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Turks, do most Muslims practice Islam?

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Real Muslims will always remain the minority in every country, including Turkey. This is not me saying but quoting the Koran.
Sir you are wrong Quran never said that Sir at least try to understand what Quran has to say according to survey 99 % in Turkey believe in GOD more than 70 % pray friday prayers and around 30 % pray 5 times salah above 70 % women and girls wear Hijab although Hijab has different kind this survey was done by a secular think TANk
I would agree with Bronze here. People follow the basic principles in Islam but not all of them in Turkey. Yet one thing which i have found in Turkey is a change towards more practice than just words. 10 years ago when i visited mosques with my father in Turkey in prayer times, there were 4-10 old men praying the 5 prayers, today go in a normal mosque at a normal prayer time, there are more young people than old people plus therea are at least 30-40 people in every prayer. I know for a certainty that people have started to take Islam more seriously, which in my opinion is great because we are returning to our core values, even after 80 years of forced secularization.
%70 of women wears hijab ? no way changes from region to region but I would say %30-40 may be even lesser, I'm not included traditional village headscarf.
The only headscarfs we have in our town are those who immigrated from the east. Probably 10 percent here in the Agean regions.
%70 of women wears hijab ? no way changes from region to region but I would say %30-40 may be even lesser, I'm not included traditional village headscarf.

headscarf is headscarf. The village people wear them because they chose to. Since there are more people in Central and Eastern and Northern Anatolia than in Izmir i would say the statistics is pretty accurate.
Village headscarf is a traditional element(like it is in many different cultures) more then religious one, for example in my village and the home town many women wears it but they're not trying to cover their hair etc. they're opening it among the men freely.

Also, even with them %70 is still exaggeration.
Real Muslims will always remain the minority in every country, including Turkey. This is not me saying but quoting the Koran.

Absolutely true.Most of my Muslim friends smoke up weed,drink and eat non-halal meat happily.
Village headscarf is a traditional element(like it is in many different cultures) more then religious one, for example in my village and the home town many women wears it but they're not trying to cover their hair etc. they're opening it among the men freely.

You don't mind women wearing a headscarf if tradition; yet you would mind if the same headscarf was worn for religious purposes?
Other than Izmir and Istanbul most places are more practising nearly everyone though goes friday prayer in the country , but in anatolia its more practicing , but theres a thing usually that when people get older they pray 5 times a day
I would agree with Bronze here. People follow the basic principles in Islam but not all of them in Turkey. Yet one thing which i have found in Turkey is a change towards more practice than just words. 10 years ago when i visited mosques with my father in Turkey in prayer times, there were 4-10 old men praying the 5 prayers, today go in a normal mosque at a normal prayer time, there are more young people than old people plus therea are at least 30-40 people in every prayer. I know for a certainty that people have started to take Islam more seriously, which in my opinion is great because we are returning to our core values, even after 80 years of forced secularization.

The same thing I have noticed, there's a big change in Pakistan as well, youth i attracted towards Islam, I mean, in modern colleges and Universities, there are breaks for the Namaz and almost 90% of the youngsters pray.. I myself is a example of this change, some years ago, I never used to pray but then something happened, I started to pray 5 times a day and practice Islam completely(well, trying to lol). I have noticed, it wasn't just me, same change was coming in a vast majority of youngsters here. And Islam, which is above from sectarianism and other 'isms', just Islam, they are patriotic, they are nationalists, at the same time Pan-Islamists.

The change is real, and I am glad to know same in Turkey as well :)
In today's world , Islam is the most "influential" religion on the planet. It "influences" its followers in every way--negative or positive. Almost WHOLE Muslim world is "practicing Muslims" in relation to other religions such as Christianity etc... See this result- picture of comprehensive Gallup Survey which determined the "religiosity" of different people. (See the Muslim world)

The "lowest" Islam scored are Iranians which are "average religious" people .... :lol:

Turkey is in "more religious" category.

Fascinating map . India is averagely religious country surrounded by extremely religious countries . Nepali hindus it means ae even more religious than Indian hindus .

Iranians are also averagely religious. No wonder they are making great strides in science,technology and arts . They can be a great ally to the civilised world once this mullah regime goes .

Can you provide the link for this map please ?
Fascinating map . India is averagely religious country surrounded by extremely religious countries . Nepali hindus it means ae even more religious than Indian hindus .

Iranians are also averagely religious. No wonder they are making great strides in science,technology and arts . They can be a great ally to the civilised world once this mullah regime goes .

Can you provide the link for this map please ?

If you're implying a correlation between being 'moderately (average) religious' and 'progress' then I suggest that you tell that to the Brazilians, the Indonesians, the Singaporians and the Malaysians. Infact, judging by what Mosa has been posting recently, tell that to the Saudis as well.

And no my contention isn't that being 'religious...strongly or otherwise' has a strong correlation with 'progress'; my contention is that that question is, as a general rule, irrelevant.
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