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Turkish Tea House

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Don't give into these irrational ethno-linguistic associations !

Just grab a book on Anthropology & go throw it to realize two things :

(i) all of these cultures, languages & ethnic affiliations are human constructs i.e we made them up !

(ii) going back a few thousand years there wasn't a Circassian or a Turk or a Punjabi or something else - They were born out of Civilziations before them !

So theres little point in excessively associating with it !

You're a proud son of the Turkish Republic & you're surrounded by your countrymen who love you - What more can a man ask for ?

my brother, you know we had these conversations before, as a Circassian I never missed my fatherland while being a Turk. all the worries I have are coming the Neptune the Turk not the Circassian. I'm telling this to everyone here.

I'VE LOST MY CONFIDENCE TO MY COUNTRY AS A TURK. Some of you will sure get it, the rest will blow on me because of their blind-nationalism.
my brother, you know we had these conversations before, as a Circassian I never missed my fatherland while being a Turk. all the worries I have are coming the Neptune the Turk not the Circassian. I'm telling this to everyone here.

I'VE LOST MY CONFIDENCE TO MY COUNTRY AS A TURK. Some of you will sure get it, the rest will blow on me because of their blind-nationalism.

The night is darkest before the dawn - cheer up sailor ! :)
Thread Opened, pls don't bring Management Issues, Suggestions here, go to Suggestions. You may not like each other, but we have to show mutual respect.
Thanks. I know my history.:D

They only use the Cyrillic alphabet because they were conquered by the Russians and came under their sphere of influence. The Russians tried to make them Russians so they forced the Cyrillic alphabet on them and also in terms of naming customs. That is why you have those absurd long surnames in countries such as Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan etc. For example Berdimuhamedow.

But I hear that they are changing that to the original names? Is this correct?

I am not sure but I believe that all those Turkic people before the Russians came used an Arabic based scripture similar to what the Uyghur's do today since they were Muslims and part of Islamic rules either native or non-native. But correct me if I am wrong.

Yes, that sounds interesting. Let us see if they will have a success with that. I imagine that there are problems in communication (written form) when you have people using the Latin, Cyrillic and Arabic alphabets. I am sure that this has already been discussed.

Anyway thank you again.

that long surnames don't have anything with russians. and it ain't absurd. that surname comprises of berdi -given (turkic) & muhamed -mohammed i.e. given by mohammed (prophet). only thing russian in surnames was -ov/-ev endings. no need to call names to anything that you don't understand. in that fashing i can say that Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi is absurdly long. and yes, oghuz turkics started to use oglu/ogli instead of -ov/ev and non-oghuzs like kyrgyz and kazakhs use tegin (meaning "son of sb") or rarely uulu (which is cognate with ogli).

@Neptune if you are circassian which group? ubych, apsuwa? there are language and culture courses for circassians of any age in ankara and istanbul. and would you care to elaborate on your disappointment with turkey?

Ülkeler kendi dillerindeki telaffuzla kendilerine hitap eilmesini tercih etmekte ve bu yönde çalışma yapmaktalar.

Bu yüzken Kırgizistan dedim; ancak şu anda daha önemli bir konuda tartışma sürmekte, kesinleşmesi durumunda bu açtığım konularda daha fazla ilerleme olacaktır.
that long surnames don't have anything with russians. and it ain't absurd. that surname comprises of berdi -given (turkic) & muhamed -mohammed i.e. given by mohammed (prophet). only thing russian in surnames was -ov/-ev endings. no need to call names to anything that you don't understand. in that fashing i can say that Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi is absurdly long. and yes, oghuz turkics started to use oglu/ogli instead of -ov/ev and non-oghuzs like kyrgyz and kazakhs use tegin (meaning "son of sb") or rarely uulu (which is cognate with ogli).

