my path again or your fate will be even worse. Capiche? You lost and I won. Get over it.
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^^ Dude, before ranting read the news above you. I'm vindicated. Offer of obsolete UAVs fails to impress Pakistan Even the top brass in the military have confirmed that this offer is junk! Something that I've been saying all along in my previous post. Something that you got very angry about and made a personal issue about.

In the end, I've demolished your big ego and shown you the mirror. I understand that you're unable to counter my arguments based on facts with any sanity. Just never cross my path again or your fate will be even worse. Capiche? You lost and I won. Get over it.

Good job. Now that you have obeyed my orders (DO NOT POST BS CONSPIRACY) I will love to burst your bubble again.
DUDE you did not prove anything wrong. PA is just too embarrassed to except these 12 shadows because it is simply not enough to combat terrorism, not that US will demand PA to destroy half of pakistan. PA needs AH-1Z and UCAV and thats what they are asking for.
PA should ask for much better UCAVs..... there is no point in going for 12 pieces.....
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