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U.S Presidential Elections

Lets go Obama will be voting in a couple of hours. :usflag:
The results are announced when enough votes are counted to determined the election of a state. The fun part is to watch the precinct reported counts change numbers on the screen, live. I voted for Romney 10 days go. But my vote does not count as I live in a blue state.

In this election, it's the Hispanic community that counts the most after whites. It's the votes that count at this stage instead of money.

Yes, read in articles, Hispanics form a major part of population now. But they are yet to form a influence, which might change in future.
Regarding even if their population is higher, its of no use, since its the electoral college that finally votes president, even if popular vote is in favour of loser.
George bush became president in that way in 2000.
This US alection is a joke. May the guy who have the highest amount of money and influence win! Actually its buying the thron, democracy of epicness.
This US alection is a joke. May the guy who have the highest amount of money and influence win! Actually its buying the thron, democracy of epicness.

When ur country experiences election, and u voted in it, we will know whether its joke or not...
Yes, read in articles, Hispanics form a major part of population now. But they are yet to form a influence, which might change in future.
Regarding even if their population is higher, its of no use, since its the electoral college that finally votes president, even if popular vote is in favour of loser.
George bush became president in that way in 2000.

You clearly do not know what you are talking about, Hispanics have a huge influence when it comes to votes. They may not have huge monetary reserves but their raw voting numbers could swing the election one way or another. BTW, Romney is on record saying it would be easier for him to win an election if he were of Hispanic heritage.

This US alection is a joke. May the guy who have the highest amount of money and influence win! Actually its buying the thron, democracy of epicness.

The majority of people who will be voting have not been given any money to do so in one way or another, all the money is used on ads (money which is donated by wealthy people who want to swing the election one way or the other) however the ads can only affect so many people.
I cast my vote on my way in to work this morning. :D

so VCheng, for your negative obsession with Pakistan, will you vote for the candidate depending upon which one is more hard liner in Pakistan relations, or considering the economic impacts of US itself??
You clearly do not know what you are talking about, Hispanics have a huge influence when it comes to votes. They may not have huge monetary reserves but their raw voting numbers could swing the election one way or another. BTW, Romney is on record saying it would be easier for him to win an election if he were of Hispanic heritage.

The majority of people who will be voting have not been given any money to do so in one way or another, all the money is used on ads (money which is donated by wealthy people who want to swing the election one way or the other) however the ads can only affect so many people.

Yes they have the numbers, but the problem is that the Hispanics have not been able to put forth their agenda, and personally I think that if Romney had selected Marco Rubio as his VP. As for election, the whole popular vote and electoral votes are messed up, case and point the Bush election.

Tight game. Romney may win.

Well its still up in the air yoou never know what will happen.
so VCheng, for your negative obsession with Pakistan, will you vote for the candidate depending upon which one is more hard liner in Pakistan relations, or considering the economic impacts of US itself??

All politics is LOCAL. ;)
Can someone pls explain me how the US electoral system works, i mean if Bush din't got popular vote than how he won in an electoral college??

Also din't understood what this means:

The results are announced when enough votes are counted to determined the election of a state. The fun part is to watch the precinct reported counts change numbers on the screen, live. I voted for Romney 10 days go. But my vote does not count as I live in a blue state.

I understand Blue state means democrat majority, but does that mean that if someone vote for republican than that will not count??
Yes they have the numbers, but the problem is that the Hispanics have not been able to put forth their agenda, and personally I think that if Romney had selected Marco Rubio as his VP. As for election, the whole popular vote and electoral votes are messed up, case and point the Bush election.

Well its still up in the air yoou never know what will happen.

Yes but Hispanics do know who has their interests at heart. Romney viz a viz his rhetoric has alienated much of the Hispanic community.
I have a family in florida. Last elections they voted for obama\democrats now they told me the going to vote for mitt. There are half million jews is florida and florida hold huge numbers of electors. Most of the jewish community in florida going to vote for mitt.
The problem is the huge debt and 7.8% citizen with no job. Obama solution is foolish intervention in the market and handing over Federal reserve to collapse companys this will not create new jobs.
Can someone pls explain me how the US electoral system works, i mean if Bush din't got popular vote than how he won in an electoral college??

Also din't understood what this means:

I understand Blue state means democrat majority, but does that mean that if someone vote for republican than that will not count??

How the Electoral College Works

The vote will still count however the point being it will not make a big impact.
Can someone pls explain me how the US electoral system works, i mean if Bush din't got popular vote than how he won in an electoral college??

The electoral votes are the number of Representatives in the House and the Number of Senators in the Senate. Each state has two senators while the number of Reps. are depended on the states population. There are something like 538 electoral votes all together, and it is these votes that count. The popular votes are just a gauge to see as to which side the electoral votes would lean on.

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