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Hurshid Celebi

Jul 2, 2015
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An overwhelming majority of 61 % Greeks,said no to the supressing and humilating EU and IWF financ policy against Grece !
An overwhelming majority of 61 % Greeks,said no to the supressing and humilating EU and IWF financ policy against Grece !
Situation in Greece are caused by their Politicians and their Short Sighted Decisions in the past which people of Greece are Suffering. Its a best opportunity for Turkey to eliminate Antagonism among Greeks towards Turkey by Helping Greece.
someone said the vote is meaningless and the rulers have decided to play by EU. Any truth to that?
Situation in Greece are caused by their Politicians and their Short Sighted Decisions in the past which people of Greece are Suffering. Its a best opportunity for Turkey to eliminate Antagonism among Greeks towards Turkey by Helping Greece.

Thanks Allah,Turkey paid all debts to IMF and gave them 4.5 Billion credit. Greece got 300 Billion EU the last 10 years and only 20 % flew into he wallet of People, the rest flew to foreign Banks and their interests. Yes bro , good chanche.
Well, nobody is the blame but Greeks themselves. They blocked Turkey getting in the EU. Now they will be kicked out sooner or later themselves. I'm afraid poverty will make them more extremist though. They won't have a chance against us but they might try something against Macedonia or Albania.

Sorry, Germany is the spearhead of Anti-Turkish Lobby and absolutely against full Membership of Türkiye.
If Merkel would say Yes, we could join as planned before 2015.
We fullfill all Maastricht criteria. But Ms. Merkesl says EU is a Christian Union Values Union.
Sorry, Germany is the spearhead of Anti-Turkish Lobby and absolutely against full Membership of Türkiye.
If Merkel would say Yes, we could join as planned before 2015.
We fullfill all Maastricht criteria. But Ms. Merkesl says EU is a Christian Union Values Union.

we do not need that christian club..

but I do not belive greece will kicked out from EU.. never will that happen..

EU is a one way ticket.. what could happen is that foreign states will controle and command greece.. and they HAVE to obey..
An overwhelming majority of 61 % Greeks,said no to the supressing and humilating EU and IWF financ policy against Grece !

The Greeks have no say in this. Those douches sucked the EU dry, and now they don't want to repay? Yet they purchase weapons to 'balance' against Turkey? What oppression. Their entire way of life is out of whack. Sleeping all day, spending European money etc. Not acceptable.
we do not need that christian club..

but I do not belive greece will kicked out from EU.. never will that happen..

EU is a one way ticket.. what could happen is that foreign states will controle and command greece.. and they HAVE to obey..
Last week Turkey announced they would try to do all for good neighbourship, including free electricity and financial aids, if Greece wants. But there was no official request. In Greece only a minority is hostile to Turkey and Turkish People. Estimated 20 % max. I was sometimes there and was positive surprised, especially when many older Greeks, spoke Turkish to me, they told me that their grandmas/pas emigrated from Turkey and they learned our language from them. Also in China I was never confronted with hostility. But if you travel to Austria or Germany, they threat you as a potential criminal, even when you are Business clothed, speak their language and have all papers.

The Billions of financial aid to Greece, didn't flow into economy and growth. They have a perfect Highway infrastructure. Ok, a very high Military Budget. But from weapon selling the EU profited and the Greece made debts.
Sorry, Germany is the spearhead of Anti-Turkish Lobby and absolutely against full Membership of Türkiye.
If Merkel would say Yes, we could join as planned before 2015.
We fullfill all Maastricht criteria. But Ms. Merkesl says EU is a Christian Union Values Union.