@Neptune if you are circassian which group? ubych, apsuwa? there are language and culture courses for circassians of any age in ankara and istanbul. and would you care to elaborate on your disappointment with turkey?

well, i told my disappoinments as a Turk not by being an ethnic minorty. It's political not only related with minorty issues, mostly about current affairs...etc. I can't tell them here as Politics and Argo is forbidden at this thread.
that long surnames don't have anything with russians. and it ain't absurd. that surname comprises of berdi -given (turkic) & muhamed -mohammed i.e. given by mohammed (prophet). only thing russian in surnames was -ov/-ev endings. no need to call names to anything that you don't understand. in that fashing i can say that Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi is absurdly long. and yes, oghuz turkics started to use oglu/ogli instead of -ov/ev and non-oghuzs like kyrgyz and kazakhs use tegin (meaning "son of sb") or rarely uulu (which is cognate with ogli).

@Neptune if you are circassian which group? ubych, apsuwa? there are language and culture courses for circassians of any age in ankara and istanbul. and would you care to elaborate on your disappointment with turkey?

Did you even understand what I wrote and why I highlighted the ow ending like that? What do you think that I tried to imply by doing just that? Read it again and then come back and tell me that I do not know what I am talking about.

Please consider what you are writing.
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Guys, it's up to you but I think this two conversation (the insult thing and the language thing) has a red point at it's end. I suggest you to end it. But as said, it's up to you, you can go on if you want but you know what i mean ;)
bro, i wasn't trying to insult anyone. I don't agree with many of Pasha's policies but i would never insult him. i like turkey more than any other Muslim country !!! :)

btw why don't we have the Turkish flag ???
bro, i wasn't trying to insult anyone. I don't agree with many of Pasha's policies but i would never insult him. i like turkey more than any other Muslim country !!! :)

btw why don't we have the Turkish flag ???
Live as long as you can @Hyperion will be back soon:butcher:
Ok, I just took a look at the Old Turkic alphabet which apparently according to the link is between 1200-1000 years old. Was it ever used in Turkey?
No it was never used in Turkey.

BTW, the Old Turkic alphabet has an Semitic root since it derives from the ancient Proto-Sinaitic, Phoenician, Aramaic and Syriac alphabets. The Sogdian alphabet which was the "father" of the Old Turkick Alphabet derived from Syriac.
It says, main stream opinion in my link, so there is no certainity about the origin of Old Turkish alphabet.
There are also asian scripts mentioned as possible origin.

BTW, are there any Turkic people that use their own distinguished Turkic alphabets? Or do all Turkic people today use either Latin or Cyrillic alphabets? Or alphabets based on Arabic such as the Uyghur people if I remember correctly?
No the Turkic alphabet is a dead alphabet like Egyptian hieroglyphes.

Almost all Turkic countrys use Latin as Alphabet except of Kasachstan, Usbekistan uses Cyrillic and Latin but it will be replaced by Latin soon.

Here are exsamples of Turkic latin Alphabets for Turkic Countrys.

Did you even understand what I wrote and why I highlighted the ow ending like that? What do you think that I tried to imply by doing just that? Read it again and then come back and tell me that I do not know what I am talking about.

Please consider what you are writing.

yes, i do understand. and i'm saying you don't know a jack. i honestly do think so. no offence.

Almost all Turkic countrys use Latin as Alphabet except of Kasachstan, Usbekistan uses Cyrillic and Latin but it will be replaced by Latin soon.

sorry mate, but you're wrong. kyrgyz and kazakh still use cyrillic. tatarstan is under russian federation, so under the law of RF official script is cyrillic.
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yes, i do understand. and i'm saying you don't know a jack. i honestly do think so. no offence.

sorry mate, but you're wrong. kyrgyz and kazakh still use cyrillic. tatarstan is under russian federation, so under the law of RF official script is cyrillic.

I don't know anything you say but what I actually wrote in my first post is correct and all the other posts. Not my problem that you misunderstood it.

But thanks for the revaluation that the name Muhammad derives from Prophet Muhammad (saws). Never knew that as an Arab and Hashemite!

Think twice before you write to others and tell them that they don't know anything when you are the one that don't understand what is written.

Just a friendly advice.

yes, i do understand. and i'm saying you don't know a jack. i honestly do think so. no offence.

sorry mate, but you're wrong. kyrgyz and kazakh still use cyrillic. tatarstan is under russian federation, so under the law of RF official script is cyrillic.
Yep your right i forgot Kyrgyzstan, but i mentioned Kazachstan correcly. :p:
And i didnt mentioned Tatarstan since they are not independent.
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