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U.S is ready and willing to mediate between ‘raging’ border dispute between China & India

Trump is being Trump- He is letting China know that they can involve themselves be it in respect to India and China or China and Taiwan.

Can only go by previous times that led to deescalation- I dont want to speculate what if!

Its Pakistanis here who are saying its a slap on India!- All I am saying is why cant it be taken as slap on China as per your logic then-Thats all. Yes I am of Indian origin.

Better than PDF logic - no?
Listen I respect you for defining your heritage and not hiding away from it - that helps create a more genuine and frank discussion. However I honestly think you've gauged this situation wrong. Modi is the one embarrassed.
Listen I respect you for defining your heritage and not hiding away from it - that helps create a more genuine and frank discussion. However I honestly think you've gauged this situation wrong. Modi is the one embarrassed.
I hope he gets embarrassed further (Domestically)- as an ex Indian I dont stand by for what he is doing- But as far as international politics he is India's PM- And no its more an embarrassment to Mighty China that the USA is ready to help them out on this, especially considering whats happening in Taiwan and Hong Kong.
Correct- If you were expecting 1961- Today is 2020- Its not the same India or the same China-So 1961 can never happen between 2 nuclear powers.
Okay. Can we expect a surgical hide against China at least? After it is widely accepted even by the muted Indian media that there is a 3-1 km ingress by Chinese soldiers?
"Raging border dispute"

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm ............. not a sound out of Delhi!


Surgical this, surgical that, cold start, hot start, fart start is only for enemies 7 times smaller and even better if you can get few millions Banglas to join you.


Actually that's when they get millions of bengalis involved against 50,000 Pakistani troops cut off by 2700 kms from their homeland. 7× bigger india has always failed to compete against the Pakistani military on the Pakistani mainland for 73 years. That is the reality. india trying to take on China is like Pakistan trying to take on America. Heck even the Iraqis did better against the americans when they invaded their territory in 2003 compared to what the indians are doing now against the Chinese.
Okay. Can we expect a surgical hide against China at least? After it is widely accepted even by the muted Indian media that there is a 3-1 km ingress by Chinese soldiers?
It will get sorted out without firing a bullet-Stay calm and watch how mature countries navigate this.
It will get sorted out without firing a bullet-Stay calm and watch how mature countries navigate this.
I don't see any maturity in ceding land to China and then calling it "how mature countries resolve issues". All I asked was your entire country was fuming "serjikal" when it came to Pakistan. Was that maturity? I get the distinct feeling that India is behaving like a castrated cow because it faces a bully same size as itself.
I don't see any maturity in ceding land to China and then calling it "how mature countries resolve issues". All I asked was your entire country was fuming "serjikal" when it came to Pakistan. Was that maturity? I get the distinct feeling that India is behaving like a castrated cow because it faces a bully same size as itself.
Surgical strikes are for Terrorists not against another countries Military!- Your feelings dont really matter here- China wants to take on the USA, when it cant even take on India-All hot air and nothing else.
indian has actually ceded nearly 36 square kilometres of it's territory to China over the past month.
Indeed. Here is a remarkable. Even that word does not quite capture this. Just google "China India border dispute" and you will recieve a muted response. Even what you get is from many foreign media. But the normally raucaus Indian media is very quite.
indian has actually ceded nearly 36 square kilometres of it's territory to China over the past month.

Bro did India really cede territory??

Can somebody explain me is the border thing between India and China a skirmish or a raid??

I read some reports of Chinese troops crossing deep into Indian territory before retreating back??
Surgical strikes are for Terrorists not against another countries Military!- Your feelings dont really matter here- China wants to take on the USA, when it cant even take on India-All hot air and nothing else.

Even though the surgical strikes NEVER took place.........:rofl:...........against China, india can neither talk against or fight against. Against Pakistan, india can talk against but not fight against.........that is the reality.............:lol:.........:azn:
Surgical strikes
No really. They are used to cut off enemy formations. The Chinese brigade that has moved forward could be sliced off by sending in a surgical SFF unit. But I understand China is same size as India so that is not even on the plate. That sort of crap is only left for countries 7 times smaller and even better if you can get few million pissed of Banglas to help you.

No really. They are used to cut off enemy formations. The Chinese brigade that has moved forward could be sliced off by sending in a surgical SFF unit. But I understand China is same size as India so that is not even on the plate. That sort of crap is only left for countries 7 times smaller and even better if you can get few million pissed of Banglas to help you.

Oh I thought your 1 is equal to our 10- NVM.
Reading the desperate posts of our pakistani friends here they just exposed themselves how much they hated when india said its our internal issue in all the confrontations with pakistan. They just proved that they were dying for international mediation but india always rejected. Its funny to watch they cribble today lols.

At the topic at hand today it still is a bilateral issue and india is more than capable to spank crying chinese anytime of the year. And chinese themselves know this that is why both countries have mechanism in place to wipe out such confrontations. That is why we saw chinese today out of embarassment being making statements like situation at border is controllable. I think trump just added to their embarassment by asking if their mediation is required by india and china.
Even though the surgical strikes NEVER took place.........:rofl:...........against China, india can neither talk against or fight against. Against Pakistan, india can talk against but not fight against.........that is the reality.............:lol:.........:azn:
Man that looks like a loop- Mard E Mo-min in the house.
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