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Turkish Tea House

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An Uzbek man once told me that the difference between the Turks of today and the Turks of the past is that we drink tea and they drank horse milk.

Oh man, when I read 'horse milk' I got some very wrong thoughts. Lol.
A Turkish Muslim should use the Name Allah because that is how the creator of the universe calls him self so we should refrain from using other names even though they may imply the same thing.
Allah is just Arabic for 'the God', if i'm not mistaken. Allah has 99 names (attributes). So i see no fuss when people use Tanri/Tengri to refer to (a) God. But i agree that a Turkish muslim should stick to Allah in islam's context.

İt's much more pleasant to be in here this way.
Old members came back and new members joined. İt was really a graveyard for a certain period.

Tell me about it. :rolleyes:

Now we need @T-123456 to join the party.

And look at @Truth Seeking Missile 170 posts in 5 days.:woot: Seems like he is gonna brake your record. :-)
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