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Turks, do most Muslims practice Islam?

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If you're implying a correlation between being 'moderately (average) religious' and 'progress' then I suggest that you tell that to the Brazilians, the Indonesians, the Singaporians and the Malaysians. Infact, judging by what Mosa has been posting recently, tell that to the Saudis as well.

And no my contention isn't that being 'religious...strongly or otherwise' has a strong correlation with 'progress'; my contention is that that question is, as a general rule, irrelevant.

Well you are right but then in general less religious countries tend to progress more in the science front . There are exceptions ofcourse . And i will also admit , i am a little biased against people who are very religious . I don't like them .:D
Well you are right but then in general less religious countries tend to progress more in the science front . There are exceptions ofcourse . And i will also admit , i am a little biased against people who are very religious . I don't like them .:D

Nah mate, I think 'progress' is intrinsically linked with 'good governance' ! But yes I'm a little biased against very religious people too; my Uncle - a very religious person - almost got me to wear pyjamas when playing football ! :D
I would agree with Bronze here. People follow the basic principles in Islam but not all of them in Turkey. Yet one thing which i have found in Turkey is a change towards more practice than just words. 10 years ago when i visited mosques with my father in Turkey in prayer times, there were 4-10 old men praying the 5 prayers, today go in a normal mosque at a normal prayer time, there are more young people than old people plus therea are at least 30-40 people in every prayer. I know for a certainty that people have started to take Islam more seriously, which in my opinion is great because we are returning to our core values, even after 80 years of forced secularization.

Man you are a typical AKP propaganda machine. Really for you nurcular Tayyip is a prophet (a3udhu billah). What kind of retard argument is this whole the time using the compareness between now and 10 years ago? WHO IS AKP MAN? WHO IS AKP??

10 years ago we had decent tv series inside the morality borders but when akp came everything changed. With the came of AKP the tv series rised up with 100%. Almost every tv channel now showing day and night dirty immoral series and on their own ''holy'' channels they showing nothing else but ilimli(moderate/dialog between religions) islam things.

When AKP came, they changed the ''zina'' law from beeing guilty to have the free right to have s** with who you want to do.
When AKP came the tourists rased and more kafeers come our land fulling the disco's and bars. Nightlife rised up crazy what you talking about??

Stop pushing AKP in a holy place. They are not holy nor even helping the muslims. If they are really Islamic, they wouldnt do dua for christian (american) soldiers to go back safety home.
That is because they are your friends, GANGA DIN. True Muslim would'nt be your friend and would not be smoking pot, drinking Alcohol and eating non-halal with a kafir.:argh:

What do you mean by TRUE MUSLIM will not be friend to a Hindu , are you people so low in social status that you cannot be friend to a Hindu.And Kafir means a non believer , but we Hindus do believe in GOD sorry GODS , so we are more spiritual than you :P
I dont believe for a second that Pakistanisage is giving lectures or something, impossible.

You live in a kafir country, live with kafir people and pay kafir taxes and get to enjoy the high lifestyle of those kafirs and yet a true Muslim like you apparently are wouldnt even friend a kafir, you hypocrite.
I dont believe for a second that Pakistanisage is giving lectures or something, impossible.

You live in a kafir country, live with kafir people and pay kafir taxes and get to enjoy the high lifestyle of those kafirs and yet a true Muslim like you apparently are wouldnt even friend a kafir, you hypocrite.

Christian people worship God of Abraham just like me. We do not consider Christians and Jews as Kafirs. They worship the same God as the Muslims. We Muslims consider them AHLE KITAB which means " People of the Book". You don't know this because you are an IGNORANT FOOL.
Well you are right but then in general less religious countries tend to progress more in the science front . There are exceptions ofcourse . And i will also admit , i am a little biased against people who are very religious . I don't like them .:D

you may say that now, but centuries ago religious countries was way much ahead in science than non religious ones...
you may say that now, but centuries ago religious countries was way much ahead in science than non religious ones...

