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U.S Admits supplying terrorists in Syria with Lethal weapons

Yeah sure...because of the people...because they want to protect Israel and make sure Muslims don't have any freedom. Like in Libya, Muslims are pursuing their own interests and that's gotten them mad.
Libya is destroyed, NATO destroyed Libya to make it weaker and steal its oil, and don't forget France got 35% of Libya's gas for almost no cost... divide and conquer, and you think people in Libya now have freedom? they are getting killed on daily bases thanks to NATO's revolution in Libya...
If the US puts boots on the ground and invades Syria, Russia would invade Ukraine. 2 can play at this game :agree:
UNSC can only decide memberships of the UN... the UNGC just shows popularity vote...
Look, I don't care anymore. It's clear you don't agree with me, as you never have, and you probably never will.

Let's just move on.
Libya is destroyed, NATO destroyed Libya to make it weaker and steal its oil, and don't forget France got 35% of Libya's gas for almost no cost... divide and conquer, and you think people in Libya now have freedom? they are getting killed on daily bases thanks to NATO's revolution in Libya...

What makes you think I support the West? I'm more anti-West than you are and I am aware of their policies in our region for the past century.

However, they don't want an Islamic 'insurgency' as they call it which will make sure they don't get anything.

And Israel got cheap gas from Egypt under Mubarak.
If the US puts boots on the ground and invades Syria, Russia would invade Ukraine. 2 can play at this game :agree:
Yeah, not going to happen. The US has never put boots in Syria, nor has it invaded Syria. Trust me, if the US wanted to invade Syria, the Syrian military would cease to exist.
Yeah, not going to happen. The US has never put boots in Syria, nor has it invaded Syria. Trust me, if the US wanted to invade Syria, the Syrian military would cease to exist.

The US would invade Syria if Russia would not object to it. After all, US taxpayers and US soldiers only serve oligarchs, no one else :agree:

US soldiers would get massacred in the thousands in Syria. Millions of Arabs in the region would shoot American soldiers all day every day :agree:
The US would invade Syria if Russia would not object to it. After all, US taxpayers and US soldiers only serve oligarchs, no one else :agree:
Yeah, the last I checked, the US doesn't care what Russia thinks or says. Considering today's relations between them, the US would show Russia the middle finger and proceed to destroy any remnants of the Syrian military.
Yeah, not going to happen. The US has never put boots in Syria, nor has it invaded Syria. Trust me, if the US wanted to invade Syria, the Syrian military would cease to exist.
In your dreams, one of the reason the US admitted to not attacking Syria is because of the Syrian military..
Yeah, the last I checked, the US doesn't care what Russia thinks or says. Considering today's relations between them, the US would show Russia the middle finger and proceed to destroy any remnants of the Syrian military.

There are over 22 million Syrians. If Americans invade their country, they would massacre Americans. Iran and Iraq are right next door. They would supply G3 and M16 rifles which would shoot up American soldiers :agree:
In your dreams, one of the reason the US admitted to not attacking Syria is because of the Syrian military..
Yeah, I doubt that. The US wouldn't even need to set foot on Syrian soil to destroy the Syrian military. The US military isn't the same as when it was in 2003, the last decade has taught a lot to the US military about conducting warfare in urban and rural environments. Iraq was a learning experience that has helped develop newer technologies and capabilities that would help the US completely steamroll 98-99% of the nations on Earth, I include Pakistan and Syria in that equation. The only thing that Pakistan has that would deter an invasion from any nation is it's nuclear arsenal; guess what Syria doesn't have?
Yeah, I doubt that. The US wouldn't even need to set foot on Syrian soil to destroy the Syrian military. The US military isn't the same as when it was in 2003, the last decade has taught a lot to the US military about conducting warfare in urban and rural environments. Iraq was a learning experience that has helped develop newer technologies and capabilities that would help the US completely steamroll 98-99% of the nations on Earth, I include Pakistan and Syria in that equation. The only thing that Pakistan has that would deter an invasion from any nation is it's nuclear arsenal; guess what Syria doesn't have?

The US cannot steamroll Russia, China, heck, not even the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden. 98-99%? :laugh:
There are over 22 million Syrians. If Americans invade their country, they would massacre Americans. Iran and Iraq are right next door. They would supply G3 and M16 rifles which would shoot up American soldiers :agree:
Yeah, out of the 22 million, how many are fit for military service? Half the population is female, and we can safely assume that 99% of them wouldn't get involved in such a conflict, because honor and all that bullshit; That leaves 11 million, a third of this is underaged children, and a third are old men who can barely put up a fight, let alone pick up a gun, so that leaves 3.6 million. Now subtract those that are unfit for military duty, and those that would switch sides, because they don't like Assad, and you have a very small percentage that puts up a fight.

Also, you can't fight a conventional war with G-3s and M-16s, you need heavy equipment.
Biggest mistake, the takfiri turds, will take that and use it everywhere.
Yeah, I doubt that. The US wouldn't even need to set foot on Syrian soil to destroy the Syrian military. The US military isn't the same as when it was in 2003, the last decade has taught a lot to the US military about conducting warfare in urban and rural environments. Iraq was a learning experience that has helped develop newer technologies and capabilities that would help the US completely steamroll 98-99% of the nations on Earth, I include Pakistan and Syria in that equation. The only thing that Pakistan has that would deter an invasion from any nation is it's nuclear arsenal; guess what Syria doesn't have?
we have Israel next door.... :coffee:, you think the if the west attacks Syria it wont suffer any damage or death? you are mistaken, they have bases in the ME, Iran and Syria have Mutual defence agreement...
Yeah, out of the 22 million, how many are fit for military service? Half the population is female, and we can safely assume that 99% of them wouldn't get involved in such a conflict, because honor and all that bullshit; That leaves 11 million, a third of this is underaged children, and a third are old men who can barely put up a fight, let alone pick up a gun, so that leaves 3.6 million. Now subtract those that are unfit for military duty, and those that would switch sides, because they don't like Assad, and you have a very small percentage that puts up a fight.

Also, you can't fight a conventional war with G-3s and M-16s, you need heavy equipment.

Even 1 million is enough. Due to weakening economy, the US can only deploy about 100,000 troops these days, rather than the millions it were able to deploy in WW2, Korea, Vietnam. That gives a 10 to 1 ratio in favor of Syria. Iraq and Iran and Lebanon etc. can deploy another million or so to reinforce Syria.

Some Syrians may not like Assad, but Assad is first and foremost a Syrian, an Arab, a Muslim. Americans are none of these. Americans would be seen as invaders and heathens. Even Kurds would take up arms against Americans.

Russia and Iran and Iraq and would form a supply line to deliver Kornets and Iglas which would make mincemeat out of M1A2 tanks and AH-64D attack helicopters.
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