It's not so much the Christian part. It's just that there are millions of Turks who are quite poor, or at least could make a lot more money in Europe, who would jump at the first possibility. Europe has enough poor people in the East, and they are driving their shabby crappy cars into the West daily (Bulgarians, Romanians etc). So that's more likely the reason. And aside from Turkish nationalism denial, I fully believe Turkey's future is INSIDE the EU. This current wave of beards and islamism has to recede. In about 10-15 years, I see TR inside the EU. It's simple strategic calculation. Europe needs to expand it's influence.
It's not so much the Christian part. It's just that there are millions of Turks who are quite poor, or at least could make a lot more money in Europe, who would jump at the first possibility. Europe has enough poor people in the East, and they are driving their shabby crappy cars into the West daily (Bulgarians, Romanians etc). So that's more likely the reason. And aside from Turkish nationalism denial, I fully believe Turkey's future is INSIDE the EU. This current wave of beards and islamism has to recede. In about 10-15 years, I see TR inside the EU. It's simple strategic calculation. Europe needs to expand it's influence.

I have to contradict you. Turkey will never be full member of the EU. They exploit us since 1997 with the customs UNION which works for their Advantage. The Balance is a catastrophy. They Event dont want us for TTIP Membership, despite we have the right as CUSTOM Union member, where free Exchange of all goods and Services are guaranteed, without any VISA. But nobody cares the contracts made 1964 in Ankara and later on. Germany absorbed from reunion on more than 8 Million foreigners from Ex-Soviet, the so called "Russian Germans", and other countries including refugees. German SINN Economic Foundation of the LEIBNITZ Institute ( they are ethically sworn in to publish truth) say, that only 5 Million Turks would try to find work distributed to whole EUROPE and Turkey would economically contribute much more than it would take,

First harsh Statement from Germany :

Tsipras destroyed all bridges. !

SPD-Chef Sigmar Gabriel sieht nach dem "Nein" der Griechen zum bisherigen Spar- und Reformkurs kaum noch Chancen auf einen Kompromiss mit der Regierung in Athen. Regierungschef Alexis Tsipras habe "letzte Brücken eingerissen, über die Europa und Griechenland sich auf einen Kompromiss zubewegen konnten", sagte Gabriel dem Berliner "Tagesspiegel".


But it was a democratic referandum. But who cares about. German People have even not the right for a referandum on FEDERAL base.
Otherwise 60 % would vote against EURO, cause German People lost after the EURO 50 % of their purchasing power and more tahn 5 Million German People live at existency Minimum Level.
Germany follow a hidden expansivist Policy and their economy grows only with EXport not domestic purchase.
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I have to contradict you. Turkey will never be full member of the EU. They exploit us since 1997 with the customs UNION which works for their Advantage. The Balance is a catastrophy. They Event dont want us for TTIP Membership, despite we have the right as CUSTOM Union member, where free Exchange of all goods and Services are guaranteed, without any VISA. But nobody cares the contracts made 1964 in Ankara and later on. Germany absorbed from reunion on more than 8 Million foreigners from Ex-Soviet, the so called "Russian Germans", and other countries including refugees. German SINN Economic Foundation of the LEIBNITZ Institute ( they are ethically sworn in to publish truth) say, that only 5 Million Turks would try to find work distributed to whole EUROPE and Turkey would economically contribute much more than it would take,

Let's be very honest here friend, the EU is in NO way shape or form exploiting Turkey economically. Let's count the amount of automobile producers in Turkey (not to mention the auto parts suppliers): Renault, Fiat, Ford and Hyudai (not mentioning Turkish bus manufacturers). Most of those are exported to the EU. Same goes for Turkish white goods brands Arçelik etc. EU is the biggest export market. Also furniture etc. Also all European Turks who own at least one crappy appartment (by crappy I mean even the poorest diaspora have something) in Turkey (remittances). So no, Turkey isn't exploited. I do agree that they are playing Turkey with membership prospects and cutting it off again etc. But there comes a day that the geopolitical reality DICTATES that Turkey is granted entry into the EU. China already owns Central Asia completely. That little 'sea' of Hazar is what now separates the EU and China's sphere of influence. The EU can't afford to drive Turkey into the arms of the East. They'll just have to accept a couple million more Turks into Europe, and in return they gain a 80 million strong country with a large internal market, which is also a NATO member. That's how I see it. The EU needs to expand eastwards. Aren't many countries left in the East. Belarus and Ukraine are the northern tier. Turkey the southern tier.
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