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Two Dead in Belgium Anti-terror Raid

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Then they shouldn't show up. They should stay where they are.
:tsk: is that how you do redemption for your sins on their land? Well Europe did open immigration...Open means OPEN!

Many of us pointed this out MANY times that it was a mistake...Europe ALSO gave asylum to all those Africa "leaders" who had done mass murder on their own land...Read it up!

What do you know about the US?? Latinos do just fine. I live in the Southwest. They dominate life around here. Walk into any office here. Half their employees are Hispanic. That includes my company too.
What do I know, only what your media tells me prob as much or even more than how much you know about EU and its doing!

Oh spare me that BS! There are pictures of Muslims blocking entire streets in Pari because it was THEIR prayer time. I doubt any Muslim has ever shown this much consideration to someone else in your entire 1400 year history. Just google Muslims praying on streets of Europe. Plenty of pictures there.
Yes I have seen that...

Let see their response:
France Bans Muslim Street Prayers

France Bans Muslim Street Prayers - Soeren Kern | Perspectives on Europe and America and the Geopolitics of Islam in the West : Soeren Kern | Perspectives on Europe and America and the Geopolitics of Islam in the West
Praying in Paris streets outlawed - Telegraph
France bans street prayers| Reuters

I dont see that in 1400 yrs of ANYONE's history of bigotry!

As for 1400 yrs google Spain under Islam, Jerusalem under Islam ....and then talk! Oh please go to authentic sites I can go to BS sites too!

Yeah we know we funded the Mujahideen. Hell, we even printed religious texts for them in Nebraska. Shouldn't they be grateful that we funded them against the Soviets? We also funded the Northern Alliance. I don't see them lining up to kill us. In fact, I don't see Afghans pouring into the US to kill us.
I dont know SOME say 9/11 was the thank you note! Who knows?

As for the latter part...BE THANKFUL you dont! You are some trouble seeker!

His animosity towards the US stemmed from the fact that the "Kafir" stepped on "Holy Muslim land" of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. He wanted to raise a Muslim army to defeat Saddam. Obviously, the Sheikhs decided to go with a competent, professional army instead of a collection of religious jerk offs. Thus began a 20 year fight which ended with us dumping his body into Davey Jones' locker. Clear enough for you?
Proof? Oh yea I said so MULLAH attitude?
ALWAYS the case for ignorant people who cant swallow truth!

She was. Again another difference you and us. She's taking responsibility for something we were connected with from afar and you place the blame for your direct actions on us. For the record, we know a lot more about what our government did than you know about yours.
Yea...ignorant people knowing alot more about burried CIA FBI files, about how people disappear and also about undocumented torture sure!

She taking the blame by sitting in where USA? and doing what about it? Pointing it out? Well I am pointing it out too...but since I dont have blood on MY hands I dont need to take no blame!

Of course, do you think we care about what you do to each other?
Yet you want to cry here on OUR forum? Interesting? Mingle with European affairs (nothing American about it just the nosy habit maybe?)

Yea spying on allies and Europe is how you extend your I DONT CARE attitude! Spare us please!

ISIL was the Al Qaeda - Iraq. We fought them for a decade. We know who they are.
Yet not a single conviction not a single success story! In fact you had to ask Pakistan army to help! If not why we got paid? THATS your KNOW THIS AND THAT!

They are being funded by the Muslim fanatics from the gulf for a decade. Then when the Syrian conflict started, we made the mistake of thinking that the Muslim populace of Syria could unite and bring peace to its community and funded them. Of course, we all know how that's turned out.
Yea your mistake of lack of competency! and we know attitude led you in the shit the whole world is cleaning! Bravo! Now you got that pat on your head go home and stop causing more chaos!

We didn't throw anyone into Pakistan. When we went to war in Afghanistan, our expectation from our "ally" Pakistan was that they would close the borders and trap them inside Afghanistan. Pakistan decided to preserve its strategic assets by allowing them to stay and operate from Pakistan. There's a BBC documentary called Secret Pakistan. You should watch it sometime and see for yourself what Pakistan was up to.
Raymond Davis was an accident and what about the other guy who was also caught?

Ally? really? the one you sanctioned just before the war? Hell even Clinton says it better that you PLAYED with Pakistan! There are more than 1 documentary about every trash on the planet related to USA! Maybe you can watch those too! :tup:

No, you are the one who's blind to the facts. We didn't start the first Gulf war. A guy taking over another country did.
Who was best pals with that guy?
CIA 'helped Saddam Hussein make chemical weapons attack on Iran' 1988 under Ronald Reagan | Daily Mail Online
Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran | Foreign Policy

I am actually giving you articles while you go on with I said so attitude!

We didn't start the Afghan war. Russia moving into Afghanistan did. We simply financed the resistance movement.

Ask your generals, they proudly admit on TV that they treated the US like a quartermaster.
So Qatar and Saudi only finance the terrorism...they can brush their hands off too right?

