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U.S is ready and willing to mediate between ‘raging’ border dispute between China & India

Still you haven't stopped crying, and you really believe what you people have been told about su30, lol. But it's good if you live under illusion that Feb 27 was a victory for you. This is how every turned out to be a disaster for you :D

The biggest disaster has happened to india as the Chinese have annexed over 38,000 square kms of indian territory since March 2020:


The size of Belgium is only 31,000 square kms. So China has annexed from india an area bigger than Belgium since March 2020.

Dont be ridiculous. 38000 sq km means somewhere there is an ingress of at least 50-100 km. Even Indian cucks would have to respond to that....right?

The indians admit it themselves:

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I hope Modi and his sanghi legions rage back at the US of daring to "interfere" in its internal issues, just like they do with Kashmir.

They kind of have to.

But maybe they will say that kashmir still is its internal issue, and that Laddakh no longer is part of it :)
The biggest disaster has happened to india as the Chinese have annexed over 38,000 square kms of indian territory since March 2020:


The size of Belgium is only 31,000 square kms. So China has annexed an area bigger than Belgium since March 2020.

The indians admit it themselves:


Oh really lol. So you trolls are hallucinating apart from being fools. Actually they have annexed a million sq km now go and sleep and have sweet dreams of gajwa and kashmir.
The biggest disaster has happened to india as the Chinese have annexed over 38,000 square kms of indian territory since March 2020:


The size of Belgium is only 31,000 square kms. So China has annexed an area bigger than Belgium since March 2020.

The indians admit it themselves:

Go re read again- the 38000 - Sq KM is the dispute- not something that China captured in March 2020- (As an example- you guys have 1/3rd of Kashmir which is the dispute, does not mean you captured the 1/3rd in March 2020 during the stanoff)
Yes nawaj sharif was the Indian who ran too uncle sam after his army got severe thrashing in Kargil war. Apart from this engagement I don't remember if US mediated between the two countries.

Jeeez I’m on a Pakistan forum trying to educate an obsessed Indian chap. Wiki leaks released evidence how the Indian government sent numerous emails to Hilary Clinton requesting the USA intervention on the border because Indian troops were feeling threatened and were running scared.
Kargil war is a bit of topic but let me bring to your attention and educate you - before the event .5353 was Indian. After the conflict it belonged to Pakistan. Now drop the obsession and educate yourself
Oh beautiful. This is truly a lockdown that keeps on giving.

I look forward to Jayshankar and friends sternly rejecting this offer, since it is either (a) India's internal matter or (b) a bilateral issue between China and India.

If India accepts this offer of mediation, then where does the Delhi clown factory stand on its rejection of previous mediation efforts on another certain border dispute that shall remain unnamed?

God bless America.
Very well put. Makes it difficult for India. So they better shoot first, come on 56 inch where is your strong response now? I see you can only beat woman & children! Oh OK got it only women & children. So that 56 inch, is that being referred to the size of the hole China has made in your butt! oh - Got it. Good luck.
Waiting for that statement.
Forget Kashmir, Laddakh may not longer be part of India at this rate. :woot:

China has already annexed over 38,000 square kms of indian territory since March 2020:


No ones going to start a war in the first place- you speculated and I did the same- Thats all- Dismissed, now stand down.

Why do you need to start a war with a people of whom you have already annexed over 38,000 square kms of their territory?:


Belgium has an area of 31,000 square kms. So that means China has annexed an area bigger than Belgium from india..........:azn:
Why do you need to start a war with a people of whom you have already annexed over 38,000 square kms of their territory?:
No one is starting any war-China is hold 38000 sq Km which belongs to India (Which is the dispute)- As an example- Pakistan is holding 1/3rd of Kashmir which is disputed so whats the problem- China did not annex this 38000 sq km in March 2020- its holding on to this land from the past- thats the dispute- comprehension issues much.
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