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Two killed in Hyderabad police firing; curfew imposed

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Don't know about other countries but in India's case police become active only against Muslims. We have seen it everywhere. Indian state passiveness against Maoists can be taken as another example.
lol...u have got a mental illness against indians and hindus....
and no body can cure that......ur prejudice and ur make up opinion is nothing but trash.....
u need to cure urself......soon.....too much hate is not good.....:)
maoists are state enimies and who told u they are going soft...... its a terrorist organization and will be crushed ...sooner or later...
I think you should care about your country where 5000 Hindus leaving country every month. Peoples are killing innocent Hindus in Pakistan they are not burning any flags??

By same logic Millions of Indian's are leaving their country each year,One reason why India has largest number of expats in different countries,,why would one leave shuppa powa where rivers of Honey and milk are flowing...:devil:
Man ... how come muslims don't mess around with the yadavs in UP? I would seriously want to know what would happen if they did.

Paani main rahkar Magar se bair ....!

Otherwise in case of messing with Yadavs, Muslims get an power of automatic disappearance... no graves no pyries .. isn't awesome ?
lol...u have got a mental illness against indians and hindus....
and no body can cure that......ur prejudice and ur make up opinion is nothing but trash.....
u need to cure urself......soon.....too much hate is not good.....:)


maoists are state enimies and who told u they are going soft...... its a terrorist organization and will be crushed ...sooner or later...

Yeah we will see that when it would actually happen.
Killing hindus. Give me the number of Hindus killed this year only.
Thats the real thing you guys don't even share real number on news
If you guys are not doing anything then why thousands of Hindus are leaving Pakistan and forcefully converted into Muslims??
In terms of what? Do you want good fellas to go for public protests? How many good non-Muslims do it in India?

The only difference between you and us is the word secular..... but if one religious group of people act out of the way ... the other would react before the police or other security forces take control over the situation. its as simple as that. You too know the sectarian crap that goes in your country has some political backing same is here on religious terms. Only poor people suffer in such incidents. Espically if the commutnity which belongs the northern parts of India would be far more brutal. so understand the point I am trying to make.
Thats the real thing you guys don't even share real number on news

Then you don't have the numbers. I got it.

If you guys are not doing anything then why thousands of Hindus are leaving Pakistan and forcefully converted into Muslims??

It is their choice to leave. If they want to live, they are most welcomed to stay. You claimed hindu deaths. I asked you the figures. You failed to provide them.
The only difference between you and us is the word secular..... but if one religious group of people act out of the way ... the other would react before the police or other security forces take control over the situation. its as simple as that. You too know the sectarian crap that goes in your country has some political backing same is here on religious terms. Only poor people suffer in such incidents. Espically if the commutnity which belongs the northern parts of India would be far more brutal. so understand the point I am trying to make.

Somehow the Police disappears when Muslims are massacred and their properties set ablaze,at times even facilitating the extremist hindu's in their henious crimes but when a reaction from Muslims is anticipated then whole state machinery gets active and there starts full protection of rival groups...
Yeah like one can get the real data. This will gv u a clue- every years hundreds of Pakistani Hindus come to India and not want to ho back, i can provide u links u want. Can u plz provide me any link of Indian Muslims migrating to Pakistan ?

I want the figures for those deaths. Either the figures or it didn't happen. :)

Rligion of peace is known for being natorious in india, and now they can't get state protection because thr papa Congress is gone so now whatever they do they will get strong reply.

In other words state would be involved in minority massacre. Not surprised again here too. Has happened before.
It is their choice to leave. If they want to live, they are most welcomed to stay. You claimed hindu deaths. I asked you the figures. You failed to provide them.
That's why i am asking why Hindus are leaving Pakistan? Because they are not happy there....Some of you burning their temples, kidnapping their girls, converting them into Muslims thats why they are leaving.I never heard about Muslims leaving India and specially for Pakistan 8-)
No need to defend them. But at least no need to cheer their death. I know they can defend themselves very well. Some hijras aren't going to eliminate them even if they want to.
all right i can take that.
Then you don't have the numbers. I got it.

It is their choice to leave. If they want to live, they are most welcomed to stay. You claimed hindu deaths. I asked you the figures. You failed to provide them.

After partition ... Pakistan has 2% of Hindu population and now has come down to 0.2% .. What do you think they just disappeared just like fart in the wind ?
@Emmie ... I guess such posts shouldn't be allowed. There is a decent way to discuss even worsts of topics without such provcations.

Yes the word decency coming from your mouth after uttering so much BS and supporting and calling for Muslims massacre shows how cunning you people are as a nation..
After partition ... Pakistan has 2% of Hindu population and now has come down to 0.2% .. What do you think they just disappeared just like fart in the wind ?

After partition also included East Pakistan population. Your facts are biased and bogus. :)
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