Centuries ago almost all countries in the world were very religious bro including the West .
Many muslims see other muslims as Kaffirs. Forget about Jews and Christians.
You are speaking as if all Muslims agree on a definition of Kaffir. So many Sunnis and Shias consider each other Kaffirs.
They are busy killing each other on sectarian lines in whole of middle east ( and Pakistan too).
Don't tell me who you consider Kaffir , because its easier to understand String theory than your definition of Kaffir.

Christian people worship God of Abraham just like me. We do not consider Christians and Jews as Kafirs. They worship the same God as the Muslims. We Muslims consider them AHLE KITAB which means " People of the Book". You don't know this because you are an IGNORANT FOOL.

Okay, so we are taking Kashmir with us.
India should move somewhere else like Europe or USA. This is such a bad neighborhood!!
Sir you are wrong Quran never said that Sir at least try to understand what Quran has to say according to survey 99 % in Turkey believe in GOD more than 70 % pray friday prayers and around 30 % pray 5 times salah above 70 % women and girls wear Hijab although Hijab has different kind this survey was done by a secular think TANk
You do realize that some of the owrst people i know pray friday too, and most girls who wear hijab are the biggest sluts, compared to those muslims who dont?
You cant measure islam from some survey.
Turks are great people man, whether turk or Kurd these guys I see in London- they always act like good Muslims. Even the agnostic ones. I think Turks and Pakistanis are the most open hearted people in my observation, they have characteristics that our Muslims forefathers gave us.
Personally speaking, In Pakistan people can choose to practice and choose not to practice Islam.. but it mostly based on our family reasons.

For example, a women who doesn't want to wear headscarf will be sometimes forced to wear the headscarf by her family. But at the same time, she is not required by law to do so. Same thing with those who want to wear headscarf, yet aren't forced by their family.

Look at this chart:


Sadly, our First ladies and PM didn't wear headscarf much as shown by this map:

(Map showing Muslim countries whose first lady or female PM wears hijab (based on data collected in 2009, now outdated)



Iran, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia are the only countries where Islam is actually being forced upon you.


Persian girl from Iran wearing the hijab.


The headscarf (maghna'eh) was traditionally worn as a praying cloth by religious women in their prayer room. After the revolution, the maghna'eh has been transformed from a private sign of piety into a compulsory Islamic dress that must be worn by women and girls in nurseries, schools, universities, workplaces, government buildings, cinemas and other public places. It is recognized by many Islamic jurists and educational authorities as an acceptable form of veiling and a suitable Islamic symbol. The maghna'eh should ideally cover the hair on a woman’s head. Only an opening the size of the face should remain. Another common type of veiling is the chador. Some women wear the headscarf loosely and punishment may be done for the women that do not wear it correctly.

According to most Saudi Salafi scholars, a woman's awrah in front of unrelated men is her entire body including her face and hands. Hence, the vast majority of traditional Saudi women are expected to cover their faces in public.[41][42][43][44][45]
The Saudi niqāb usually leaves a long open slot for the eyes; the slot is held together by a string or narrow strip of cloth.[46] Many also have two or more sheer layers attached to the upper band, which can be worn flipped down to cover the eyes. Although a person looking at a woman wearing a niqab with an eyeveil would not be able to see her eyes, she is able to see out through the thin fabric.
Many Saudi women use a headscarf along with the niqab or another simple veil to cover all or most of the face when in public, as do most foreign Muslim women (i.e., those from other Arab states, South Asia, Indonesia, or European converts to Islam). But there are many Muslim women, including Saudis, who only wear a headscarf without the niqab, similarly to most non-Muslim women who use only a headscarf or no face covering at all.


