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U.S Presidential Elections

I cast my vote on my way in to work this morning. :D
Whoever wins should win only from electoral pov but also from popular votes.

The name of the country provides a clue: United States of America.

The whole point of the electoral college system is that North Dakota's voice shouldn't be drowned out by the masses in California or New York.
Do you really think Indians vote decides on who will win the U.S election?

Indian Americans now form a most influential community in US after the jewish community.. They have 2 Indian Americans as Governors and many indians were appointed are important posts in Obama administrations, and they were also responsible as Obama's poll advisors in his first elections...
Even now Republicans and Democrats race among themselves to show themselves as champions of indian americans .. A record 6 Indian americans are going for Senate..

And Obama must win for the good of US and the world :)
Voted in the morning, I must say some people take the voting thing really seriously. I went to the polling station at 6 am since the polling begins at 7, and there were some people who had camped out last night infront of the polling station in the freezing weather(can't be that much of an a$$ to them considering they gave me a doughnut and hot chocolate).
An expensive game, to be sure:

The final ad spending in the presidential contest:

Overall ad spending: $984 million
Team Romney (includes outside groups): $583 million
Team Obama (includes outside groups): $401 million

Total ad spending by the campaigns: $549 million
Obama campaign: $336 million
Romney campaign: $213 million

Total outside ad spending: $435 million (44% of total)
Outside spending supporting Obama: $65 million
Outside spending supporting Romney: $370 million

Per state: Ohio $197 million, Florida $192 million, Virginia $152 million, Colorado $81 million, Iowa $74 million, North Carolina $70 million, Nevada $60 million, Wisconsin $45 million, New Hampshire $44 million, Pennsylvania $35 million, Michigan $19 million, Minnesota $11 million, New Mexico $3 million, Maine $400,000
tonight are you sure?

Well last time it was reported the same day at night, but since the race is so close in all the battle groud states it is hard to say if it will come out tonight around midnight or tomorrow morning.
When will the results be announced?

The results are announced when enough votes are counted to determined the election of a state. The fun part is to watch the precinct reported counts change numbers on the screen, live. I voted for Romney 10 days go. But my vote does not count as I live in a blue state.

Indian Americans now form a most influential community in US after the jewish community.. They have 2 Indian Americans as Governors and many indians were appointed are important posts in Obama administrations, and they were also responsible as Obama's poll advisors in his first elections...
Even now Republicans and Democrats race among themselves to show themselves as champions of indian americans .. A record 6 Indian americans are going for Senate..

And Obama must win for the good of US and the world :)

In this election, it's the Hispanic community that counts the most after whites. It's the votes that count at this stage instead of money.
The results are announced when enough votes are counted to determined the election of a state. The fun part is to watch the precinct reported counts change numbers on the screen, live. I voted for Romney 10 days go. But my vote does not count as I live in a blue state.

Man you are lucky you could vote early, I had to stand in line at 6 am in the morning. And I live in Michigan so the state is a toss up state but it leans towards Obama, but my county is a Republican county, so I am waiting to see how things work out.
When will the results be announced?

Ohio polls close at 7:30 and major networks will start to call the race one way or another soon after that. The final results may come late into the night.

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