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Two killed in Hyderabad police firing; curfew imposed

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I would again repeat the same what I replied to Ranjeet? Would you be more happy if Indian Muslims en masse go to streets to show their disapproval? Haven't heard of this practice in subcontinent, though small contingents are exception.

In a nutshell - Since Indian Muslims don't protest against odds of Indian Muslims therefore they all are same! Generalization in their case is absolutely justified. Agreed?

No generalising is not a good thing but these sane voices are outnumbered by the lunatics.

these people are either declared as traitors in the community or fatwas are issued against them to shut their voices up.
Somehow the Police disappears when Muslims are massacred and their properties set ablaze,at times even facilitating the extremist hindu's in their henious crimes but when a reaction from Muslims is anticipated then whole state machinery gets active and there starts full protection of rival groups...
Nope ... most of the recent riots started in response to the aggression commited by the muslim community. so you can't have the cake and eat it too.
Then you don't have the numbers. I got it.

It is their choice to leave. If they want to live, they are most welcomed to stay. You claimed hindu deaths. I asked you the figures. You failed to provide them.
If they could live why they would leave? they are leaveing for fun? Enlighten us with ur madarasa logic plz
If they could live why they would leave? they are leaveing for fun? Enlighten us with ur madarasa logic plz

they want to leave then it is their choice. I wan to know the figures. Give me the damned figures. Ok tell me how many hindus were killed in this month of May.
Yes the word decency coming from your mouth after uttering so much BS and supporting and calling for Muslims massacre shows how cunning you people are as a nation..
Nah I am not too much into ... virtual aggression, I know the truth and such provocation doesn't have any effect on me. Resorting to take a pot shot on the shoulders the women isn't my way.
After partition also included East Pakistan population. Your facts are biased and bogus. :)
In 1951, Hindus constituted 22% of the Pakistani population (this includes East Pakistan, modern day Bangladesh)today, the share of Hindus is down to 1.7% in Pakistan and 9.2% in Bangladesh. You are saying like Population of Hindus is not even decreased in Pakistan o_O
In 1951, Hindus constituted 22% of the Pakistani population (this includes East Pakistan, modern day Bangladesh)today, the share of Hindus is down to 1.7% in Pakistan and 9.2% in Bangladesh. You are saying like Population of Hindus is not even decreased in Pakistan o_O

Again the same rubbish. 1951 population also included East Pakistan Hindus. I am asking you the figures for your claim and you are comping up with all this crap.
After partition also included East Pakistan population. Your facts are biased and bogus. :)

Bakwaas Madrassa logic ! I am talking about you western Pakistan fighures otherwise Bangladesh currently has around 8-10% of Hindu population not 2 %.
Pakistaniese should be last to talk abt minority rights,

We would. Deal with it.

Religion of peace only understand one language thats what they r getting.

Then you would getting fitting replies too. And you would whine after that like you always do.
Nah I am not too much into ... virtual aggression, I know the truth and such provocation doesn't have any effect on me. Resorting to take a pot shot on the shoulders the women isn't my way.

yeah at one stage killing Thousands sikhs and then calling them as your brothers and extending your shoulder for support just because they were killing Muslims shows how much one is desperate in their thoughts and intentions...
Bakwaas Madrassa logic !.

Puny bharati brain can't understand any logic. madarsa or university or high school.

I am talking about you western Pakistan fighures otherwise Bangladesh currently has around 8-10% of Hindu population not 2 %

Give me the authentic link which says that those figures were just for west Pakistan. And also official link for population of Hindus today.
then Indian muslims have right to kill a few random sikhs. After all a flag isn't more worthy than 2 human lives.
If any of the older punjabi folks are alive from the partition time who migrated from Indian side, ask them how much a cow slaughter worth in those times.
Someone burnt flag of Sikh community and they started attacking Muslims blaming them for it.

Sikh Flag ? That's 'Nishan Sahib' u idiot. its not a mere flag. Just like 'Holy Kuran', 'Bible' & 'Bhagwat Gita' are not mere "Books". Google the term if u don't knw about it rather than blabbering crap.
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