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U.S is ready and willing to mediate between ‘raging’ border dispute between China & India

So why has China annexed over 38,000 square kms of indian territory since March 2020.........:azn::


What is india going to do about it?.........:azn:
This has nothing to do with current standoff. And not just 38000 sqkm, india also claims aksai chin is illegally occupied by china.
Vice versa china claims india has illegally occupied their parts in arunachal pradesh, sikkim, and ladakh.

China only "postured" on fraction of a front and daddy Sam is already offering for mediation. I thought our neighborhood Hyperpower was ready for two and half front war since long. What happened?
Why dont you ask chinese. May be they asked for mediation.
Coz india never asked for it.
It can, and situation for India doesn’t look good
It cant- If it can it would have. If it does-Then MAD-Thats all.

Its possible to be true (though surprising), because the link @PAKISTANFOREVER shared says 38000 km sq from parts of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh is 59,146 km² and AP is 83,743 km², Taiwan is 36,193 km²
He always posts fake news- nothing suprising.
The offer by Trump to both India and China to mediate is more a slap to China than to India- US had also offered something similar to both Pak and Ind as well- USA just showing China that they are trying to punch above their weight class in world politics- What a shame to China- (Next the offer will be extended to Taiwan and China as well).

Yes!- God Bless the United states of America!
You have got it all wrong.
February 27 2019

Chai ka cup for mig 21, su 30, chopper and 8 Indian occupier terrorists.

Not so bad deal?

Still you haven't stopped crying, and you really believe what you people have been told about su30, lol. But it's good if you live under illusion that Feb 27 was a victory for you. This is how every turned out to be a disaster for you :D
India has had history of asking USA to intervene so please lets not beat our little chests. India couldnt handle a storm in a teacup. Do you know Pakistan army does fantastic tea?

Yes nawaj sharif was the Indian who ran too uncle sam after his army got severe thrashing in Kargil war. Apart from this engagement I don't remember if US mediated between the two countries.
I am not sure if it is fake or not, but the link he shared show via Times of India, and there is a news from Time of India website saying same thing. There is a quote from some minister in the link. @PAKISTANFOREVER

So TOIlet news is now facts.- lol. Even if true- its not something that happened now is it- Its the part of the dispute-Same as the dispute that India has with Pakistan.

The government reiterated in Parliament that 38,000 sq km of Parliament that 38,000 sq km of Indian territory was under Ch ..

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Its possible to be true (though surprising), because the link @PAKISTANFOREVER shared says 38000 km sq from parts of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, Ladakh is 59,146 km² and AP is 83,743 km², Taiwan is 36,193 km²
Dont be ridiculous. 38000 sq km means somewhere there is an ingress of at least 50-100 km. Even Indian cucks would have to respond to that....right?
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