The Cold War had nothing to do with religion.
The only event that happened during the cold war was the Afghan war. That ended for us when the Soviets withdrew. It should have ended at the same time for you too. However, Pakistan decided to raise the Taliban to knock off the Northern Alliance and have its proxy govt in Afghanistan. You chose to continue something everyone else had abandoned. We didn't tell you to keep the religious schools open and churn out more fundamentalists. You made that decision on your own.
Clinton disagrees with you!

2ndly yea Cold war was all American's insecurity but the world pays the price till date! I hope they realize what a shit mistake it was to support America and will do the opposite if another 1 stems!

After 9/11, we asked the Taliban to handover over Bin Ladin which they could easily done and avoided war. But they decided (some say with advice from their Pakistani handlers) to decline and go to war. Again, bad decisions on your part doesn't constitute complicity on ours.
Yet 13 yrs after the incident you cant stop crying about it, using the sentiments of your people to push it like a fresh wound! And even after soo many years no light of success?

And we see the same failure in Iraq...go figure!

Gulf War II was a mistake on our part. However, that mistake was also made under the advice of Iraq's "Prime Minister in Exile" but I'm going to follow my own advise and not blame anyone else for our mistakes. Al Qaeda already existed at this point so there's no use pretending like the second gulf war had anything to do with their emergence. They were already around for 15 years by then and had already bombed the USS Cole, Embassies and World Trade Center.
What are you on?

Most importantly, you should note that Bob from Wisconsin or Steve from West Virginia aren't blowing themselves in the middle east. Its MUSLIMS. You can't blame us for the stupidity of your people.

murder be it blowing or be it shooting is a murder! Learn that!

Obviously, you don't know as much as you think. The Russian connection is Chechnya. The Boston bombers were Muslims from Chechnya were outraged by the crimes committed by Russia in Chechnya and decided blow up Russia's archrival to teach Russia a lesson. I'm sure that makes perfect sense in your world. We are a little baffled.
:rofl: Really either you need a psychiatrist or you are on some special weed called ignorance!
Talk about victim complex in the last sentence!

I think you missed the point. The perpetrators can say anything they want. WE, as a community, don't use that to justify their actions. Whether or not they claim to mentally disabled is irrelevant. Whether or not they are able to meet the legal standards and get away with their crimes is a matter for the courts. You, on the other hand, are bringing up isolation or discrimination caused people to shoot other people.
I am bringing out how a murderer is allowed to plea his insanity rather than it be decided by a doctor!

And just HOW MANY get away like that!

Mass murder is what it is murder and if he is broken what makes you think in his 30-60 yrs he didnt get fixed that by labelling him will help fix it? but when asked to label a Muslim ...OMG!

Well, this is also ISOLATION (based on 1.7 billion population of Musims) and also discrimination and subjected to mass oppression worse than what a school shooter faces in AMERICA!

At least we send them prison unlike you who have rallies to support them. Prison's not a picnic, you know.
You havent seen Pakistani prisons! Yours have medical facilities and also paroles and also if you make a deal you can do alot of flexibility!

I wont brag about Pakistani ditches! Coz to get out you need a reference and that is it though I rather a murderer be killed and save tax money!

As for the rallies in a country with a million plus people....we have many weirdos!

See the thing is, nothing you're trying to "educate" me with is new
again I know so habit?

It is the same old song and dance about how someone else is to blame for your failings.

Nobody forced you to help with the Afghan war, nobody forced you to create and back the Taliban, nobody forced you back religious radicals in your pissing contest with your neighbors. YOU choose to do that as community. So if you find yourself in the awkward position of facing accusations of fostering religious fundamentalism or find yourself under attack, that's not our problem, its yours.
Nobody forced us? so it wasnt Americans with their I said so attitude? You show the same amount!

It wasnt the sanctions and the world banks strangling us with our debts? threats and what not? It wasnt them cutting our loans and increasing our interest rates if we didnt do favours?

What a lie! Wake up already!

The reality is that you're proud that your religion has so many adherents. You don't care how it happened or who these people are.
Had we not cared this wouldnt be up: Fifty Muslim scholars issue fatwa against Taliban - Pakistan - DAWN.COM and there are others...infact one with a 500-600 page...too bad my laptop is down otherwise I would have sent you links of other things...but hey wait why try to enlighten a coz I know everythin kind of ignorant person? :unsure:

Heck, I bet you, yourself are the kind of person who wouldn't say a word, if one day you woke up and found that everyone in the world was a Muslim.
What do you want me to say? Start scrutinizing EVERYONE I know? Dude freedom to privacy! Heck even you wouldnt ask if one day you woke up and everyone was an atheist!

You'd just assume that they all saw the light overnight since there is no compulsion in your religion.
There is also a sick mind which suspects everything...oh yea hence why US needed surveillance over ALLIES!

In furtherance of the goal to pad your numbers, you people indiscriminately let people join and do as they pleased as long as they called themselves Muslims
:rofl: pure hatred + ignorance = clow

We are not a club nor do we discriminate!