Turkey is officially a secular state, and the hijab is banned in universities and public buildings – this includes libraries or government buildings. The ban was first in place during the 1980 military coup, but the law was strengthened more in 1997.[51] Over the years thousands of women have been arrested or prosecuted for refusing to take off the hijab or protesting against the ban, by the secular institution.[52] There has been some unofficial relaxation of the ban under governments led by the conservative party AKP in recent years,[21] for example the current government of the AKP is willing to lift the ban in universities, however the new law was upheld by the constitutional court, and on the other hand the military sees itself as the protector of secularism. The ban has been highly controversial since its implementation, in a country where 99% are either practicing or nominal Muslims or assumed as Muslim by the state. Some researches claim that around 60% of Turkish women cover their heads, however, many women wear a cultural headscarf that isn't a symbol of the Quran.[53] This is often mistaken by some, who instead assume that the headscarf in Turkish research only symbolises the hijab and not the cultural one, and this is probably why many think that a majority of Turkish women wear Islamic covering. More interestingly is that researches also shows that the usage of the Hijab has declined since the 1990s. In cities like Istanbul and Ankara most women do not cover their heads. In some cities in eastern Turkey where a conservative mentality still is more dominant more women cover their heads.[51][54][55] On February 7, 2008, the Turkish Parliament passed an amendment to the constitution, allowing women to wear the headscarf in Turkish universities, arguing that many women would not seek an education if they could not wear the hijab.[56][57][58][59] The decision was met with powerful opposition and protests from secularists. On June 5, 2008, the Constitutional Court of Turkey reinstated the ban on constitutional grounds of the secularity of the state.[60] Headscarves had become a focal point of the conflict between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the secularist establishment, which includes the courts, universities, and army. The ruling was widely seen as a victory for Turks who claim this maintains Turkey's separation of state and religion.

Pakistan has no laws banning or enforcing the ħijāb. Surveys conducted in Pakistan show that most women wearing the ħijāb do so of their own choice.[35][36]
In Pakistan, most women wear the Shalwar Kameez, a tunic top and baggy trouser set which covers their arms, legs and body. A loose dupatta scarf is worn around the shoulders, upper chest and head since showing ones hair is considered rude and in bad taste. Men also have a similar dress code, but only women are expected to wear a veil in public.[37][38] Many women in Pakistan wear other forms of the ħijāb but it varies in design; for example in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and the Federally Administered Tribal Areas most of the women wear the full head-to-toe black burqa/chador while in the rest of the provinces, including Azad Kashmir, most of the women wear the dupatta (a long scarf that matches the woman's garments). The ħijāb together with a duppatta is becoming unpopular among the younger generation. Burquas are only worn in the Swat Valley and Islamist zones.
Westerners are also expected to dress modestly too. Pakistan is a conservative country and it is advisable for women to wear long skirts, baggy trousers and long sleeved tops or wear the traditional shalwar kameez in public. In the big cities, some women wearing jeans and khakis, especially in casual settings, shopping malls and around picnic spots. Dress codes for men are more lax, though shorts are uncommon. Vest tops, bikinis and mini skirts are all considered to be rude and are thus a social taboo.[39][40].

If saying the truth makes me an "Indian troll" so be it. (I wonder, what is so low if I was an Indian after all? Aren't Indians human too?)

- True worshippers of God alone will always be minority: 12:103-6

- Majority of "believers" are those who accepted partners with God. 12:106

- Satan will be successful for the most part 17:62

+ many others. These are merely statement of facts.

You are mentioning the Sura of Youssef the prophet, that is also a metaphor to people not to brag about something metaphysical, since people are very sceptical and mostly jealous from extraordinary people.
Now for this thread, most Muslims believe in God and his prophets after Islam has clarified things for them by examples, so, read the beginning of the Sura please.

Of course if you follow Iblis (The bad thoughts as a metaphor) after knowing the truth (that there is bad and Good and that the latter is better), than you deserve his chastisements or punishments.

These are the real facts, with deep knowledge.
Christian people worship God of Abraham just like me. We do not consider Christians and Jews as Kafirs. They worship the same God as the Muslims. We Muslims consider them AHLE KITAB which means " People of the Book". You don't know this because you are an IGNORANT FOOL.

Not ignorant, but I prefer up-to-date literature over outdated. ;)
I missunderstood your comment, sorry about that.
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