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U.A.E. Pulls Most Forces From Yemen in Blow to Saudi War Effort

never. it is better to die of starvation rather then to fight for devil and become rich.

I am not going to argue on this again. It is very, very simple.

+ Houthi are terrorists trying to seize control from Government and establish their version of Sharia law just like ISIS and TTP.

+ Saudi Arabia and UAE are our natural allies. Only 2 countries in world to voice and offer support following sanction threats by international community on nuclear tests. Now, also helping in financial crisis. When will we return the favor?

+ It is in the national and international interests of Pakistan.

I don't care if Houthi terrorists have not done anything to you. This frankly doesn't concern you, it concerns Pakistan.

No thanks, our lives are not for sale

And what about all the stuff Saudi Arabia and UAE has done for Pakistan?

This is issue with Pakistani people. Always look at own interests, never others' interests.

We people want unconditional candies handed to us, and not have to do a damn thing for it.
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And what about all the stuff Saudi Arabia and UAE has done for Pakistan?
It has been paid back long ago,
Pakistan will not become part of an unjust war, we have had enough already no Pakistani will die fighting for a king over inflated and if you are so keen to help your arab brothers in expanding their kingdoms why dont you go ahead and fight for them ?
not very long ago our existence was at stakes Indians were threatening a war and your brothers didnt even provide lip service let alone sending troops
I am not going to argue on this again. It is very, very simple.

+ Houthi are terrorists trying to seize control from Government and establish their version of Sharia law just like ISIS and TTP.

+ Saudi Arabia and UAE are our natural allies. Only 2 countries in world to voice and offer support following sanction threats by international community on nuclear tests. Now, also helping in financial crisis. When will we return the favor?

+ It is in the national and international interests of Pakistan.

I don't care if Houthi terrorists have not done anything to you. This frankly doesn't concern you, it concerns Pakistan.

And what about all the stuff Saudi Arabia and UAE has done for Pakistan?
i am also not going in this debate with you.the whole world knows who is doing what in yemen. even non muslims are criticizing the role of saudia in yemen but for some people like you it doesnt matter. they only care about the benefits they get by supporting oppressor as the oppressors are rich and powerful. give a read to Quran if you are a muslim.
Saw this coming from miles away. Pakistan should offer help. It may help our economy.
Stay away from saudi Iran fight. We have no issues with either. Money isnt everything's. Have some dignity and offer mediation. Only winners in this war is israel
It has been paid back long ago,
Pakistan will not become part of an unjust war, we have had enough already no Pakistani will die fighting for a king over inflated and if you are so keen to help your arab brothers in expanding their kingdoms why dont you go ahead and fight for them ?
not very long ago our existence was at stakes Indians were threatening a war and your brothers didnt even provide lip service let alone sending troops

Never paid back. We will never pay it back. Pakistan continues to take but give nothing back. Then we cry when Arab countries cozy up more to India.

This is why no one looks for a reliable ally in Pakistan. Not businesses. Not countries. Not people.

Pakistan is without a doubt the worst ally any country can even consider to have. All this military prowess yet nothing. Even Iran is more involved than us, and they aren't even getting anything in return except hostilities. While we know that we will only get better alliances and better support.

Stay away from saudi Iran fight. We have no issues with either. Money isnt everything's. Have some dignity and offer mediation. Only winners in this war is israel

Tell me one ideological difference between TTP and Houthi.

i am also not going in this debate with you.the whole world knows who is doing what in yemen. even non muslims are criticizing the role of saudia in yemen but for some people like you it doesnt matter. they only care about the benefits they get by supporting oppressor as the oppressors are rich and powerful. give a read to Quran if you are a muslim.

Tell me one ideological difference between TTP and Houthi.

It has been paid back long ago,
Pakistan will not become part of an unjust war, we have had enough already no Pakistani will die fighting for a king over inflated and if you are so keen to help your arab brothers in expanding their kingdoms why dont you go ahead and fight for them ?
not very long ago our existence was at stakes Indians were threatening a war and your brothers didnt even provide lip service let alone sending troops

i am also not going in this debate with you.the whole world knows who is doing what in yemen. even non muslims are criticizing the role of saudia in yemen but for some people like you it doesnt matter. they only care about the benefits they get by supporting oppressor as the oppressors are rich and powerful. give a read to Quran if you are a muslim.

Stay away from saudi Iran fight. We have no issues with either. Money isnt everything's. Have some dignity and offer mediation. Only winners in this war is israel

Seems like you guys can't even tell me one ideological between TTP and Houthi. Sympathizing with terrorists maybe?
go and fight for saudis and die there and let us enjoy the riyals we will get for your sacrifice. got the feel? dont recommend others to go there and get killed so that parasites like you can flourish on their sacrifice by getting riyals.

send your army as mercenary to every conflict zone in the world and get rich. what a nice foreign policy. selling your mother will be the next step. shame.
Is there any news about those 20Billion US$ that was to be injected in Pakistan economy by Saudi Arabia...

Silence is deafening!
Pakistan can send 25,000 troops as peace keepers, not to be used in offensive Operations but to keep the peace/Law/Order and humanitarian aid .
Saw this coming from miles away. Pakistan should offer help. It may help our economy.
The Saudi and UAE economy is hurting from this war but you think some how Pakistan will benefit?

Give me the numbers of how many dead Pakistani soldiers is acceptable to you for an uncertain “may help”
The Saudi and UAE economy is hurting from this war but you think some how Pakistan will benefit?

Saudi Arabia and UAE are spending at this war but Pakistan will get paid for fighting in Yemen there's a difference
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