Heck it is your Indian friends who go into fits when we say we dont call terrorist as Muslims coz terrorists dont have a religion!
. Your leaders said whatever needed to be said, did whatever needed to be done to hold on the religious wackos. What you're seeing today is the result of that lack of foresight.
We dont have a joint leadership so I have no idea who your idea of my leader is! IF that was by any chance so we wouldnt have such things: Letter to Baghdadi - Open Letter to BaghdadiOpen Letter to Baghdadi

Go ahead dont be shy go read the letter!
"Great Satan" for your woes isn't going to change the fact that your lack of oversight on what was going on is the reason for the way things are today.
Easy to blame others yet you claimed Clinton took the blame? Do I sense bipolarism?
I am not derailing it. I am asking your opinion, as you seem to be in pain, for whatever bans Muslims are facing in France.
I aint in pain he asked I answered! Simple and to the point as per you discuss in a forum! Had he not asked I wouldnt have touched that!

2ndly, I have never been to China so cant comment AT ALL!
That is a very lame argument. India does not ban any Burkhas, or abayas, neither there is any restriction on Muslim. But still, Pakistani government brings up topic like Gujrat, Babri, when 70% of Pakistanis have never experienced life in India, they believe the government.
Its not lame...We are your neighbours and many of us have ancestors who travelled from there...

2ndly, you dont ban those things but you are rude about them! I have seen Indians all over the forum being opinionated about it which is fine until the rude slurs spit out!

India doesnt have bans but you cant deny the Gujrat and Babri masjid coz that is the other form of extremism you do have...again derailing to make it about india?

Lastly, I can never tweak out propaganda from reality about Chinese news! While you can about Indian news coz they stretch it too much like their never ending drama serials! :)
Its not lame...We are your neighbours and many of us have ancestors who travelled from there...

2ndly, you dont ban those things but you are rude about them! I have seen Indians all over the forum being opinionated about it which is fine until the rude slurs spit out!

India doesnt have bans but you cant deny the Gujrat and Babri masjid coz that is the other form of extremism you do have...again derailing to make it about india?

So according to you, Muslim killing Muslim is different than a Hindu Killing Muslim? (Though a Hindu Killing Muslim is a fiction)
Because, there are more Muslims who are killed by Muslims ( born to Muslim parents, or follow 5 pillars, etc etc) in Pakistan.

China and Pakistan are also neighbour, but I guess you are not aware of Uyghurs in China.
So according to you, Muslim killing Muslim is different that a Hindu Killing Muslim? (Though a Hindu Killing Muslim is a fiction)
How is it different? Again derailing?

And how is Babri Masjid and Gujrat a fiction?
Because, there are more Muslims who are killed by Muslims ( born to Muslim parents, or follow 5 pillars, etc etc) in Pakistan.
again derailing have some sense and talk about Belgium...

You cant seem to keep India out of anywhere?! go back if you are that homesick!

China and Pakistan are also neighbour, but I guess you are not aware of Uyghurs in China.
I only read very little about it! Plus I rarely go into Indian or Chinese forums until and unless I am mentioned!
How is it different? Again derailing?
Because there is a thread running on conditions of Muslims in Belgium, France, India, when Muslims are killing eachother in FATA, Syria, Baghdad. Is it not unfortunate?

And how is Babri Masjid and Gujrat a fiction?

again derailing have some sense and talk about Belgium...

You cant seem to keep India out of anywhere?! go back if you are that homesick!

I only read very little about it! Plus I rarely go into Indian or Chinese forums until and unless I am mentioned!

Please do read about Uyghers.

I am not derailing it, what I am pointing is, why Pakistanis are blind when something happens to Muslims in China, but come on streets when fictions like Gujrat and babri happen. Is Muslim Umma not valid in China or Syria I will include Iraq also.

Gujrat was a product of something which happened in retaliation, though I do not justify it and it was wrong. But to broader aspect, Hindus also faced a lot of trouble in Kashmir, why neglect that?

You do realize that islam is not a race, and that a person can be white and a muslim?

How far is that justified in Ibn Tehmiya's work, when he called Mongols munafiqs and not Musalman even when they converted to Islam after ceasing Mecca and Baghdad?
For those wondering whether the dead were Jihadis...

"Belgium launched a series of raids on Thursday evening on a group of suspected jihadists. Verviers was the site of one of the raids, where a shootout left two suspects dead."

- BBC (From the same link provided by Akhelios on the first page)
How far is that justified in Ibn Tehmiya's work, when he called Mongols munafiqs and not Musalman even when they converted to Islam after ceasing Mecca and Baghdad?

You will have to ask Mr Tehmiya about it. I can't answer for him. If you want me to, then his reasoning was that Mongols did not follow shariah law, and therefore were not true muslims.

By that yardstick, Pakistanis and Indian muslims would not be muslims either. Nor would most muslims on the planet. We do not live in the 13th century anymore - in this day and age, we consider anybody following islam even in their personal lives to be a muslim. Just as anybody following any sect of christianity is considered a christian, regardless of whether he follows all the biblical laws.
How far is that justified in Ibn Tehmiya's work, when he called Mongols munafiqs and not Musalman even when they converted to Islam after ceasing Mecca and Baghdad?

The guy was a believer in the superiority of the arabs holding all other Muslims to be inferior. Probably never recovered from the absolute thrashing the superior race received from the pesky Mongols.
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